INTRO { Lunanci }

605 Words
{ Lunanci } In this life, all I ask for is just one free day. One bullshït free day. One day to relax and be calm without some tragedy happening. Just one. But it seems like that’s a lot to ask for. I walk out of my lame little shop, I lock the door and lean against it for a few seconds to take a deep breath in and out. I’m exhausted. I'm sick of life. I'm miserable, damn it. I don't even have the strength to walk home yet after what just happened to me so I just walk to my favorite spot behind the shop and hide in between the trees to smoke some weed and let the fresh scent of nature calm me down a bit. I didn't make any money today, I just had one client. He took two hours of my time only to refuse to pay afterwards and call me a 'scamming witch'. He also kicked my favorite lamp before he left my shop. I'm starting to think I should give up on this new psychic business venture, because it's not paying off as much as I thought it would. My two regular clients are keeping me afloat, but my debts are getting bigger and bigger and I don't think it will be sustainable to keep working on this anymore. I light my joint and take a hit before lying against a log and sighing. Being around nature always makes me feel better, but even that isn't working today. I think I'm going to have to go directly to plan B and start working as a stripper. I was promised good money that one time someone tried to scout me. It will be hard, but I think starving to death is way worse. I sigh and bring the joint to my mouth again, but my hand stops midair when I see movement in the deepest part of the backyard. It's dark, but my vision is pretty good so I focus my eyes and keep looking that way. It looks like some kind of animal… oh, shït. That’s a wolf. I freeze in fear as I see the giant animal with golden fur getting up from the ground and stretching like a big äss dog. He looks deathly, but he’s far away from me. I think I can still escape. I put out the joint on the ground and try to get up making as little noise as possible. The wolf is still stretching and not looking my way. I need to leave. And I need to call animal control. I’m about to finally leave when something stops me. If I wasn't looking directly at the animal maybe I could convince myself that somehow I'm wrong… but I can literally see the moment when the wolf transforms in front of my eyes. He shifted into a man. The shock is so intense that I try to run away, only to fall back on my butt. A strangled sound escapes my mouth and that sound is enough to alert the man... the werewolf, who immediately turns his head towards me and meets my eyes. "Ah!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as he starts running towards me like a scary demon. I get up to literally run for my life. This is real, I saw it with my own eyes, that giant wolf turned into a man and now he's coming for me. He’s going to eat me, "Hel-" A hand on my mouth stops my scream for help. It's the werewolf. I'm fücked. And soon I’ll be dead.
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