Chapter 10-2

462 Words

Thursday Morning, November 12th Hannah’s Bakery, Morelville, Ohio HANNAH SPRINKLED FLOUR out on her board and then threw a ball of pie dough into the middle of it. She pressed it out quickly with her fingertips then took her rolling pin to it. She was making short work of getting it the right thickness when the phone rang yet again. Faye Crane, Mel’s mother, was manning the counter out front. She called back, “I’ve got it.” Hannah heard her answer but no more. She was focused only on the dough. The door swung part way open and Faye stuck her head around. “That was the school,” she said. Hannah frowned. “They called here?” Faye ignored the question and plowed on. “Your classes are canceled for tonight and Saturday night. The fire in the welding shop did some damage to some electrical

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