Chapter 18

1200 Words

Jay I wanted Evan to come out, but not like this. This is all my fault. I should have never even kissed Tristan. As much as I don’t want Tristan because of the pain he caused me, I fell for the damn pull I have towards him. This pull isn’t love, it is lust. Lust just kills you when the only thing you have in a relationship. I fell for the stupid lust, rather the memories of the lust I had with Tristan. I watched Evan and Laura walk into the coffee shop. My heart was hurting seeing the pain in Evan’s eyes as he was forced to tell his mom he was gay. Evan wasn’t ready for that, he should have had to do it his way. Not being forced to admit it. “Forget him Jay, he isn’t good for you.” Tristan said to me. “Good for me? Like you are?” I asked Tristan. “I'm better than him. I know you,

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