Chapter 18-1

738 Words

Chapter 18 “It’s barely mizzling.” Valerie didn’t bother to open her umbrella, though she did pull up her hood to wait for the light as they crossed from the hardware store to the deli. “Mizzling?” Michelle followed her down the steps and onto the sidewalk. “I live in a city with far more types of rain than the country’s typical mist-drizzle-rain-downpour hierarchy. So, I’ve been filling in the blanks. Mizzle, halfway between a mist and a drizzle.” “Works for me. Certainly an improvement on ‘spitting’ which was never one of my favorite images.” Michelle left her hair exposed to the precipitation that soon danced upon her long locks in clouds of sparkles. It made her appear magical. “Okay, let’s suppose, for a moment, that you really are the Devil.” “Okay, let’s suppose.” “Are you ‘T

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