Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: ---- Professional Mommy Series Book One Professional Mommy ---- Introduction: The world is different then what you used to know, everything changed. The human DNA been altered over the years until we hit the no going back stage. It's not up to you to participate in the new law or refuse it, your body will change on it's own. If you're a dom you need a submissive , if you are a submissive than your brain will make you act as whichever category you are. No question asks, no refusing, no turning back. In the beginning some tried to refuse, the dominants would yell at furniture, pets, dogs, cats, anything. Their genetic, their brain everything in them needed to be dominant over someone or in their case something. The submissive were another s********e would break on any hint of dominance, little would cause accident since they are physically unable to take care of themselves. And so here we are in a new world, were kinks are dominant, were nothing is weird or out of normal. At the age of seventeen every member of society would have to do a classification test to find out what they are. Most would have guessed at a younger age what their tendencies are, other get shocked but everyone get paired. You can chose your partner in a full year span, why? Because after you hit your eighteen mark your body would alter, doms go through a growth spur, little will get shorter, pets would grow tails and ears to be known as neko, submissive go through the least amount of physical changes but they have the hardest time mentally. It's not a rule for doms to be famous or powerful and subs not to. That's just ridiculous, some of the most famous CEO around the world are subs, they can take pressure like no other then they will release all the built up tension with their doms. The most known artist are always littles, who could be more creative then an adult with a childlike mentality. They have the best of both words to unleash their inner artist. It's not always the case, doms can also do the same. It's just what statistics shows to be the most cases scenarios. Some people are too stubborn, too taken by their own ego to know their own good. They'll skip the seventeen year old mental classification test, what would happen then you wonder. They can skip it if they chose to, if they are too busy but taking it at the age of eighteen would be mandatory, skip it and a nice police officer would be at your door with a court order to drive you there. Heath is an upcoming artist, although he's very young in age he became internet famous in just few months. Heath refused to do the classification test, it's been a crazy year for him. World tour, fans meet and greet, he's been doing great so far keeping it together. Him, his parent, manager, and even his fans were sure that he's a dominant, he had his s**t together for a seventeen year old. His manager and him agreed on making his classification a big deal, to anouce it to the whole world on the end of his tour. He's going to be eighteen tonight, he'll do a big classification reveal, he's a dom he's sure of that tonight. A sub would be picked for him to be partnered with after the big party. Press are here, the fans are going crazy wanting to know what his classification would be and more importantly whom his sub would be? Someone known? Famous? Someone from a small town? Heath been acting all weird tonight, he's being fussy, not liking anything, and giving everyone hard time. It was time to hit the stage finally, the stadiums are full and everyone is going crazy. First he singed his last hit, he kept building the excitement. Then it was time heath stood on the stage and got the official envelop, it had the government stamps on it. He opened the envelop with the cameras zooming in with him to show the whole world the truth. "Dear Heath, we are glad to inform you that your classification test shows that you are a...WHAT!! That can't be true" he screamed. Everyone was seing the results over the jumbo screens behind him, Heath the famous singer isn't a dom at all he's a LITTLE. His tantrum didn't end there, he stomped his feet, screamed and yelled about how stupid littles are and how he would never need a mommy or daddy to take care of him. The videos of his tantrum went crazy online, everyone is talking about Heath tantrum, he's losing fans. People are hurt and tons of little hate him now after he called them stupid, most doms won't even allow their sub to listen to him he's a brat and they don't need their subs to learn any of his bratiness. Twitter User I<3Heath: I can't believe he called us stupid, I always loved him. #little#broken_hearted. User : My neko used to love him, she's not allowd to watch him anymore. #brat#Heath User: Man can he throw a tantrum, someone need to give him a good bum warming. #brat#s******g_needed. User: Don't blame him he need a good daddy or mommy to take care of him. Maybe both. #get_heath_a_dom. User: If he was mine he would be getting a good s******g then a good hug. #don't_blame_the_littles. User: Get him a dom. #get_heath_a_dom. Chapter 2: The dom. Heath tantrum and story is going viral, everyone is talking about it. He's a little without a keeper but since he's famous and mostly busy the court decided to give him ten days to get a dom before one get assigned to him. Heath was still in full denial mode, he refused to act like a little. He kept checking the internet people were either hating him or demanding he get a good s******g. Other said not to blame him and just get him a dom to take care of him, his manager Lila who's also a dom was trying to convince him to get a dom before the court does. He doesn't need a bad case worker who would a***e him, or