Chapter 14- A Familiar Face

1071 Words
A powerful voice joint with a powerful presence spoke, “State your business here.” Henry could feel an incredible intimidating power leaking. It was so powerful that his body stiffened and even refused to turn. Even the herbalist gathering herbs felt the same. I was the only one who could move. I was neither intimidated by this presence. Instead, it was a nostalgic feeling after not seeing someone for many years. You might not remember this guy, but you have this feeling that you know him. I turn my neck behind and just as remembered. That seven feet height is towering the humans, the bulky body, and the demonic face. It is him, Mukdhul, one of the commanders. After ten years of being reincarnated in this wretched body, I finally got to see a familiar face. Henry grabbed his sword and turned around to face Mukdhul. But as he set his gaze at my former commander. Henry only trembled in fear. “A demon...” “Are you here to slay me, human? Then if that is your reason for coming here. I will not hesitate to take you on." Henry was unable to say anything as he faces the towering figure. He only trembled and froze. It was clear that Henry was intimidated by the presence of Mukdhul. “So you cannot answer me, human. Then I don't mind if you die right here since you are only a nuisance to my mission here.” Mukdhul raised his hand and formed it into a ball of a fist. ‘Wait, don't tell me. I can eliminate the hero without lifting a single finger. I find this convenient. Well, I guess I don't need to return to my body to kill the hero. I'm sure Mukdhul can understand. Since I know many secrets he has and the core of his power. However, there is still the possibility of having me misunderstood. I'll keep low and only give hints. But there's still the question if my former self exists or not. If my former self does exist, did he also reincarnated?’ After having those thoughts, I spoke, “Sorry, great sir. But we are not here to harm. We are here only to gather herbs. Sir Mukdhul." After hearing me call his name, his eyes widened, and ask, “how did you know my name, which I haven't told you, small one." “You do underestimate me for my size. Do you think treating me like that would earn you any points from Elvina?" Mukdhul's eyes widened once again. However, his red turned red in embarrassment. So one of my subordinates, Elvina, is also here. So another knowledge has been added. “Why do you know such things. What the hell! Hey! You snake, why don't you tell me who you are.” “I don't mind telling you, and also a reminder. Even if you kill these humans, I wouldn't care that much, so why don't you kill them. I have been annoyed enough that I don't care about if they die or not.” Mukdhul scratches his head in disbelief about what he heard. On the other hand, Henry looks at him and asks, “What!?" It was a shocking turn of events for Henry. “B-but Otis, aren't we pals? Why are you going to let this guy kill me?" ‘This human is handsome, righteous, is kind, and a p*****t. But the biggest thing he's also a pain in the ass. My plans would be easier to deal with if he is out of the picture. I won't mind if Mukdhul kills him right now. If he doesn't, Henry's stupidity will infect me.’ However, just when I thought I could speak more and take Henry out of the picture. A horn echoed in the entire forest. Which I recognized as a device used to call for help. It looks like some of Mukdhul's men are under attack. Hearing the horn, Mukdhul looks at the humans and me, “You are lucky since I have more important matters to tend. But next time, I will not hesitate to kill you and make a meal out of your flesh." Wings suddenly grew from Mukdhul's back. He then flaps it, creating a mighty wind that jerked the tree leaves. He then flew high up the air and went straight in the direction of the horn. After leaving, Henry and the two herbalists felt a sense of relief. “Ahh~ I guess it's better if we go back to the town now, Caleb. I don't want to meet that monster again ever!" Harmon exclaimed as he drops to the ground. “I guess meeting that demon in this forest was a warning sign for us to leave. Also, I think we have gathered enough to recuperate for the loss. Also, we have enough for another week worth of herbs for delivery.” Caleb replied before looking at Henry. “What do you say, Henry. It's better if we go back to the town. It's getting dangerous here.” “That would be the best action right now since I don't want to meet that demon. That guy sent shivers down my spine. When he raised his hand high-up, I could imagine myself flattened down to the ground. I don't want to die a virgin so let's go back to town." After that, the humans and I returned to the town. It looks like Mukdhul's presence alone made them jolt in fear. Such weaklings that it almost made me puke. However, this gives more data about Henry. It seems he's not that powerful at all. He's also a coward in front of a more powerful opponent. But how could he face me without fear in my castle? Could it be because that power he used to defeat me boosted his confidence? As the four of us entered the gate, we noticed the sudden security tightened. The guards were not letting anyone enter without being thoroughly inspected. Even the local herbalist was unable to enter without being interrogated. Then I overheard a conversation of two guards. The two stated that a patrol team encountered high-level monsters. They also mentioned a demon that wiped out the patrol team. I guess it was Mukdhul that met them. After passing the gate, we went back to the guild where our party members are waiting.
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