3470 Words

ANOTHER NIGHT OF CELEBRATION BOUND TO BE UNPREDICTABLE ●|●|● {}|}{} ●|●|●|●|● “You should pick yourself up. Get yourself ready. Tonight is a night of celebration and I did not wish to see you such a mess. Do not embarrass me any more than you already have”. Those were his lost words before he marched out of the room and she just felt like everything was going down on her, This was too much. She was overwhelmed. It was too much for one night. She just wanted to rest, fade away, and forget everything else that happened. Of course they believed him, that guard. , why would she lie about getting attacked and nearly getting r***d? Why would she do that? Why were they trying to say that now that her escape plan had been foiled, she was conjuring, conceiving all sorts of lies to get hers

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