Chapter 17- Misunderstanding Pt.1

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The girl called Otis and Henry a p*****t as she points her index finger at them. It wasn't very kind for Otis, who was burning with fury after being labeled on the same height as Henry. The person he hates the most in the world. Harmon gazed at the two and replied to the girl, ”these aren't employees or mine. But acquaintances." ”I see, so this establishment allows perverts to loiter. I cannot believe how this place lacks the ordinary morals of a business.” “Excuse me, young lady. I will not care about you mocking people. But mocking my establishment is something else.” The silver-haired girl rolled her eyes upon hearing Harmon, who made her look like a disrespectful bratty girl even though she is. Otis was glad at how the older man treated the girl. It was like he had achieved his revenge through the help of another person. “Now, girl, take the package that you have to take and leave. I will grab it, so wait here and don't cause any trouble." Harmon then walks to his office to grab what the girl wanted. Whatever it was, no one knew since the item was inside a leather pouch. However, Otis knew something as he locks his eyes in the bag. After receiving the bag, the girl immediately walks away. But Otis suddenly spoke, ”don't tell me that thing." “Otis, is there something wrong?" Henry asks his snake friend, who said something strange. “No, there is nothing in particular. I only must have imagined some things. It's nothing that important." Otis gaze at the girl walking away with the bag and thought to himself. ‘That essence, I'm not mistaking it, that thing is something dangerous to the previous me and allies.' Otis then transitions his gaze at Harmon, ‘what the hell did you give her, old man. That is something that can inflict severe damage on me. But it can kill my commanders. Don't tell me that girl is going to kill, Mukdhul!?' ‘Wait, I remember Mukdhul came back to the nearest ally. He was injured and on the verge of death. The reason was a potent poison and magic stone arrow. I may have found the perpetrator of Mukdhul's painful suffering. Now, how should I use this knowledge to my advantage?' ‘To think I have killed the girl who has brought suffering to my comrade. It somewhat makes me glad. However, I will not allow that girl to attack my comrade once again. Mukdhul is one of the greatest commanders. He was more humane than the humans living in this world.' “Sorry about that, Henry and Otis, that girl was somewhat of a rude person," Caleb spoke; however, he turns his gaze at Harmon and asks, ”Who was that girl, master?" Harmon walks back to his office but before entering his office. He replied, “it's the mayor's lackey. That girl is one of his adopted warriors. " “You mean that girl was one of the orphans that the mayor takes in and turns onto warriors that serve him." Henry has no clue about the conversation but continued to listen. He listened with peak interest, only to be confused halfway through. Harmon walked back at the two youngsters and spoke. “That is correct, Caleb. That girl is quite dangerous; she's probably one of the self-entitled ones because she got a high position in the mayor's private troops." Hearing Harmon, Henry immediately spoke, “private troops? What the hell?" “I never thought you were this of an i***t, Henry," Harmon replied; he then continued. “The mayor of this town has his troops that he controls directly with brainwashing. The mayor portrays himself as their savior to make them follow in his footsteps. Those troops are what he use if any of his commanders in this town plans to revolt. And to tell you the truth, his plans have been successful. Since most commanders that tried to go against him were either killed or had some evidence planted. That could make their supporters hate them." Henry then replied, after hearing Harmon. ”Wow, the mayor is an ass; I never thought that this town was going through something like that. I am pretty surprised by this revelation but has anyone of the citizens confronted him?" “Well, no one is that angry at the mayor. Since he's not that bad at leading, so most citizens don't complain about his activities. Even I don't hate the way he shows his leadership. I'm even glad that he is still the mayor since those guys who try to remove him are all corrupt and somewhat idiotic individuals. However, I am not angry with the way he cleans the people around him. I am mad at how he was using orphans to become assassins and soldiers just because he fed them and gave them clothes. I feel sorry for those children; however, all of them are already brainwashed and became loyal dogs to the mayor of this town." “I see; he's a good leader but has a scummy tactic to secure his position," Henry replied to Harmon. “That's an excellent way to put it like that, but may I know why you are even here?" “I was bored in the INN so decided to visit here. Also, I am quite a bit curious about this town. So I am looking for someone to." Henry got cut off by Harmon, who said, ”You are looking for a tour guide. I guess you can take Caleb with you. He does need a bit of fresh air. But bring him back after three hours. We still have work to do." Harmon then went back to the entrance of his office. But he loudly spoke, ” it's nice to see that kid not staying here all the time. I guess having friends is still a good thing. Ha~ I wish I was this young; such a nostalgic feeling being carefree. I am getting old, even to think about such things, how jealous I am of such youth. But life is this way." Harmon immediately closed the doors of his office and went back to work. Caleb and Henry gaze into one another before staring back at Otis. The two laughed after that; Henry grabbed Otis and Caleb changed the sign outside the building from open to close. The three walk away from the building as they plan to sightsee the entire place—the two men filled with excitement as they stroll. While the snake they are with was filled with anger, thinking that everything the two humans did Is stupid. The three went to the local market, which had few people, thanks to the decrease of merchants entering the city. Caleb acted as your guide, telling the history of the town as they stroll. However, Henry was quite enthusiastic but unable to focus on the boring historical stuff spouted by Caleb. But for the tour guide, it was still an enjoyable day hanging out with his friend and reptilian friend. For Otis, the two are wasting time since no one had an interest. Also, he knows everything about the town, thanks to his old age of more than a hundred years old, when he was an emperor. Medina and Anne were together to get a dessert at a famous shop in the town. However, as they were enjoying a pastry, Anne saw the familiar face of Henry walking with another man. Anne chokes on the food she ate as she saw this. Medina tries to help her by giving her some liquid to drink. After relieving herself from being choke, she points her index finger at Henry. “It's Henry, Medina." Medina was confused. She turns her head in the direction where Anne was pointing. “Yeah, that's Henry, Anne. Why are you choking seeing him here?" Anne grabbed the collar of Medina's clothes, move her and Medina's face closer, and whispered, “have you not heard of the rumors!?" “What rumors, princess?" Asked the confused Medina. “That Henry is probably into men!" Medina gasp after hearing the princess. Medina then replied, “then the boy he is walking with, is he the one being rumored with Henry!?" “I don't know, but there is a high chance. But why don't we follow those two?" Medina had a hesitant look on her face, but she wanted to know if Henry was indeed into men. But she gave up and agreed to follow Henry and the men. Both Medina and Anne tailed the three, both filled with different thoughts. However, Anne was slightly fantasizing about some steamy things in her head. However, Medina, on the other hand, was having a doubtful gaze at the two. They continued to follow the three, and base on what they did. Everything was exactly like a date. Now, Medina has lost her doubt as the two continued. On the other hand, Anne was biting his lip with how much she imagined different intense things happening between them. It was unusual for a princess to have a face that Anne has. The two continued following; however, Otis had noticed them. But Otis is seeing how interesting the faces that the princess was making. He did not bother to tell Henry. Since something is interesting, that will happen.
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