Chapter 12

150 Words

Chapter 12 In the shower, Eric discovered the soap that created that unique soft scent of clean woman that The Mac left behind whenever she went tearing down the hall. From the only towel, not a lot of guests here, he found the smell of Valerie’s skin. A warmth he’d only caught in passing. The bathroom door cracked open and a set of sweats were dangling in the gap. He took them and Valerie’s fine hand withdrew. The pants, that had been ridiculously voluminous on her, weren’t all that bad a fit once he unknotted the string pull. The top, the one she’d been wearing when he arrived that kept sliding off her shoulder, was a pretty tight fit across his chest. If the towel had carried her scent, the sweatshirt radiated it. It was powerful, heady, intensely feminine. And he knew if he remarke

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