Chapter 10- An i***t is a Hero!

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“WHAT!?” The king scream, echoing throughout the entire throne room. Henry nervously asks the king, who screams, “Is something wrong, your majesty.” “Young man, are you able to wield that sword?" The kings ask the former nervous but now confused Henry. Henry replied to the king with his head lowered, “Your majesty, I can wield the sword. Sorry for being rude, but may I ask about your sudden interest in the blade.” “That sword, young man, is the real deal. The glowing blue blade, you spoke. It is the ore from a flying stone that came from the sky, which took the heavenly blacksmith a hundred years to find.” Confusion remains in Henry's face after the king told him the tale of the glowing blade. “Glowing sword, heavenly blacksmith? A rock falling from the sky? I don't get it.” Henry stares into the air scratching his head, like a child who did not understand. The King gazed at Henry, “Don't tell me this man is the hero in the prophecy. He is nothing near the description of the prophets. A perverted and impoverished young man like him is the hero?” he said unto himself. The King could not accept such a man is a destined hero; the princess whispered to him, ”Father, don't you think that Henry is the hero in the prophecy.” “I am still confused by this, Anne. After all, the description of the hero is nothing like him. But I also cannot look over the fact about the sword. He's an i***t who knows nothing about the blade, which makes his word somewhat reliable, upon describing the sword he left in his house." “Father, I think we can use this to our advantage. If he truly is the hero, then we can use him in our interest." The king's eyes widen after being told by his daughter of a genius idea. “I never thought you had such a plan.” “Well, I inherited your bright mind, father. Aren't you a little bit proud of your daughter?” The king blushes after his daughter compliments his bright mind. The princess turns her transitions her gaze from her father to Henry. “Henry, your friend snake has proven himself. Thus, you will join me to investigate the strange events at one of the boroughs we rule. Meet me at the castle's entrance. Together with Otis, we will meet up in the adventurers guild.” Henry bent his left knee in front of Anne and spoke, ”I shall obey your wishes.” After that, both Otis and Henry return to the room they stayed. With the assistance of the maid who brought them to the throne room. Upon arriving, Otis raises his head and inspects his long body to check for any injuries. “Ha~ I'm not dead. But that bishop! I will never forgive him. How dare he try to interfere in our fight. Such insolence!” Henry held Otis and moves him closer to his face. “Otis, why we're you hiding your strength?” Otis turns his head away from Henry and replied with a stuttered way of speech. “W-well, I am training secretly.” He avoids having eye contact, but Henry forces him to look directly into his eyes. “But you told me that you didn't want to train. Is everything you told me a lie?" Otis lets out a sigh before replying, “okay, I'll tell you the truth.” Henry dropped Otis to the bed and sat on the same bed. Henry had his ears carefully pay attention to Otis. “Henry, I have taken your recommendation of training. After seeing how helpful combat is, every day, I saw you struggle to win against your trainer. I think what you are doing is idiotic. However, when my power awakened, I felt useless because of that mentality of uselessness. I trained, wanting to surpass you in every way. However, the gap was too far away. So did a different way of making myself stronger. That training led to me learning a list of weak but powerful when used right magic.” “Upon gaining that power, I trained every day. I was increasing the limit of my mana. I used my daily life of hunting food to improve my agility and strategies in combat. But I did all of that, Henry, so that I wouldn't be left behind your progress.” Henry lets out a sigh of relief as he drops down to the bed. He gazes at Otis, who was on the same bed, and said unto Otis. “That makes me happy to think you had always thought of my words strongly. I thought you hated me after I said those words in your face and left. I feel somewhat proud that you took my advice wholeheartedly. I guess I am like your master even I did not train you.” “You're an i***t, Henry.” Henry laughed at Otis after receiving Otis's reply. “You never changed Otis; You are always a tsun-tsun!” “A tsun-tsun? What such otherworldly words are that.” “Uhhh! Crap!” Henry started to drip vast amounts of sweat. But Otis noticed Henry's sudden change, so he Lester's him by asking, “Henry are you hiding a secret from me?” ‘Will I be able to discover the hidden power he used to defeat me. It looks like my plans are nearing my grasp. Now tell me your secret, Henry.” Henry turns his gaze away from Otis after being questioned by his slithery friend. Henry then said unto Otis. “Let's better go to sleep now. Or we'll be late for tomorrow. The princess would be angry if we are late for such a critical event.” Morning came; Henry and Otis prepared themselves and walked to the meeting ground where the princess is waiting for them. Upon arriving at the said place. Princess Anne rushes towards the two of them. “Henry! Otis!” “Oh, princess, sorry if we're a bit late,” Henry said to Princess Anne. “Do not worry about it. Now let's go to the adventurer guild. So we can get registered. Medina is already waiting for us there.” Henry, Otis, and the Princess walk towards the guild. To register themselves as adventurers, the princess was the ecstatic one. “No bodyguards, no maids following you. So this is what freedom feels.” Said Anne to Henry with a smile. Henry's face turned tomato red see in the princess smile. And replied with tardy, “yes, this is freedom.” “What's this? The perverted Henry is shy of a princess smile." Otis teased Henry with a smirk written on his snake face. “Oh! Shut up, Otis. It's called admiration. I'm still a pervert.” “Can't believe you are proud of yourself being a p*****t, never cease to amaze me. I have never seen someone so shameless before.” The three arrived at the guild, and there they gaze upon Medina waiting on the door. Anne rushes towards Medina and greets her, “Medina! It looks like we made you wait.” “It's not a problem, princess." But as Medina replied, she shifted her gaze to Otis. She walks towards him and Henry. Upon reaching near them, Medina stared straight into Otis's eyes and unexpectedly lowered her head—shocking Henry and Otis, who were confused by this sudden development. Gaze unto one another, questioning each other.
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