ruin his carrier completely. He need help, he need a professional. Lila walked into Heath bedroom and opened the curtains, littles are afraid of dark in few month he'll scream if left in this kind of darkness. "Hey baby how are you doing" she asked calmly. "Go away" he whined. "No now come here i want to show you this" she tried to convince him. "Nuuuuu...I want to sleep" he whined hiding his face in the pillow. Lila wasn't planning on doing what she's going to do now, she planed on talking to him nicely and convincing him to get up, but nice isn't working. Smack. "Heyyyyyy!!" one slap on the bum got Heath jumping out of the bed rubbing his little bum. "What was that for" he ask annoyed. "If you don't get up and listen to me now!! You'll end up with a hired dom who would beat you black and blue until you learn to obey" Lila told him coldly. Heath face scrunched and tears began to slip down his face, hurt form Lila single slap and not even able to imagine receiving more then one slap. "I'm sorry baby I want to help you promise" Lila says again hugging the sobbing little close to her. She run her fingers through his hair, it's on the long side since that's how his stylists like to keep it. She kept playing with his hair until Heath calmed down and even let our few purrs. "If Chloe hear you purring in my lap she'll be jealous" Lila joke with him, Chloe is her neko and submissive. "Sorry" Heath says blushing not meaning to purr in her lap. "It's okay baby you need someone to take care of you don't you" she says landing a kiss on the top of his head. Although Heath wanted to fight and say no, he need no one, that he's okay on his own, he couldn't. Even Lila brief touch made him feel a lot better then he did in the last few days. She turned some video on her laptop and sat next to Heath to watch. The title says : "Professional Mommy Reacting to Heath Outburst" A lady wearing a nice red suit was sitting on one chair while the host was sitting on the other. This was a well known show named "Know your kinks" they will host a dom or little and talk about the kinks educationally. The host began by introducing herself and the dom. "Tonight we have Isabelle a mommy who's well known in the dom world. At the age of only twenty-one she became the best mommy dom known in the country. She's called when little are misbehaving and for almost impossible cases. Isabelle welcome" "Belle is good enough thank you very much for the introduction but I'm sure I'm not the best mommy dom in the country" the pretty girl says smiling, she had a nice smile heath thought to himself. "Modest too. Belle you're here with us tonight to discuss Heath tantrum? Outburst? Needing for punishment? What would you call what you saw" the host says after a video of his tantrum was rolled. "I'll call it a scared little. Shame on them for leaving him like that in the stage, alone and scared" Belle says. "I'm sorry what?" the host ask in disbelief. "Imagine you being in his place, thinking you are a dom your whole life and finally discovering you are a little on stage, in front of everyone, alone, scared" she says in a voice that demanded to be heard, Lila felt bad for leaving Heath on the stage alone and not being there with him. "Some are demanding he get a s******g" the host challenge back. "Why? Cause he's scared whoever was in charge deserve the s******g for leaving him this vulnerable. Anyone who's talking badly about him deserve a s******g" Belle says looking straight at the camera. "Are you against physical punishment?" the host asks. "Every little deserve a s******g here and there. Never a***e or the little too scared to do anything. Time outs work too, lines work, toys taken away work. We don't always need to physically touch the sub to hurt them. Littles don't enjoy the pain like other subs " she replies "Why don't you have a little the people are wondering" the host ask one last time. "I don't because i never found my match, i do work with littles all the time which help my dom side. Until i find my perfect angel I'm happy working with little who are having hard times adjust" Belle says. "Well guys that was Belle a professional Mommy Dom. Leave your thoughts in the comments and on Twitter. Untile next time" Twitter User: She's good. #belle User: Heath need someone like her in his life. #get_heath_a_dom. User: Can she be my mommy #sorry_daddy. User: She's right littles hate pain. #no-spankies. User: Get her to Heath. #get_heath_a_dom. User: If she's Heath dom i'd let my little watch him again. #belle #get_heath_a_dom. Chapter 3: Meet your mommy. Heath POV. It was set, I'm a little, i always thought I'd be a dom. I even had a submissive ready for me, but there would be no need for that anymore. Deep inside I'm relieved, i was too scared to be a bad dom. Lila talked with Isabelle, she agreed on meeting me and help me transition to my little self. At least she's pretty and nice and is against beating me so I'm okay with her so far. Lila told me to be on my best behavior when she come in, if i mess this up the court will assign a dom for me and we want to avoid that. I showered and put on some jeans and Tshirt. My jeans are a bit baggy on me, littles tend to be short or get shorter after they hit the eighteen mark. I'll loose few inches and couple pounds. When they first altered the human DNA to match the personality they made littles smaller so they could carried around, also easier to be washed and taken care of in other aspects i don't even want to think about it. There was a knock on my door which Lila answered and in came Isabelle, she's much taller in real life. Her green eyes shines and her brown hair flow in tight curls around her head.
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