Chapter 2: From Grace to Grass.

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♡Told Everyone I'm a b***h so I became it. Always had to put yourself above me- abcdefu[Gayle]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°° STAR. A lot of time, I can't help but wonder if my name was the cause of a lot of my misfortunes. There's Laura, Vivian and other good names like that, why did I have to be named Star? Star of what? Tragedy? Misfortunes? It just always seemed like my name was just mocking me. Names contribute to the child, they say but mine seems to contribute in the opposite ways, it's absolutely ironic. "It will do you a lot of good to behave yourself at Sharon's place. My sister can be very tolerant but when she snaps, that's it, and when that happens, be rest assured that you're disowned. This is practically your last chance!" Mother threatened as she drove on, her eyes still focused on the road. I rolled my eyes and then chuckled. "The fact that you think I still think of you as a mother or parent to me kind of makes me laugh. I've disowned you immediately you showed your bad mother skills by choosing your rich husband over your own daughter, even when the truth was right in your face." I said. "You keep going on and on about this bullshit, were you actually expecting me to choose you, Star, over my life? Do you even know the gravity of what you did? Do I look like someone who's ready to go from grace back to grass? Are you out of your damn mind?" She countered, in the most unreasonable way I've known of her. "Oh, hear yourself out, shall we go over this again cos it seems to me like you develop amnesia every three hours. Your daughter has been constantly abused by your husband, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to stab him in the damn guts when he tried to do it again. Instead of you to ask your daughter why and how she feels, you got her arrested and locked her up and then you dared to show up when she was in the cell begging her to lie and say she made it all up. And when she refused, saying she wanted justice like a victim should, you dared to testify against her in court, you framed a lot of lies about her, talking about how she had always been unstable since she was a kid, coming with documented proofs about how she had been in and out of therapy or s**t overtime. As if that was not enough, you even concocted more lies and said she once used to do drugs and had gone to rehab thus at the end of it all, you succeeded in making your own daughter look like she was insane. You chose your pedophile husband over your abused daughter and sentenced me to a freaking asylum! And all because of what! Money!" By now, I was full on screaming and I was sure even my mom was scared but refused to show it. She was about to speak, probably spit more trash but I interrupted again. "Hold up, I'm not done yet! After all of this, I come out and you sent me to some stupid boarding school for crazy people, I got expelled after doing what you expect of me and now you're dumping me elsewhere but for some twisted reason, you think I'm the crazy one here? Really? At this point, I'm starting to think that you knew what your husband have been doing to me all along but decided to keep mute about it!" I concluded, trying do hard to fight the tears that was threatening to fall. "Oh please! You've always tried to take my shine, Star! You've always been the source of my misfortunes. I never wanted you, because you are a freaking mistake! Your own father rejected you, my parents threw me out, I became an outcast. Whenever things seemed to be going on well for me, they go haywire because of you, because I have you in my life. You are a flaw, Star. That's it." Mother retorted, just after parking the car right before we got to the airport. I couldn't stop the tears that welled in my eyes anymore, I just let them fall. "You're the worst mother anyone could ever have. Have a nice life, I hope I never see you again." I said as I got out of the car, slamming the door as loudly as I could, I walked around the car to the boot to get my luggage while she got out too and kept talking. "Oh please! I don't care, the feeling is very mutual! And you might want to know that it isn't rosy at my sister's, it's like going from grace to grass so don't let the bugs bite!" She snapped, in a mocking tone. "With all the money you have, you can not even make life more comfortable for your own sister? The same one you're sending me to live with?" I questioned, shaking my head while getting one of my luggage out. "Oh, I'm not father Christmas, I can't send her daughter to the best school, paying outrageous fees and still fend for her poor life. She didn't do anything for me when I was thrown out back then. Doing that is enough, maybe when you spend your life in a bug filled bed and house with a leaking roof, then you might actually get to realize that you didn't value nor appreciate the queen sized bed and spoilt princess life that you were given on a platter of gold!" Mother snapped. I rolled my eyes and scoffed just when I banged the car booth too. Dragging three of my boxes behind me somehow, away from her car, I spoke, "I'd choose all of that over you every single time, mother!" Whether she replied or not. I didn't know for sure because soon, I heard screeching of tires and she sped right past me probably to go make a U-turn in front and go back to her beast of a husband and Karen of a child. Either ways, I don't care, not anymore. After boarding the airplane, I sat at the window seat in the first class cabin that was booked for me and then, I took a deep breath just before I plugged my airpods into my ears and listened away to my favourite playlists. The rough landing of the plane woke me up and I stretched as I got off my seat. Stepping onto the arrivals and hoping to find my aunt, I looked around at the numerous people with postcards that had come to welcome their families and guests with excitement. "Are you Star? Star Fox?" A voice said behind me just after I had been tapped. I looked back to see a teenager around my age. She was plump, and had a very cute face with Chubby cheeks. She had a nose like a cartoon character, or one drawn by a lazy artist at least. The bridge was so low-profile as to be barely there at all such that her nose was a bump just above her dusky pink lips. There was no two ways about it, she was cute, very. I've always had a soft spot for chubby cheeks and oh my Gosh, she had dimples too! It could be immediately seen just as her lips curved into a little smile. "Uh.. Yes, I'm Star Fox." I responded. "Hy!" She exclaimed happily, bringing a card in her hands to my face, one I hadn't noticed, on it was written in block letters, STAR FOX. "Oh... were you sent to get me?" I asked, her excitement rubbing off on me. "Do you not remember me?" She asked, her lit up face, now getting dim and I did not like that at all. I studied her face some more and then I suddenly snapped my fingers, "Oh my Gosh! Penelope? Wow, is that you, Penny?" I squealed. "The one and only, couz!" She replied, sharing in my excitement as we both jumped on eachother and gave one another a beautiful tight hug. Separating from eachother, I wasn't done with my assessment yet, "Oh my God, Penny. You've grown so beautiful in the last years we've seen. I thought I'd see you at mother's wedding seven years ago but you didn't come for that either, only your mom did. You're so so astonishing." I complimented over and over. I noticed that her happy countenance fell the more I complimented her before she then masked it by speaking, "Oh, stop it. I'm all fat now, you're the only one that's reacted like this to my appearance in years, a lot of people think I'm just fat and ugly." She said, causing me to scoff. "They must be very blind then, if they claim not to see your obvious beauty." I responded, grabbing her chubby cheeks in a teasing manner. "Well, you are very beautiful too. Its always been there anyways, you were the prettiest and now you're just... absolutely gorgeous, bodywise, facewise, hairwise, you hit the jackpot. The proof can be seen in the way people keep looking back to stare at you." She said, causing me to really look around at my surroundings. On looking, I saw that people really were staring, mostly males though. I've always known that I attracted attention with my look wherever I went but I'd never dwelled on it, I really never cared, it probably had more to do with my hourglass body than my face and I hated the attention that came with it. "Come on, let's go! I hope my mom is finally able to get the car engine to start before we get there." She said as we walked to the park while she helped me in pushing my cart of luggage. I took a deep breathe, taking in the new environment I was in, one I was probably going to be in for a long time. Well. Hello, London.
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