Chapter 40: Confusing the Sociopath

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*Trigger Warning: This chapter deals with elements of s****l assault, and reader discretion is advised. While it is not directly stated, nor is it described at length, I don't want anyone to stumble upon it and end up triggering themselves. Through the rest of the book, it will not be explicitly described, but the characters will be dealing with the realization of what happened and the aftermath. Unfortunately, it is necessary for the development of some of the characters, so I cannot remove it at this time. Please, be careful reading this, especially if you are likely to be triggered. I myself have dealt with the subject personally, and I do not wish for anyone to be hurt by my inclusion of the topic, but I feel it is a subject that needs to be out there, in order for people to realize how common it is, and for us as a society to do what we can to be rid of it. I apologize to anyone affected negatively by this.* Isaiah POV He had been sitting in the same spot for hours, watching Layla sleep off the effects of the drug they’d put in her drink a few days ago. Apparently, combining wolfsbane with sleep magic, courtesy of a witch he knew, had a stronger effect than they’d hoped for. Truthfully, he’d thought that, at most, she’d sleep for maybe a day after ingesting it, but it seemed she was extremely sensitive to it. They’d already had to bring in one of the few doctors he knew they could trust just to make sure she’d pull out of this. Though, it was probably a good thing she’d slept so long, so she wouldn’t remember what that bastard, the one he considered an extreme displeasure to be working with, had done to her. How he hadn’t lost it when he’d walked in on it, he didn’t know, but since then, he’d been bound and determined to stay by her side until he could safely deliver her to the rogues. Unfortunately, it was going to be a bit yet, considering her whole pack was hunting for her. He felt a twinge of pity for the poor female in front of him. This was only the beginning of the hell that awaited her. Some part of him wished she’d never wake up, so she’d never have to face what was planned for her. He shook his head at himself. He was supposed to be a sociopath, unable to feel anything for anyone, only looking out for himself, yet here he was, feeling pity for this woman before him. At the same time though, she was the only pack wolf who’d ever given a s**t for the likes of him. Of course, they’d known from the start she had a weakness for caring for others, which was how he was able to infiltrate the pack in the first place. Still, she’d surprised him with how much she’d given a damn when, by all rights, she shouldn’t have. It had actually started getting hard to play his part, which had never happened before. She’d tried so hard to earn his trust, and he’d seen the times when his inability to do so had crushed her. Towards the end, he’d started wanting give her back that hope that the part he’d been playing had taken from her. It was fascinating that a pack wolf had managed to slip through his shields so deftly, but it was also terrifying, a feeling he wasn’t used to. Ever since being abused and then fleeing his pack, he’d shut off every emotion with surprising ease. Yet, somehow, she’d been able to bring snippets of those feelings back. For that, alone, he found her fascinating. But there was still more. When he’d come in and saw her being harmed, a protective instinct had roared through him. It wasn’t like seeing one’s mate hurt; for one thing, he was too young to even be able to sense his mate. No, it was more like the feeling he supposed one would normally feel for a parent. Which is why he put up with the aching in his back from sitting in this uncomfortable chair for so long. He couldn’t stand the idea of that happening again. With any luck, she would sleep long enough for the pains of what happened to be gone, but that mark on her neck and shoulder would make it obvious what happened. Not that it would matter in the end. He knew very well that she would likely go through much worse at the hands of Gideon and his mate, as she was the type to not give in to their demands, and they were well known for cruelly torturing those that got in the way of what they wanted. Which put him in one hell of a dilemma that, as a sociopath, shouldn’t have existed for him at all. Without emotions, handing her over to whatever fate lay ahead of her was a simple act of logic; as long as it got him what he wanted, it didn’t matter what else happened. But she’d torn that safety net away from him, and now he was scrambling to figure out what in the hell he was going to do. He’d thought it impossible for him to ever care for anyone, yet, in such little time, she’d affected him in ways he feared were irreversible. With his newfound protectiveness and caring, would he be able to complete his mission? He had to, though. He knew what fate awaited him should he fail to obey his orders. While Gideon and Jess had been far kinder to him than his own pack and family, they didn’t tolerate disobedience. And he’d seen what they did to those who disobeyed. He hated it, but he had to hand her over. There was just no way around it. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Perhaps he could persuade her to not put up a fight. If she just gave in to their demands, there was a chance she’d be safe. Unfortunately, that chance was still incredibly small, and he was well aware of her stubbornness. He could certainly try, but he highly doubted she’d listen, even if Gideon and Jess offered to let her live. Hell, they could offer her power and money, everything normal people would kill for, and she’d probably still turn her nose up at it. Part of him appreciated that in her, but a bigger part thought her stupid for it. “You’re really going to keep sitting there?” came a slightly amused voice from the doorway. “Well, if I could trust you to not act like a f*****g degenerate, I wouldn’t have to, now would I?” Isaiah growled back, refusing to look up. “Hmph, like it is any of your business.” By the sound of it, the male had leaned against the doorframe, but Isaiah still refused to look at him. “Actually, considering I’m the one who has to make sure she gets to Gideon unharmed, it is my business,” Isaiah responded darkly. “She hasn’t been harmed,” the voice scoffed. “I simply marked her as mine for insurance.” “Insurance? Ha! She isn’t yours.” “She is, actually.” A dark growl laced through the words. “No, she isn’t, she is Gideon’s, you stupid prat! You couldn’t get her without our help, so you might want to keep that in mind before I have a nice little chat with Gideon about getting rid of your incompetent ass. Besides, you haven’t fulfilled your part of the agreement yet, so I’d tread lightly if I were you, you mangy mutt.” “You’re one to talk. At least I’m not a pathetic little wolf like you.” “I haven’t even begun to show you what I can do. But if you’d like to test it, go ahead. I wouldn’t mind spilling a little of your blood,” Isaiah responded, standing up so fast his chair flew backward. He stared at the male, already in a fighting stance. “Bring it on, tiny,” the man taunted, settling into his own stance. Just then, a tiny whimper caused them both to freeze and look at the female on the bed. Her eyes slowly opened, before she winced and closed them again, holding her head. After a minute, she opened her eyes to squint around the room. “Where…where am I?” she muttered quietly. Suddenly, her eyes found her captors and widened. “Isaiah? Z-Zach? What the hell?”
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