Chapter Four

1062 Words
"So, it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're going to have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me... every day." — Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook) ---- ~Tyler~ I just want him to love me. I sighed. Over the past few weeks, have been hell for me. All Xavier does is ignore me. He barely talks to me. And he still has the nerve to be possessive. *Flashback* I was walking into the school building, getting bombarded by girls who were hovering over me like I was a shiny new toy. That's what I get for switching schools. "Hey Tyler, you should come to sit with us for lunch!" A guy named Roy called me over. I walked over to them and sat in-between Roy and Gary. I was laughing and eating my food when a growl ripped out in the cafeteria. I just ignored it, thinking it was some guy stealing someone's food. Boy was I wrong. "Tyler, you're sitting with me. Let's go." Xavier was standing behind me, looking pissed off. "No, I'm good here. Thanks for the offer though." A snarl erupted from his chest. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not." Gary stepped in. "She can do whatever she wants." Xavier snarled at him, then lifted me from my seat, held me by the waist, then grabbed my tray. He brought us over to his table and set me down on a chair, then slammed my tray in front of me. He sat in his chair and ate his food. The whole cafeteria was staring silently. A blush rose to my cheeks. *End Flashback* Oh, and don't get me started about the other time when he took me out of class. Let’s just say, he's suspended for two weeks for throwing the teacher across the room and putting him in the hospital. A human teacher. But yet, no matter how much I fight it, I'm deeply in love with my mate. I can't help it. He's so hot, and he's got this bad boy side that just makes me trip and fall. Plus, the bond of being his mate doesn't help anything. I try to soften him up. Hell, I've even talked to his mother. "He'll come 'round. I promise sweetie. He's just got a tough exterior. He's had a rough life." I tried to push to what his "rough life" contained, but she never said anything. It was always "He'll tell you with time". Blah Blah Blah. I hope he does soon, otherwise I'M OUT. "Tyler? Can I speak to you for a moment?" Xavier came into the kitchen; his sister Elaine was sitting across from me. "Uh, sure." I gave Elaine a wave and followed Xavier to his office. I sat in a chair across from him, against his desk. "I have an Alpha meeting tomorrow. I should be gone for a week. Considering our circumstances, I will be leaving you here. I am supposed to bring my Luna, but as I said. You're staying here." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why can't I just come with you?" "Well, I assumed you didn't want to." I shook my head. "I guess as to the future Luna of the pack, it's my duty." A glint of pride showed in his eyes. But then it was washed away by a blank look. "Very well. Pack your bag tonight, we leave early tomorrow morning." I nodded. I met back up with Elaine in the kitchen. She was sitting there patiently waiting for me. "So?" She asked. "I'm going to an Alpha meeting with him tomorrow for a week. Want to help me pack?" "Of course!" Elaine pretty much skipped down the hallway and into our bedroom. She went into the closet and pulled out about 10 outfits. "You should wear this tomorrow for the ride there." She threw a pair of boot-cut jeans, a plain tank, and a sweatshirt. "You'll be going farther north from here. I'm not exactly sure how long, but it's colder than it is here." Colder? It was already like negative bazillion here. "Great," I muttered. The next morning was a frantic buzz as both Xavier and I got ready to leave. My bag was packed and already in the car, I just had to get ready for the day. After putting on the jeans, tank, and sweatshirt, I slipped on my tennis shoes and left my hair down in its wavy mess. My makeup was light on my face. I didn't have anyone to impress yet, and we had a long drive, so nothing special. Xavier had told me to get into the car and wait for him. I was sitting in the car and turned the ignition to get the heat going. I may be a werewolf, and I may have a warmer body temperature, but it's so cold here. When he got in here, he turned on the radio, classics softly playing throughout his Audi r8. With my bag in hand, I pulled out my newest book: Passion: the third book of the Fallen novels and started reading. "We're here." I jumped to the sound of Xavier waking me up. I must have fallen asleep reading. We both got out at the hotel, and I noticed that Elaine was right, it's freezing here. Way colder than where he- we lived. "Xavier Lawson." He said to the manager. The guy nodded and handed us a key. "Top floor, presidential suite." I widened my eyes. They must be loaded! We headed to the elevator; Xavier had both of our heavy bags in his hands. "I can carry my bag, Xavier." I went to reach for it, but he swiped his arm away. "It's fine. I got it." He said gruffly. I huffed and stood there waiting for the bell to ding. I plopped on the bed and turned to him. "Are there two beds?" "No, this is the couple presidential suite." I nodded, not really understanding why he wouldn't get the regular suite, but I wasn't complaining. "Get some sleep. We have to get up bright and early tomorrow morning so we can get to the meeting." I nodded, changed, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.
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