EPILOGUE:10.He faces his fears

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DICKSON'S POV “I'll see them today.” I thought, as the cab driver drove me from the Margaret Ekpo airport to Calabar south. Calabar was different from Lagos, it seems to me, like the rain never stops falling around here.      It's been a year now, it took me a whole year to realize that I can't live without Emerald. She's my life, my wife and the mother of my child. I wonder what she'd look like now, with the baby bump and all. Her hips should have gotten wider and her breasts fuller. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me, a man can only hope. “Oga, shey na Ekpo Abasi you dey go?” (Sir, you're going to Ekpo Abasi right?), my thoughts were interrupted by the taxi driver. I nodded my head and watched as he took a left turn, branching into a more secluded area with large trees by the side of the road.     My view was shaded, I couldn't get a clear picture of the surroundings, because of the rain. I made a mental reminder to myself, to see around when the rain stops. I paid the driver off, after alighting from the vehicle. Taking out the address I was given by her father, I searched for a sign post and found one after to minutes. “No. 2 New Airport Road,” I muttered to my self, when I neared the round about. Stopping a few people and asking for directions, led me to a huge black gate. Pulling on the handle, the gate opened and I walked in, to be welcomed by a block of apartments. According to the Nigerian type of houses, I  can freely call this the typical, face - me - I - face - you apartment. “Why will Emi, choose to live in a place like this?” I thought to myself.    When her dad, told me that she was living in a family compound, I didn't expect this at all. Knowing chief Iso, I expected to see huge mansions and all but this was a surprise to me. After accessing the compound for some minutes, I walked further in, and saw an old woman sitting on a bench, with a tray in her hand. I approached her, to see if she could lead me directly to Emerald. “Mama, good afternoon.” I bowed slightly, in respect of her age. She looked to be in her mid - seventy's and had little wrinkles here and there, but she was still so beautiful, making me wonder how she looked when she was younger. “She'd have looked like a goddess then,” my subconscious had a way of poke nosing in matters that doesn't concern him. “Good afternoon, how may I help you?” Her question, drew  me back from my short escape from reality. “I'm looking for  Emerald Iso, and I suppose I'm in the right place?” I asked, with hope as I saw her eyes light up with recognition. “Are you the father to my grandchild?” I was confused about what she was asking. “Was she Emerald's grandmother?” I never knew, chief Iso's mother was still alive. “Dickson?” she asked, not sounding too sure herself. That's it then. “Yes, I am.” “Ah! Welcome son,” she stood up, and enveloped me in a hug. “Please, sit with me.” She made enough space on the long bench for me, and we sat side by side. “My son, told me you'd be coming, and I've been expecting you! Ekaete, took Ekamba for immunization, but they'll be back in some hours.” I nodded my head, trying to comprehend all what she's said. I guess, the baby is Ekamba, that should be his middle name, because I was told  his name is, Cherish. And I already know Emerald's middle name is Ekaete. Looking closely at the woman now, I could spot out the resemblance between them. The same eyes, and the same full and thick hair. “I'll show you to her room,” she said getting up from the bench. I followed immediately behind her, and my eyes couldn't help but fall to her ass. That same thickness and roundness, it shook vigorously, with every step she took, and help but be reminded of Emerald. She was really her grandmother's granddaughter. “Genes don't lie!” I diverted my eyes, feeling like a pervert. She was my baby's great grand, and twice the age of my mum and I know how disgusting that was. I forced my eyes to stay up till she opened the door for me, and left.     I looked around the sitting room, it was quite big on the inside, but looked small from the outside. Pink curtains, hung loosely from the walls, and down the window and the trio of sofas, all brown and the same. A little glass table, stood in the middle of the room and little picture frames, hung from the walls that where completely painted in pink, from ceiling to floor. I took one of the frames off the wall, to see Emerald holding my little boy to her hips, and they were both smiling at whatever secret they shared, and none paying attention to the camera. I went through series of photos after photos, admiring and regretting at a time, for all I've missed out on, because of my foolishness.        