Chapter One- Desperation

2857 Words
He spoke rather casually with the exception of his timbre having been breathless as it was clear he had been running to reach the solace of my car. “Get out of my car!” I ordered, brows furrowing and teeth near to baring as the sudden sound of metal crashing against the trunk of my car drew my eye backwards. The sight of two male silhouettes brandishing pipes of steel were clear throughout the darkness as they began to dent the exterior of the car in wrathful punches of their weapons as the man at my side spoke again. “DRIVE!” He urged, this time with a sense of urgency in his tone as I obeyed only for the sanctity of my own life. But as the car managed to drive a safe distance away from the madmen wielding weapons of heavy metal, I would pull over under the guise of foliage somewhere outside of The Hamptons. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you…” He warned me as I slipped from the car and to the trunk to assess the damage I would have to try and explain in regards to my stepfather; a man unfair in his form of punishment. The sudden sound of him exiting the car and joining me was enough to distract the feeling of heart and stomach plummeting to hell itself as my eyes did not raise from the damage for even a moment. “They are probably in their own car by now and yours doesn’t exactly blend in…” He continued to speak as my eyes reached his to notice the sudden details of his expression. Due to the introduction that hinted to a legacy of criminal interactions, I had imagined his skin to be riddled with pits from an overindulgence of drugs or even a scar from a fight, but these fantastic, dramatic, and judgemental suggestions would be rivaled as he appeared annoyingly attractive. My eyes took stock in the sunkissed features of strong German and Italian ancestry accenting a set of mocha eyes and full lips that were sinfully tempting in consideration to my recent heartache. But it was the way his fingers, masculine and dirty with work, had run through his unruly tresses that appeared black in this light, had made him appear alluring in every angle. But then came the reminder of the danger set somewhere in the darkness around us as the sound of distant engines revving took our mutual attention to the road at our backs. “Get in!” He directed, his steps moving towards the car as I rivaled him, hoping my steps would be swifter and therefore successful in comparison to his. “No! You could be an axe murderer or something! Forget it!” The figure now made his strength known to me as he took hold of both of my arms and pinned me against the car enough to feel the extent of his body. Even though fear and despair ran through me as the prime emotion, I hadn’t felt this sense of arousal as he looked to me with those doe eyes that were both careful and intimidating along with his words omitting the same two adjectives. “If I were an axe murderer...don’t you think I’d have a weapon? You can search me if you like, but I have a feeling you aren’t one who likes getting her hands dirty...” He glared at me, dripping with lustful intentions, before looking at the sets of headlights now rushing in our direction. “Look, I’m sorry, I probably should have asked before sliding into your unlocked car before being seized by madmen with pipes…” The next words he spoke would be delivered with sarcasm. “I’ve learned my lesson, won’t do it again, scouts honor...But so we don’t both end up as roadkill, get in the car?!” His eyes looked over into the direction of the looming headlights as I was forced to make a decision between two horrible fates; one having been trusting this alluring yet obviously morally corrupt man or placing myself at the mercy of those who wanted to harm him. Without an alternative or a cellphone, I took the initial option and watched as he managed to speed from the scene in just enough time to evade the wrathful set of wheels set in our direction. When the car would finally stop its motion, the figure would jump from the driver’s seat just long enough to move to the front of a building until a set of garage doors lifted to reveal an auto mechanic's shop. “You’re going to actually have to get out of the car at some point…” He explained, sliding into my window, as I attempted to move away from him as if being close to him in any way would have resulted in me being poisoned. “What? I could have you car jacked me!” I reminded him as he chuckled to himself before moving further into the garage and moving up a set of stairs that held a single door locked from the side rivaling him. “But you won’t.” “Oh really? Why’s that?” I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest, as his eyes noticed me for only a moment before he moved to the refrigerator set on the wall farthest from me and took a seat in a chair as if my presence made no difference to