Chapter 8- Medina Vs. Otis

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Otis looks at the female Cleric, who has challenged him to a duel. The cleric gave Otis a fierce and unforgiving look. It was like she had always hated him. Otis didn't know what's the purpose of the cleric challenging him to a duel. Even with that, Otis knew it was not a good thing for him to fight another opponent when his mana has depleted so much from his battle against the guard. Then suddenly, Otis realized the reason for the Cleric's challenge. ‘Wait! That's right. The church recognizes that gravity magic during this time is unholy. It was only three years after a prince who was loyal to the church gained gravity magic. Thus the church started to ignore gravitational magic.’ After realizing that, Otis spoke, “Your majesty, I refuse to accept this challenge.” Melvin raised his right eyebrow as he spoke in an unimpressed voice. “Is that so, snake. After defeating the most powerful guard here, you are not going to fight a woman who is weaker than him. How disappointing.” But suddenly, the Bishop spoke to the king and asked, “Your majesty, please allow this duel to happen.” “And why would I be doing that, Bishop?” The Bishop aimed his staff at Otis and yelled, “Because that snake is a DEMON!” Everyone in the room was shocked by this revelation. However, the king did not believe the Bishop's words. So he questioned him, “Why do you say that snake is a demon? What evidences do you have to prove your claim?” “Bishop, I think that is enough!” Princess Anne yelled out loudly. “Princess Anne, I suggest you stay out of this! We the church should handle this, or else.” “Or else what!? Bishop, to think that you were on my side.” The bishop took a deep breath and stomped his staff at the floor. Before replying, “Princess! I am on your side. However, a demon is a demon. An enemy of the church and God! We do not care if he is your friend or an ally. It is even better if you forget about him, as demons will betray you in the long run. Backstabbing you without you even noticing it. You only realize everything when all you have has fallen apart.” “Bishop! If this snake is a demon, what will you do about it then?” The king suddenly asked after listening to his daughter. “My cleric will cleanse and exorcise him on the spot.” The bishop replied to the king. “But what if he's not a demon? What will you do?” “I will compensate by sending aid to the princess's party. You are also going to send aid to your daughter's party when this snake defeats my cleric, isn't that right, King Melvin?” “I did say that, but the snake doesn't want to accept this challenge. And I am still disappointed by that, however, after hearing that this snake might be a demon. I will allow the duel to proceed.” “But Father!” The King slammed his chair and yelled, “Silence Anne!” After seeing that, his daughter backed down a few steps. The King continued his speech. “A demon entering the palace is something considered a national emergency. The army would be on the move causing civil unrest. So letting a Cleric fight, a possible demon would be better than having the entire army match her in the capital.” The King then gazed at Otis and asked him, “Snake! Are you willing to fight the Cleric, which will allow you to live if they determine you are not a demon? Or would you rather fight the Armada Army all by yourself! Choose! If you do not choose, I will order your execution right away!” ‘I'm not in a good spot right now. I have to fight a cleric who can kill me or the army, which will obliterate me. If I were my former self would choose the military as I can wipe out this king's forces in an instant. However, I am a pathetic cold-blooded reptile that has little mana.' ‘However, the bishop said that if I'm not proven a demon, then they would let me go. So I have a higher chance to escape death. However, my fighting capabilities are down by seventy percent. So the only way I can survive is to fight this Cleric. This King is also a scumbag.’ “Your majesty, I will choose to fight the cleric. As I am no match for your great army.” The King smiled after hearing Otis speak, “then let the duel begin!” “IMMEDIATELY!” Otis yelled while looking at the king. The Cleric pulled out her iron mace as she rushes towards Otis. She raised her mace and aimed downward at Otis, who dodges it by moving to the side. The Cleric pulled her mace back once again and attacked Otis by slamming her mace towards his direction. Otis once again dodges the attack by striding to the side. However, the Cleric had planned something. When Otis moved to the side, a magic circle appeared below him. “Trap magic!” Otis immediately jumps. However, he remembered that snakes couldn't jump. So he was caught by the magic trap that the Cleric placed. Chains made of golden light appeared and wrapped themselves around Otis. The chains then bonded Otis to the floor. The Cleric then charges towards Otis and slams her mace towards him. *Baaaaaaam!* Dust from the destroyed stone floor rose from the air. They are creating a smokescreen that blinded the vision of the Cleric and the spectators to Otis. But once the smoke cleared, the Cleric was surprised to see that the Otis she slammed her mace into turned into a black fluid. Then behind her, she heard Otis's voice speak. “That was close!” The cleric immediately turned her entire body a hundred eight degrees in a circular motion while swinging her mace. But as she swung her into the empty air, she felt something retaliate. It was like someone returned an attack at her mace. “Is that all you can do, Cleric?” Medina, the female Cleric that Otis was fighting, looks at the floor and saw Otis completely unscathed. Without saying anything, Medina dashed forward Otis. And swings her mace towards him once again. But this time, Medina felt the same counter-attack as she was two inches near hitting Otis. Medina continued doing this four times. *Baaaam!*--*Baaaam!*--Baaam!*--*Baam!* Before giving up on hitting Otis physically. Seeing Medina stop, Otis spoke, “Had enough?” Medina replied with a smirk, “Looks like you fell for it. ” “What!?” But as Otis spoke those words, a magic circle appeared once again, below him. The cleric then raised her left free hand towards Otis. A magic circle with a golden glow appeared on her palm. Medina then said these words to Otis, “I have won.” Otis had the look of despair upon seeing this, but “I-impossible... Just kidding, haha!” the face of suffering disappeared in Otis's face and was replaced by a cocky smile. “It's the opposite of that, actually, ” Otis added to his previous speech. Then the cleric suddenly felt her entire body became heavy. Medina kneels on the ground unwillingly. It caused her left hand that was aimed at Otis, to be put down. “So this is the gravity magic that knight felt.” The Cleric spoke to herself. “I have won, Cleric." But as Otis spoke those words, multiple magic circles appeared in his surroundings. Otis was stunned by this that he even shouted, “Ambush!?” Otis immediately looks at the Bishop and saw the lower part of his staff glowing. ‘These magic circles are not from this girl. It was from that older man. Damn it!’ But as Otis was observing, the female Cleric had disappeared from where Otis trapped her. The Cleric then appeared behind Otis and yelled, “Purification!” She slams her mace towards Otis, who she caught off guard. *Baaaaaaaaaammmm!*
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