Chapter 3: Gym class

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Chapter 3 Ana "Okay class, coach Turner, and I have prepared different stations for you to try today", I say. It's our first class in PE. Even in this class, I have Lily. "The first one is spear throwing, but don't even dare to point at each other with them, there will be no tolerance whatsoever, you understand?" James asks sternly. The class nods. Wow, he also knows how to get respect. "The second one is jump rope", I say. "And the third one is step-up, you step up and down on those and believe me, your legs will be sore after it". "The fourth station is a collaborative exercise. You'll be six in each group and you all have to fit on that chair, meaning everyone has to have at least one foot on it", James says. "And that's hard". "The fifth and last station is archery, now the same rule applies here, no pointing at each other!" I say. The class chuckles a little before they start going to the stations. I see how Lily grabs Zoe's and Felix's hands and drags them away with her to the archery station. When they're there, she looks around and finds me. "Ana, can you come and show us?" She asks. I nod and walk up to them. James follows. I take up a bow and some arrows. ”James, can you throw up those birds in the air?" I ask pointing at the bucket. He frowns but does what I asked. He throws one up and I shoot it in the eye, it falls down. "Wow", Zoe says. "Take two now", I say. He throws up two birds and I shoot them both. "What the...?!" Felix mumbles. "Now like six, seven", I say. James looks really surprised but does as I told him. One after one he throws them up and I shoot them all. They plop down on the floor one after another. "Have you done this before?" James asks. "Well I was an archery champion in my teenage years, so yeah", I chuckle. "That's sooo cool Ms. Walker", Zoe says in awe. I smile and shrug my shoulder. "My sister is cool!" Lily says proudly. I'm about to say something when a small group of students calls my name. I look and see that it's the group that are trying to stand on the chair. I laugh at the sight of them as I jog my way up to them. They look so funny the way they're trying to cling onto each other. But one of them is still on the floor. "Remember that everyone needs to at least touch the chair with its toes", I say. "How are we gonna do that, the five of us are already on the chair", a boy says. "And we barely fit". "Well you could carry this young girl but she has to touch the chair with her toe". "Okay well Nathan carries Sammi, you're the strongest one", a girl says. This Nathan kid nods. And I watch how Sammi walks up to Nathan and the others grab hold onto each other as they grip onto Nathan so he can grab Sammi with both of his hands and pull her up. They're all about to fall down when he bends a bit but they manage to say on the chair. Some of them with only one foot. Nathan takes a hold of Sammi and carries her up. And like a ballerina, she touches the chair with her toe. "You did it, guys!" I cheer and applaud. They smile and laugh. The rest of the class looks at them and applauds as well. The group on the chair looks pretty happy with themselves. "Not that easy huh?" James asks as he comes up to us. "No coach Turner, you were right it's harder than it seems", Sammi says as they all try to pry themselves out of the dough they've become. "That's why you have to work with each other", I say. "Which was the whole meaning with this exercise". They nod. When the class is over they all run to the locker rooms to shower and change. James and I stay behind, of course, to take everything away. "I didn't know you could shoot", James says as we take down the archery station. "Well there is a lot you don't know about me Mr. Turner", I giggle. "I'm full of secrets". "Oh is that so?" He asks. "Well, I've decided to find out every single one of them". I raise my eyebrow and look at James with an amused smile. I can't tell if he's serious though. James starts walking around in the room, cleaning up as I look at him. God, he's hot. The way his muscles move as he stretches his arms. He's back, and my god his jaw! I don't even wanna think of what might be hiding under James’ shirt because if I do, I might start drooling. I can't believe what's happening. I've never been like this about a guy before. Never. It's just... James, there's something really special about him. All guys I’ve been with or met have all been jerks. "Are you gonna help me or what?" James asks. I giggle and run up to him. "Of course, how else are you going to find out all of my secrets?" I ask slyly. James chuckles. This year is going to be very interesting.
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