him. “Because I’m gonna get your car fixed.” “Like I would trust anyone like you around my car! How do I know you wouldn’t sell it for parts?! “ “I wouldn’t be the one doing it...It’s my friend-” “Absolutely not...if that ‘friend’ is anything like those guys...No thanks.” “Okay…” He now pulled himself to his feet, pressing the butt of his beer down onto the surface holding wrenches and screwdrivers on a peg board before he moved close enough to me to force my steps back against the very hood of the discussed vehicle; doing so without so much of a finger to my physique and instead doing so by the single intimidation of his gaze. “If you want to go back home and explain to mommy and daddy why you have a few little dents, be my guest...but I saw that look on your face and I can have it fixed before daylight.” “You think fixing it is going to get rid of the trauma?!” He now widened his lips to me with humor as his fingers pressed into the hood of the car nearly at my back, forcing his legs between my own and intertwining me into a lock. “I’m sure you’ll have some outfit crisis or hair fiasco tomorrow to rival this...So why don’t you just keep your pretty little opinions to yourself and let me get it fixed or you can keep being a spoiled little brat and I’ll leave your ass on the curb with a few friends of mine stopping by to see how well they can intimidate something shiny like you here…” “YOU STOLE MY CAR! I have a right to be a bit upset!” I spoke against him, watching him now pull his weight from over me as my finger was against his chest. “Not only that...But then you push the literal pedal to the metal-” “And saved your life, you’re welcome by the way-” “Saved my-YOU are the reason my car is dented.” “Yes...and I am ALSO the one trying to fix it. So please stop giving me a headache and let me do that!” He raised his tone to me as I attempted to go after him once more before the door he knocked on finally came open to reveal a man clearly annoyed at having had his slumber disrupted. With long black hair slicked back into a ponytail, he threw a greasy mechanic’s shirt harboring the name “Angelo” on the left breast pocket, before looking at both of us with aggravation. But as I took in the details of this shop as well as the men who inhabited it, my car’s captor who also managed to somehow be my savior discussed the details of the car as if he could fix it himself, before moving back to his drink and leaving me to observe my car being set on an elevator high enough to be examined. “Want one?” he asked, holding a second beer as I glared sharper towards him. “Ew-no!” He scoffed, raising his eyes in annoyance, before shrugging and finishing one drink, only to begin swiftly on the other. “I’m only asking because it looks like you need it.” He explained as my eyes narrowed before realizing how I must appear; disheveled, covered in snot, and makeup failing the claims of having been waterproof. In seconds, I was in front of a mirror trying to lessen the disaster that was my appearance until settling for my wavy locks pulled into a hair tie and a quick rub job of my smeared mascara. “How about a coke?” “No.” I was harsh in his attempts to be kind as we stood in silence for a large portion of time as I watched Angelo remove the divots with a suction cup dent puller. While watching, my curiosity grew the best of me as I turned to face the man at my side. “Why were they after you? What did you do?” “Stole something most likely.” Angelo spoke as the man at my side glared at him. “Well? Am I wrong?” “Not all of us can be gifted yachts just because it’s a Tuesday…” He uttered after rolling his eyes. “I better not have anyone come knocking on my door because of your...extracurriculars, Easton.” My heart leaped a beat at the sound of his name; not because it was fitting-although it was, but because his name matched with the reputation whispered in the halls of high school long after having dropped out. “You’re...Are you Easton Gage?” Angelo and him both looked at me as if I had suddenly grown a third eye or second set of lips as silence came over the area as I realized I had made them both uncomfortable. “I see my reputation precedes me….” “Yeah...A thief...a-” I suddenly stopped myself with the realization that if any of these rumors of his past were true, I did not want to be an enemy to him. “No, go on, I’m curious what my school mates thought of me…” “Well...It doesn’t matter now-” “It clearly does because it makes you nervous...So what was it? Murder? s*x?” I blushed to his words as he moved to me, giving me his undivided attention, which now made me uncomfortable as well as raising the temperature of the space enclosing me. “All of the above.” He chuckled, taking the final sip of his drink and disposing of it at the garbage can at my side, managing to close me against him once more enough to get the aroma of