Chapter 2: Stone Cold

1036 Words
Lenny's POV I watched them dance. White lights on them lightly touched with blue. But it started to fade as they spun around slowly. I started feeling a bit empty, as they turned black and gray and white. I closed my eyes feeling the painfully beating of my heart. "Lenny?" a voice said. "Hm?" I said and Marion laughed. "Do you mind taking the picture already," Van said grinning and I flushed. "Ye-Yeah. Sorry." I said and pressed the button making my phone flash. I'm still not use to these kinds of phones. But I know I've become addicted to Candy Crush. The wedding lasted a bit longer then I thought it would. Mostly with dancing. The night when I got home I felt nothing. Numb. I stripped my clothes off and got in the bathtub as the warm water run. I sunk in it. I didn't want to feel anything. But my heart kept aching as it beat. "Don't cry," I said sinking more in the tub. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't....cry. I felt the warm tears stream down my face. I cried to sleep. And woke up to a bright smile on Van's face. "What do you want?" I snapped. He knows I'm not a morning person. "I'm moving," he said smiling even brighter. WTF?! WHY?! I blinked. "Where?" I asked. "Just to a bigger house not away from here," he said and I sighed in relief. "I was hoping you could help me pack and move in," he said and I sighed. I was hoping not to see him for the time being. My heart needs rest. And I need ice cream. Plus I was planning on watching soaps. "When did you have this moving planned?" I asked. "It was a surprise for Marion," he said and I looked down sighing. "Fine," I said and he smiled. "Come later today then. Vincent doesn't know yet. I'll tell him later myself." he said and I nodded before closing the door. "We're what?!" I heard Vincent yell and I flinched. Vincent doesn't seem to be so happy. I sat at the table drinking coffee as Derrick did nothing as usual. I should really fire that kid. "Derrick gets to work," I said as he groaned. "But I don't feel like it," he said and I glared at him. "You can work or get out. Your choice." I said and he grumbled. "Jamie hasn't called me or text me for two days now. And is avoiding me. I can't work." he said frowning. "What you do?" I ask and he gasps in disbelief. "Why do you ask what I did? I did nothing wrong," he said and I rolled my eyes. Van came walking up to me sighing. "He's not happy," he said. "Ya think?" I asked and Derrick glanced at me than Van then back at me. "Len I don't understand he's still going to be able to see Sammie," Van said frowning. "How did Marion take it?" I asked sipping my coffee. "Why ya say her name like that?" he asked. "Like what?" I hissed and he blinked while Derrick smirked. "Sorry," I said sighing. "So how did she take it?" I ask again. "She doesn't know," he said and I mentally facepalmed. "She's gonna have a cow most likely," I said standing up. "Is she?" he asks and I shrug. "Happy wife happy life," I say smirking and he sighs. Sure I was happy for Van being with her and all....but my feelings would make me feel pain. Hearing his wife's name made me a tad bit jealous. After he told her well she did have a cow. Vincent and Marion, we're upset because they've been in that house forever. Van somehow got them to be happy about moving. Which meant me helping them. I couldn't help packing because of work. So I helped them move in and unpack. Vincent groaned tiredly as Sammie gave him a water bottle. "All that moving has made me sleepy," Vincent said. "Tell Mr.Carter we got all the boxes inside," Sammie said. I nodded while looking back at my phone playing Candy Crush. The best way to get the mind off your problems. I walked into the empty soon to be the dining room. I looked up from my phone and saw Marion and Van dancing. He spun her while smiling. She smiled back as he pulled her to his chest. I looked back down at my phone and I lost. "Uh-Uh, Van we got all the boxes in," I said and he stopped dancing. "Haha thanks, Len," he said and Marion smiled. "I think we can handle unpacking," she said and I turned away. "Nooo, Len stay and help. I have something I want to show you later," he said and I mentally cursed. As I unpacked I found yearbooks. I picked up one to put on the shelf and a photo fell out of it. I picked it up and my eyes widen. It was when Van and I were washing cars to make money the basketball team to get new uniforms. He had sprayed me with the hose. I smiled as I looked at it more. "I need ya, Len. You make me feel like I'm actually someone....not just the successful Charles Carter's son, but Van Carter." I frowned remembering him saying that after our hose fight which did get us in trouble. Well, you have her to make you feel like Van Carter. "Len." a voice said making me snap out of my thoughts. I jumped a bit and looked up. Van smiled and looked at the photo in my hand. "Oh hahaha I remember that," he said getting it and smiling. "Welp Len we're done unpacking. I see you don't get stuff done since your looking at everything." he said laughing as I flush. "I do get stuff done," I said and he took the yearbook away. "Uh huh, weeellll before we eat dinner I want to show you something," he said. "What?" I ask and he smirks. "You'll see," he said putting the photo in the yearbook then putting the yearbook down and heading out of the room.
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