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Steven's POV: It is my first day at work and I already have awful experiences.. The most awkward moment was when I met other employees and they were staring at me like they saw an alien landed on this Earth and came to work with them. Seeing an Asian amongst themselves is rare but they were just making it super hard for me. How long are going to stare at me? "Hey..buddy don't worry! It's just that these guys never saw an Asian guy around here!" A pretty girl came up to me. "If you want we can be friends! Okay?" She said She told me that her name is Sia Clark. She has a cheerful personality and is actually quite hot. She's three years older than me. Well I think I might just be interested in her. After all that happened I started doubting on my sexuality but seems like I'm straight after all.  I thought my office days are going to the worst but seems like they might not be too bad after all. *** My day went surprisingly good after all that s**t happened in the morning. Sia is a nice girl. She helped me a lot by making me understand my work and letting me know some tricks and tips. I liked her but the only thing was that she was crazily in love with Sinister and I hate him. Damn..why how Sinister have every person go crazy for him without even lifting a finger? *** It was 7pm and finally time for me to go home. I was glad that I didn't see Sinister or any of the perverts since the morning. I took my leave from office and just when I was about to sit in my car, I got a call from Mr.Drake..sinister's parent " Drake?" "Sorry to bother you dear but could you please tell Sinister to stop by home tonight when he gets off from work?" He asked I was a bit surprised. I thought Sinister lived with his parents as I saw him there last night. "But doesn't Sinister live there?" I asked Mr. Drake "No dear..he rarely comes home and yesterday he was especially there because you were coming!" What? Sinister was home yesterday for me? "Okay..I will let him know now!" I say to mr.drake and hang up *** I return to the office and go to Sinister's cabin. He let's me in. "What's wrong babe? I didn't do anything to you since this morning so you are lonely and decided to come and find me yourself? Did you miss me that much?" He said with a grin "Shut your mouth! Mr.drake called! Stop by your home today! I'm tired and I don't have the energy to fight with you so spare me!" I said and Sinister just nodded his head It seemed like he's busy. He really does look cool when he's in working mode. Ugh i***t brain of mine! I was about to leave but then saw a pile of boxes near his desk. "What are these?" I ask "Chocolates" he replied "I can see that but why are there so many? I never thought you had a sweet tooth!" I say but then I notice the chocolates are gifts given by different people Then I remembered that tomorrow is Valentine's day so of course they will be here. After all..there are a lot Sinister fans in this office. Only if they knew how he really is! "I'm going throw these anyway!" He said and continued working I go near his desk "People's feelings are priceless! Learn to respect them!" "But I don't need them!" He said with a calm expression This guy! "But I won't mind if the chocolates are from you I guess!" He said and pulled me onto his lap "I'm never going to give you chocolates so stop dreaming!" I said I try to get up as I have a feeling that things might turn bad if I stay here any longer. "Prepare your chocolates tomorrow and that's an order from your boss!" He said and let me go I walked to the door and slammed it with a loud noise before leaving! Who does he think he is? I'm never going to do this!                     To be continued..
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