Chapter 2

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                                         Harrison P. O. V I took sip from my wine glass and look around Party Is in full swing everything is Very fancy there are many people some came with their families I talk here and there about their business and mine.  I don't like parties like that and the main reason is la...  "Mason Dear" shilling voice break my trail of thoughts I turn around and come  face to face my dad's friend daughter. Her body is Very nice and Blond hair, and she decorated her body with very fine black gown with shoulder off.  And high heels sometimes I wonder how they even walk with all this. "Hmm" I nod "Om My God it's been so long since  we meet " "Hmm" "oh you have become so much Handsome "   "hmm" "why are you standing lone like that " I pull up My wine glass to show her I wanted to drink alone in peace. "Oh, Come I'll  show you around  " she said as she came by my side and link our hands I retract my hand back. Put my glass back and walk away  Because  I seriously  can't take her voice since I came here and everyone has seen me and I also give my wishes to Mr Mark I think I did enough for today I can leave now and get some sleep. I use the back exist of this hall and went underground parking to get my car. "Ahh" I hear someone painful cry coming from car parking   "Basted Like you don't deserve to be here" Sentence was followed with few kicks I can tell my foot voice's that there are more than two people. I walk faster Towards the voice's  because after every hit scream was more painful and I know this person can't hold it much longer.  "Ahhh"  voice Is louder this time.  I walk to the end of the parking On the corner I see back of  two guys dress up quite nice that's means they are from the party.  I look towards their feet I can see there is someone  on floor but I can't see who of whether it's a girl or a boy "Hey" I shouted boys stop kicking and turn towards me their faces were very young. In their twenties. One guy with black hair sharp pointed nose chubby cheeks height around five ten quite shorter than me. Other was the same. Same face structure must be brother's there was not much different between them But they were wearing different clothes one was wearing black shirt with matching dress pants and other was wearing gray with blue jeans. I lower my eyes to see that person laying on floor curl up in the order to protect from hits "You are okay down there?" I said in soft tone not wanting to scare that person more.  That person slowly lift head up First thing that catch my attention was eyes, big Rusty blue eyes with hazel touch. I have never seen  eyes like this in really life They were so beautiful. They are full of emotions. They are the eyes poets always talk about in their poems talking Eyes.  Which follows with  hollow cheeks which is sign of malnutrition full lips strong jaw line. He has good height but very thin. I was stample back breaking the trance making me realize  I was just staring that eyes forgetting everything. I turn and understand why I lost footing  that all because I was pushed by the bully boy I take another look on the person on floor realizing  that it's a boy. I turn toward the bully boys "Get lost " I told them . "What" who the f**k are you to tell me " guy in jeans said "Its a family matter  outsider don't need to concern "guy in black shirt said. "It doesn't look like a family matter to me" I told them eyeing  the kid on the floor. "Get lost " jeans guy croaked "So nosy "black shirt guy said "Do you need help or Am I being Nosy " I said to the kid making eye contact with him. He looked at me with puppy eyes something tells me to protect that kid. He just stares me I thought he was not going to say anything but then. "H... help me,  please. " He whispered. "Okay,  Since he asked for my help . I'll do my best to help him" I said my smile. "And why the f**k we listen to old man like you " black shirt guy barked "Oh,  Old man.  hey Who did you call old man "I chuckled " You,  Look exactly in you forties " he laughed out "Don't wast my time and get lost " I walk towards the kids to help him up. But the guy in black shirt take few steps towards me as his fist blew towards me I dodge it by ducking And give him upper cut punch he flew Backwards .he charged again I kicked him in the stomach He fell back. I know with my strength he wouldn't get up any time soon. "You are dead meat " He shouts and charged towards me rushing to lung a punch I easily doge him landing punch on his lowers back as he rush away from me He gasped in pain I didn't waste time and land punch on his cheek he landed on floor with loud thus.  "Stay down if you want to live " I order in hard voice  I turn toward the kid on the floor, but he was not there anymore. I look around and see him standing next to the car . His checks were bruised busted lip. He in need of medical attention. I took few large steps towards him and grab him by his arm without asking or saying I drag him to my car I open Passengers seat I make him seat And I walk to my driving seat. Start car And Drive fast out of parking space to the hospital.  What are these people he's already so thin and weak I mean what type of centuries we live in that still bully each other.  I wonder what does That guy mean by family matters were they brothers but This guy doesn't look like them. " C......can you pull over please " small broke the silence. I turn toward the kid he is watching with the same puppy eyes "why "I said and regret it immediately became he shrank back must be my voice is very hard.  "Hmm..  "I clear my throat and speak again "why?  I'll take you to hospital " "hospital? " "yes hospital we need to treat your wounds "I said as I point towards his faces  "oh this , its nothing I survived worse "He whisper back  "What? " "Hmm nothing , can You just drop me on the side of the road I will take bus to home" This is the longest he spoke to me  I smile " its almost 12 it will be hard to find bus right now " "Than I'll  walk " "you got to kidding me look kiddo I may look scary and all that but trust me I'm not bad person" "you don't " He whispered back  "you mean I'm bad person " "No, I mean you don't scare me " "Really I don't " I question him I'm amused if he feels that way "I feel safe right now" I chuckled because this is the first time someone said to me. "Then if you feel safe than let me take you to hospital than I'll take you home because I'm certainly not letting you go untreated " "okay " "That's good " "can I ask you something "I question him after a while I want to know who they were.  "they were my older stepbrothers" He answer mr   "how do you know I was about asked that" I'm shocked how did he know what I was thinking  "I'm good at reading people " "oh " "yeah and it's the basic questions someone asks me after seeing me like that "He clarified.  That's True everyone must Want to know but It's sad because it's not his first time getting beaten up  "what other questions people ask " "who are they?  Do your family know?  Why don't you runway or hit back? " "That many questions " "Yes " "so what's your answer to them "I inquire  "my parents know about them, but they don't care and I can't hit back because I don't know how to fight and I know  they will leave me alone once they get tired of hitting me " "so you just take the beating " "yes, I curled up in ball shape it hurt less"  Hearing that just make me angry no child should go through all of this I want to comfort him but don't know how to .thank god Hospital came into view After getting him treated I drive him to his home he thanked me and left and that was almost Thirty minutes  ago but for some reason I'am still outside his house or should I say villa just like my grandparents house big, shiny and all that . I wish that kid stay safe in that house I'm worried his brothers will bother him because of what I did to them today.  I'm  so dumb that I didn't get to ask the kids name or his number.  I wish I had his number, so I could check upon him. I sigh its almost two in morning I should go home and sleep Sunddly I see the front door opening  and the same kid step out of door he's not wearing his bloody clothes anymore he's wearing over sized Black hoodie with blue  ripped jeans he has one duffle bag on his shoulder and suitcase. He starts walking to the road we came from. Looks like he had enough of that crapy family which is good  But the problem is that where would he go so late in night. Because this Area don't have busies or taxi at this hour. Now I think I understand why my guts told me to stay may be god wants me to help him I took deep breath and start my car I drive Up to him And hooked  he jumped to side , I stop the car roll down the window  He recognized me right away "You are still here" "pop on  I'll drive you where ever you are going " he stayed still for few seconds defeating weather to ride in or not in his mind, but He chose to hop on . I start car and drive to the main road It made me realize to things this going to be long night and at the end of this night our lives will be charged.
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