his cheap cologne before pulling back. “Whatever you did to get mixed up with him...I would consider taking a break from it.” Angelo commented as Easton now moved away from me. “All done.” He spoke as the car truly did appear as good as new-if not better. I was impressed, but not enough to forgive him for having caused the indents in the first place. “Good. Now go.” He was cold once again, his hands slipping into his pockets as I moved into the direction of the driver’s seat of my car as I overheard the conversation at my back. “What am I supposed to do with this?” As I looked out of pure curiosity, I noticed how a bracelet had been exchanged between the two men, long enough to realize that it had been the one from my very wrist. “How did you-” But instead of giving an answer, he only gave a sinister smirk as the garage doors came to a close and I was left with my naked wrist but a fixed car. Although I knew the price of that bracelet was enough to supply him with a year's worth supply of whatever drug of choice he was apparently on, I was desperate to return home. It would be well into the morning by the time my steps would crest the top ledge leading into my bedroom after having spent the remainder of dusk trying to erase the memories of what happened here. But there was nothing that I had wished for more than to slip out of today’s attire as the fabric wore as claustrophobic on me as the memories that would haunt me on this fourth of July. A sudden hand assisted the zipper from my back as I startled with a jump to find my stepfather now facing me. “We wouldn’t want to wake your mother now would we?” “What are you doing in here?” I scolded as he lowered his hand and watched him retire to the edge of my bed, where my diary was pulled open by his curious fingers having undoubtedly searched for any mention of him. “I could ask YOU the same...Or more specifically why you weren’t here...I know you weren’t with Chip...So where were you? With MY car no less?” “Please Cliff-” I pleaded, fighting tears from forming in my eyes as he rose towards me once again. This time, he closed in on me, pinning me against the door as he used his physique to sandwich me still and his palms pressed to the wood at my back. “Stop acting like I’m going to hurt you, we both know that I won’t.” “Then please leave me alone.” I whimpered in a near whisper as he seemed to take pride in the way he roused fear from within me. “I want to make sure you were making good choices...not allowing anyone's dirty fingers upon what’s mine...because I hope you haven’t forgotten that you are..” My body shivered to the way he described me; the way he had since I was fifteen. But as I refrained from answering, his hand now suddenly took hold of my jaw. “If you think for a second you can get rid of forget that if you do anything...your mother loses everything...The joys of a prenup, princess.” He moved closer to me. “The only way to get rid of me is if I did something terribly immoral or illegal-and well, you know I’m squeaky clean. I’m smarter. I’m bigger. And I have connections that can ruin your entire future by a single email...So just do what’s best for everyone and keep your hands to yourself and your pretty little mouth shut, understand?” I was too angry and too frightened to do anything, especially speak, but Cliff was not a man who took to silence well. Suddenly he hit the door at my side, forcing me to flinch. “Understand?!” he now questioned through clenched teeth as I nodded. “Tell me you do...because we wouldn't want the consequences to affect your poor mother now would we?” “I understand.” I spoke with my own teeth pulled to a clench. “Good, now I expect you in my office first thing to discuss your...punishment.” The way he spoke the final word sent a shiver throughout my figure as he finally left before quickly taking refuge within my bed. But as my eyes came to fall on a line written in an entry dated a handful of weeks prior, an idea came from thin air that left me at the mercy of only one of two men I loathed with sincerity. Placing the name of the garage into my phone’s GPS, I navigated my way across town before knocking on the door with the same aggression felt raging within my desperation. Within seconds, my eyes caught movement from behind the door as it came open only halfway to expose Easton, holding the sun away from his awoken gaze as he gave me a look of disbelief. “Forget something?’ “I need your help….” “Not interested...Maybe try...literally anyone else.” “I need your...immoral skills…” “I’m insulted!” he teased, carrying his hand to his chest before attempting to close the garage. “I’ll give you ten thousand dollars.” The door ceased further motion as he rose it one final time. “Well well, you have my attention, Barbie...What is it I can do for you exactly?”
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