Chapter 1-2

315 Words
“BARNWELL INCORPORATED?” Hannah said to Morgan as she skimmed over the sheet of paper she pulled out of the packet. “Ever heard of them?” Morgan half shrugged and leaned back against the hallway wall, opposite their classroom. “I’ve heard the name. I’m not sure what they do.” “There’s an address here on Fairview Road, a name, Garrett West, and phone number. I suppose we ought to call him soon...Monday, maybe, if this is his number at work.” “I have to work Monday,” Morgan said. “Three to Eleven shift the bistro over on 5th.” “Bistro Cher? You cook there?” Hannah’s eyes grew wide. Maybe she’d misjudged Morgan. “No. I uh, I wait tables. Sometimes they let me...” She trailed off and shrugged. “Sometimes they let me do some prep work.” “I work Monday during the day...the morning, anyway,” Hannah volunteered. “I can probably call him in the afternoon and set something up for Tuesday or Wednesday, I suppose.” “We have class Tuesday and I work again Wednesday.” Hannah was already growing frustrated with the conversation. “We’re supposed to get together before we even meet with him and come up with some ideas.” “Yeah, okay.” Morgan shrugged again, both shoulders this time, and stared off through the windows that gave onlookers a view into their classroom on the other side of the hall. After a few seconds she said, “Let’s try to meet with him Tuesday, before class, if he’ll hang around at work that late.” Hannah nodded. “That sounds all right; if he’ll do it, I mean. I have to come into town for class anyway.” “Where do you live?” Morgan asked. “Morelville, in the southeast part of the county.” At Morgan’s blank stare, she said, “Down by Blue Rock.” “The forest?” “Yes.” “What are you doing tomorrow?” “I...I don’t really know. Why?” Morgan rattled off, all in a rush, “How about we get together at your house tomorrow and talk about this cake? Give me your address. What time?” “Um, 1:00? I guess...”
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