Cruel World (3)

2146 Words
Chapter 3: Cruel World (3) *** Kisa composed himself, quickly took a deep breath and exhailed. He turned around to face the customer and was pleasantly surprised to see it was an Omega... "How can I help you?" Kisa asked with a polite smile on his face. It was rather rare to see an Omega shopping for parts, especially given how expensive they were, the rarer they are... and commonly Omegas not only didn't have as good work positions as Alphas did, they also earned on average less than Alphas even if it was for the same work. "I'm looking for this..." The Omega seemed somewhat stressed, he had a small frame and was fidgeting a lot while handing the small note to Kisa. Kisa took the note in his hand and noticed underneath the Omega's sleeve there were rope marks as if someone had tied him up recently. "Let's see..." Kisa said as he opened the note to read through it but instead of parts that should have been listed there, it was a note asking for help. The simple message written there was: 'held captive, Alpha...' Those three words instantly sent shivvers down Kisa's spine. As Kisa was about to turn to the the Omega and ask him more about the note, someone else entered the store... "How long does it take to find some parts?" The man's angry tone filled the rather small shop's entirety. Kisa glanced at the Omega who gave him a worried look back. "These parts, I definitely have some in the back. Let's go and check..." Kisa said as he pointed to the door and let the Omega come behind the counter to him. "Wait..." The Alpha stopped him by grabbing the fragile looking boy. The Alpha looked to be about his mid thirties, while the small Omega looked to be the same age as Kisa, if not younger. "Since when do you allow others to go in the back with you?" He asked with a suspicious tone. 'He's onto me... I'm scared...' The Omega sheepishly thought to himself as if he was bracing to be punched or scolded but Kisa stood in between him and the Alpha. "There parts are one of a kind, I couldn't possibly bring them out in the shop and risk them being harmed... They lose market value." Kisa explained in an eloquent voice, he was in complete calm, he wasn't angry nor brash in his remarks. "I see..." The Alpha said while folding his arms. He glanced over at what was presumably his Omega. "I'll wait for you outside, you better hurry up." He said and the Omega instantly nodded his head in agreement, then he headed outside again. Once left alone, Kisa hurried the Omega into the back room where they kept most of their parts. "What's your name?" He asked as he turned to the boy and knelt down in front of him, there was a small height difference but making yourself smaller compared to someone else, in their language at least meant that the other person could trust you, it meant you weren't going to attack them and you a weren't danger to them either. "I'm Nicolas... an Omega from SK Distinct..." The Omega said while looking downwards at Kisa, somehow he felt calmed now that they were alone, but there was still this pressing feeling in his chest that the second he went outside he would be hurt. "Alright... Nicolas... I see you're scared at the moment but tell me this, does he hold anything against you? As in, is he blackmailing you or is there anything that ties you two together?" Kisa asked as he looked up at the man, speaking in a calm but urgent sounding voice. "N... no but... he'll find me if I try to run away..." Nicolas said as he shivered, he felt his entire body tremble as his eyes began feeling with water. "It's okay... he won't do anything to you... But I'll need you to stay here and be calm..." Kisa said as he heard the door oppening, he instantly stood up and stood in front of Nicolas so that he could protect him. "What are you doing Kisa? No one's in the shop and I see a client standing out there..." The Uncle walked in and closed the door behind him instantly after seeing the two. "Good timing... Uncle I need you to stay here with Nicolas and call the OPO for this..." Kisa said as he breathed a breath of relief at seeing a familiar face instead of the Alpha that was presumably outside. "The OPO?" The uncle asked in a worried tone. "Don't tell me, he's..." He turned to look at the Omega who obviously had signs of being forced. The uncle sighed. "Alright... I'll call them..." Finally agreeing, Kisa smiled as he headed out. "Alright, I've got some business to deal with then..." Kisa said as he turned and winked at Nicolas who seemed more confused now than ever. "Don't worry... We'll help you." The Uncle said as he approached the Omega and knelt down in much the same manner Kisa did, showing he wasn't a threat to him. Meanwhile Kisa walked outside in the store, he didn't see the Alpha there, but through the store window he saw him standing outside and smoking. He walked outside and approached him. Without so much as a word he began releasing his pheromones... Now, there were a few types of pheromones that each species could produce... It varied from each person to person but the gist of it was three... There were pheromones used in mating... Those had the medical term 'Mist'or 'love mist' used for them. Because they begin releasing outside the body in the tiniest particles filling the air, and a mist begins forming in a unique color. The most common one being pink or a light shade of red but depending on the intensity they might change with time to a deep red or pink color... Then there was the second type of pheromones, those used as an indicator of a species... They were commonly referred to as 'basic' pheromones by professionals. The basic pheromones are the ones that you exude regardless of whether you mean to or not, you can think of it as your own unique 'scent'. The scents vary and they don't have a physical form nor color as the other types do, but there have been