Taking off my shirt, I  folded it neatly, and placed it on the little bag I  dropped by one of the sofas, when I  came in. I dropped down on the chair, which felt too small for my huge built and in few minutes, I  dozed off. “Dickson, wake up.” My eyes fluttered open, immediately I heard my baby's voice. Her face was void of any emotions and I couldn't know what was on her mind. She hadn't changed much, except for the little baby fat that was still showing. I slowly sat up, and went to take her hands in mine but she stood up and turned her back to me. “Why are you here?” “I- uh- baby,” I stuttered, not knowing where to start. I knew this was going to be difficult, but I didn't think of what I'll do, if she rejects me. “What? Did you swallow your tongue?” She asked, folding her arms over her chest and shooting me a piercing glare. I heaved a sighed of frustration, how do I do this now? “Where is our son?” I asked, when I finally found my words. She scoffed,  drop of tears left her eyes and my heart broke, knowing I was the cause of her pain. “Our son?” I nodded my head in acceptance, too scare to speak out because of the look of resentment she gave me. “What happened to 'I don't want to father it?' what changed your mind?” she asked with hopeful eyes, and I didn't intend on holding back, I'll tell her all she needs to know. “It's because I love you. I have always loved you from the start, but I was too stupid to tell you that. That's the only regret I have, I don't regret loving yoou and I don't regret having my baby with you.” I got up from the couch, and took slow steps towards her. I watched her eyes widen in disbelief as they looked down at my legs, and up back to my face again. A smile started to form on her lips and my confidence boosted. I got on one knee, and pulled out the engagement ring I bought from Lagos.      If I said, that I wasn't nervous right now, I'd be telling a damn lie. I tried to speak, but tried to speak, but the words were muffled in my throat. I looked up, to see the love of my life, looking down at me with unshed tears in her eyes. “Yes.” I looked at her, confused about what she meant. “What do you mean Yes?” I asked but she snubbed me, grabbed the ring from my hand and slipped it on her ring finger. “I was supposed to put that on your finger?” “Well, you were contemplating,” she answered, smiling down at the ring on her finger. “I didn't want you to change your mind and run away.” Her mood changed into a sad one and I got off my knee and pulled her into my arms. I led us both, back to the sofa and took her on my lap. “The day you left the hospital, I wanted to run after you, and tell you how sorry I was and how much I wanted you to stay with me, but I couldn't. Not just because of my legs, but because I was ashamed.” I took her cheek in my palm, and stroked it gently, before proceeding. “I thought I didn't deserve you, after everything I had put you through but now I know I want a second chance and I'll prove to be a better father, and a better husband for as long as I'll live.” She smiled at me, before dropping a peck on my lips. “What changed your mind about the surgery?” she asked, looking at me expectantly. “Well, the first six months you left, you'd always call every day, to check up on me. Then after sometime, you would call just twice a week, and then you stopped.”  I reminisced about the time my mum told me she'd put to bed, I waited for at least a text, but none came. “I became scared of losing you and our so I had to do it for my family.” Before I could register what next was happening, she took my lips in a hot kiss and started to tugged on the belt of my trousers. “Woah!...calm down tiger,” I chuckled, letting her unbuckle and pull my zipper open. “Baby, this can wait. Let me see my son first.”      She continued her attack on me, not responding. When she finally got my hard, erected meat out, she turned to straddle me in a cowgirl position. “Your son is being fed by my grandma, and wouldn't be done in an hour.” she brought her wet p***y down on my d**k and I turned to see her panties laying on the floor. “When did she take those off?” “For now, show me how much you love me.” She purred, grinding on my p***s. I let out a groan, from the sensation out joined bodies was created down there. “With pleasure.” I flipped her over, on to her back and pounded into her, showing her just how much I love her and have missed her. I have my beautiful girl with me, and my precious child and nothing else matters.......                          THE END.

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