7. Hot

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CHAPTER SEVEN KADEN’S POV She was right in front of me. I had no idea what I expected to read from her eyes but it was certainly not indifference. I had left her years ago without notice and she was standing in front of me acting like nothing of that sort happened. She walked towards me, in steady sensual steps, her eyes not leaving mine even for a second. Was that a lavender scent? Damn! It suited her.   “Its been awhile, Kaden,” she said with no hint of anger.   “Yeah, it has,” I nodded, pushing my hands inside my pants pockets.   “Well, I would not want to ruin the fun. So how about you do me a favor and sit down? You can take a shot over by the minibar,” she continued.   I suddenly could not stand having her at close range because my body was craving hers but there was also the guilt of not reaching out to her that gnawed at me. With a body like and a face to match, Jasmine had grown into one impeccable, sexy woman.   “So what’s the play here?” I questioned, pouring myself a scotch before turning around.   “Do you remember what you said about how the idea of people watching you f**k sounded incredibly hot?” She paused. Wait, she wanted us to f**k while Adonis watched? Damn! I could already feel blood pulsating in my d**k at the thought of having her. I’d waited eight year too long to f**k her again.   “Yeah?” I watched her gaze.   “Then, how about we make that dream come true?” she winked mischievously.   I put the glass down, a smirk on my lips.” Oh, I’m ready for that,”   “Good. How about you sit and watch Adonis and I f**k? It would turn you on and when you finally have me, there will be no words,” wait, what? She wanted me to watch that f*****g man f**k her? Was she insane? Why would she think I’d love to sit in the same room with her and watch another man have his way with her?   “Yeah, sure,” damn my mouth.   Taking back the glass, I walked over to an empty seat and directed my gaze towards the only other two people in the room. Why had it occurred to me for just a split of a second that maybe me leaving without a notice had not affected her that much? This was clearly her way of getting back at me. I supposed I could probably handle a few minutes, right?   I watched her walk towards him while that guy leaned forward, completely entranced in her moves. When she reached him, she suddenly planted her lips on his in the most demanding manner, a move that had a pang of jealous hitting me where it hurt the most. She sat on top of him, their lips detestable still attached and slowly she gyrated on his front. I felt my own d**k itch at the thought of her riding him. f**k! If she gyrated on him like that and it had my mind turning wheels like this, then how was I supposed to stay for a few more minutes? To add salt to the injury, she moaned against his lips, completely enjoying his kiss.   That should have been me.   His hands moved to hold her ass in place, making me wince internally even though only a lazy smirk played lightly on my face. If that Adonis guy could read my thoughts right now, he would s**t himself in fear. I shifted uncomfortably when he smacked her ass, eliciting a giggle from her.   “I like that, “she whispered slyly.   Suddenly he pulled her bra off her in the most abrasive yet sexually arousing manner, a surprised gasp leaving her lips when her breasts sprung free. That was enough to give me a boner and damn, the way her n*****s were hardened had me almost nutting in my briefs. f**k! She had never stopped having an effect on me. I fidgeted with my tie, loosening because the room was getting kind hot. He dipped down, running his tongue delicately over her pointed n*****s while she threw her head back, right hand grabbing on his hair while moans tumbled off her lips. I had no idea what to focus on at this point. Should I remain mad that he was touching her like that and doing things that had been waiting for f*****g eight years to do to her? I mean, for goodness’ sake, I was the one who had her journal, every dirty thought scribble on it in the most erotic manner and now he gets to have her first while I watched? Or was I supposed to focus on how watching her being all that turned on and boobs exposed was making me f*****g horny? Damn! I wanted her so f*****g bad that it hurt.   “Enough!” I snapped, standing up, unable to take the torture.   “What?” she looked at me surprised.   “You’ve proven your point Jazz. You’ve made me jealous and I bet you enjoyed it,”   “What are you talking about?” she played dumb.   “Making me come to this room, making me watch you make-out with him and what now? You want me to watch him f**k you? You know damn well I cannot to that. You think I did all this just to watch another man have you?” I snapped.   “Wait, what do you mean when you say ‘did all this’?” she questioned, getting off Adonis. Well, now that the cat was out of the bag, it was time to come clean.   I met her halfway,” You think Mrs. Klein would not get me to work for your station that she had to send you over her? Of course not. She is a woman who has been in this business for far too long and she has somehow managed to get even the most stubborn artists and celebrities to work for her. You think she would not have been able to get me with ease? I just needed one f*****g chance to try and make everything right,”   Silence fell in the room and Adonis knowing he was no longer needed, exited, leaving the two of us alone. She stared at me blankly for a few seconds.   “So you are saying that you sent more that halfway across the world, to some f*****g island just because you want to make everything right?” she eventually questioned.
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