seen multiple cases of species being able to hide their basic pheromones, thus lie whether they were an Alpha, Omega or Beta. Such a skill would come with a lot of advantages, but it was so rare that most didn't know of the existence of such people. And then finally there was the third most common type, it was a fighting pheromone. The pheromone itself was yet to have a name, however what it created was always called a 'manifestation'. A manifestation are larges particles of the fighting pheromone that fill the air in a quick speed. The second you begin releasing them, there will be a sense of danger that the other person will be aware of. And what's more... that manifestation you've created with your pheromones commonly takes shape of an animal like being. In this case, as Kisa began releasing his pheromones, the Alpha was acutely aware of him... "I didn't know Omegas had the guts to fight..." He remarked with a small smirk on his face. "He told you something ridiculous, didn't he? Let me just take him back home and you won't have to go back in there with injuries that are too severe..." He said as he gestured his hand to the man, but the pheromones didn't stop. "I'm not one to back down..." Kisa said as the manifestation had finally formed. Red... it was a bright red parrot like silhouette which was larger than he was in size. The Alpha took a step back. 'He's an Omega... why is his manifestation so large?' He wondered to himself as his eyes widened. "I'm not one to back down either..." He remarked while releasing his own pheromones, but before he could do that Kisa had already began attacking him. The parrot like creature moved with great speed and the only thing you could see was the red color flash though your eyes and then disappear into your pherephal vission. The Alpha stumbled back as he received an injury to his leg, then one on his upper arm and finally he felt something holding onto his neck. His pheromones were still struggling to form the manifestation but it was difficult for him to concentrate on it while being attacke.d Manifestations only work if the species in question has the mental capacity to create one... If you lack focus it was unlikely you'd be able to make anything to protect yourself in time. "I wonder how difficult it would be to snap your neck in half..." Kisa said as he tilted his head to the side while looking at the Alpha. "What do you want?! Is it money or-" Before the Alpha could say another word he was interrupted. "I don't want you to go near that Omega ever again... or else next time I'll really kill you..." Kisa said in a low and still relatively calm voice. It seemed like all the rage he'd contained up until that point was only expressed in the ranging large feathered being that was holding onto the Alpha's neck, threatening to close his grip. "Deal..." The Alpha said in a low voice as if agreeing to that was somehow hurting his pride as an Alpha. He was released quickly after that. It took him a few moments to breathe. "You're strong... for an Omega..." He remarked while looking up at Kisa. "I hate hearing that..." Kisa muttured quietly as he headed back inside the shop. He walked to the backroom and saw his uncle and Nicolas. "I dealt with him..." He remarked. "I know... we saw..." The uncle said as he pointed to the security cameras, from which they had one pointed right at the store front. They also watched in current time as the Alpha left the scene in a hurry. "Ah... haha... I see..." Kisa said in a casual tone of voice while turning to his Uncle. "Did you contact them?" He asked and the man nodded his head. "They'll arrive in less than an hour and take him in..." Uncle said while looking at his nephew. "...but you must have overexerted yourself out there..." He remarked. "No, not really, I'm fine..." Kisa said as he walked a few steps forward towards his uncle and the boy and suddenly he fell forward, his entire body weight falling onto his uncle who stumbled and barely managed to hold him up straight. "Nicolas, help me a bit please..." The uncle said as he struggled to hold up his nephew, the boy quickly helped him and they managed to move him across the room to a mattress that was laying on the floor. "I told you you overexerted yourself..." Uncle remarked as he sighed while looking down at his nephew, who had a surprisingly self satisfied grin on his face. "...but I managed to scare him, didn't I?" Kisa asked as he looked up. He seemed happier now than ever. "Sure you did... but now you won't be able to move for a while... I'm not sure if it was worth it..." The uncle said in a quiet voice. "You... were so cool out there!" Nicolas said as his eyes lit up like little stars on his face. "You actually took him down! An Omega taking down an Alpha like it was nothing!" He said while his eyes continued sparkling ever so brightly. "Haha... it was worth it after all, to save him..." Kisa said as he chuckled. He knew just how serious of injuries he might have experienced had the Alpha not backed out from the fight. The truth is Kisa was strong but his power would not have sufficed in a real fight where his opponent returns the hit. He only managed to win because he intimidated his opponent which wasn't something easily done. "I guess so..." The uncle muttured in a less than happy tone as he stood up and let Nicolas and Kisa talk amongst themselves. He headed outside to wait for the OPO to come and help Nicolas. As he walked outside and looked around himself at the big city where multiple lights flickered even though it was daytime, he couldn't help but think to himself. 'My nephew really is like you... Jolyne... always trying to help others... I'm just scared his methods are quite more reckless than yours were...' He sighed while thinking back on his nephew's exhausted look in his eyes...
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