Thiago Ferrari

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When she woke up she saw the young man sleeping next to her while he was snoring slightly. "Well, not everything can be perfect." She thought smiling. She then remembered that Thiago had to go to work and as there was still an hour and a half left, she decided to wake him up and share the decision that she had made at night, in the middle of the orgy of pleasure. The lady did not believe that the young man would object but if that were the case Irina Fiódorovna had the tools to convince him and she would use them relentlessly. The only loose end was that she didn't know how emotionally committed he was to other women.  "In an hour and a half I will find out and overcome any obstacles they may pose." She sat on the wide bed at the opposite end and stretching her leg opened the sleeper's mouth using the tips of the toes of her right foot. When the boy woke up he was startled.  "Do you like to wake up like this?" She asked, withdrawing her foot a little to let him speak. "It is the sweetest way." Thiago answered flattered, she then withdrew her foot and said.  "Sit on the bed! I have made a resolution that involves you and I want to discuss it with you. " The tone was practically somewhere between an invitation and an order. Intrigued, the young man did what was required of him and looked questioningly into her eyes without saying a word. The Russian had planned exactly what she was going to say and then began to speak in a slow and deep tone. "Thiago Ferrari. I have discovered that I am in love with you like a schoolgirl. As you will well imagine I have had several lovers in my life but I have never experienced this feeling before, which is why it took me a while to realize that it is love. With other men, when I woke up after a night of s*x, I only felt satiety and I wanted them to leave as soon as possible, but I want to be with you all the time."  She remarked the last part of the sentence and gave a very unusual sigh. The Argentine wondered where the situation was heading.  Irina continued. "What is the nature of your relationships with other women?”  Stunned, Thiago was slow to string together an answer. "There is a Spanish woman named Nuria that I have been dating, but I have no formal commitments to her or to any other woman, I have not made promises that I am not trying to keep to any of them." Having obtained the information that she needed and feeling liberated to act, she Irina chose to force the situation and turn the doubtful scales of the man in her favor.  "I want you to live with me." The phrase was absorbed in surprise. The woman continued. “But there is much more. I want to marry you, be your wife and have you be my man. Both on an exclusive basis. " Thiago was certainly not expecting this course of events. Being an expert in reading attitudes and gestures and identifying people's feelings through them the woman she knew that she had opened a window in the life of the young man and she decided to hammer on the hot iron. She then too stood up. "Well, what do you say? Do you want to make me your woman? "  For the first time the man's surprise and confusion gesture was replaced by a flash behind which Irina detected happiness. She was glad she had rushed her actions. "Yes. I want to be your husband." He said in a whisper.  “This is not the way I want it to happen. Ask for my hand in a formal way. " Answered Irina. Suddenly with his mind clear and in command of his actions, the young man dropped to one knee on the carpet, took the lady's right hand, kissed it and said. "Irina Fiódorovna, I want you to be my wife and to be your husband." Instead of laughing at the obsolescence of the ritual, Irina felt her soul filled with joy.   Such a request would have been sardonically rejected if it had come from another man, but the Argentine's words produced a deep emotion in her and she could not hide a few tears. "Well, what do you answer?" Now the one who was urging him was him. Irina leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead.  "I accept your proposal, one that fills me with happiness."   When Thiago left for his house, the lady  reflected on the next steps after having made a decision that would change the course of her life. Although it had arisen in a moment of extreme excitement, it had not been rushed since Irina had been maturing it for weeks; in fact, she was happy for having rushed the actions and for the response of the young man; both now allowed her to look at her own life from a different perspective, behind a glass of a different color. The Russian lady knew that in her previous life there was a vacant achievement, to be the owner of a man and to start a family with him. As time passed, it seemed to her that this wish was only a utopia, an unrealizable chimera at her age. After the evening that had just passed, it was suddenly materialized. She would now think about how to enjoy that situation and how she could move in the social circles to which she had access in America and Europe due to her aristocratic origin, but in which she wanted to enter, duly accompanied by a man. But at that time there were various activities that required her dedication to translate the new reality into action. In the first place, she called her old partner and her sporadic lady lover Farah Hadzhi, to inform her about the decision made together with Thiago. The Bulgarian woman listened carefully and then made a moment of silence.  "Well, you have nothing to say to me?" Irina urged. "Of course I am happy that you have taken that initiative and I wish you the greatest happiness ... but it really is nothing that surprises me at all." "How do you say that, if even I am surprised that I had enough courage to take this step?" “Irina, it may be that I know you more than you know yourself. From the moment I saw Thiago and read in your body language that you would want him, knowing you I had no doubts that he would be yours. "  "So you don't have jealousy or resentment?" “I must turn page. Just joy for you ... and I hope that you don't forget I am your friend. "  "That will never happen." The conversation continued a while longer and finally Irina asked. "And what will you do, won't you make a resolution similar to mine?" “I wanted to talk to you about precisely that. Do you remember the black girl you introduced me to and that shocked me so strongly? I wanted to ask you to give me her name and all her information to contact her. " “Bravo, This is the Farah that I know. You can  count on it. "
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