Chapter 4 - Meeting the Princess

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A pink-haired girl somewhere near Henry's age opened the carriage's door. The maids and the only knight kneeled upon the girl walks out of the carriage. Henry, on the other hand, has not noticed the girl as he was preoccupied with his shattered sword. However, Otis saw this girl, who seems familiar. Then he realized that the girl was someone he had met before. “Wait, that girl! Isn't she? But that familiar long pink hair that reaches her waist. Those beautiful blue eyes, there's no denying it. It is the process of this kingdom Princess Anne Armada.” Otis spoke this loudly that Henry heard, but he ignored it as his sword was something that he needed. However, a woman's voice said unto Henry. “Young man, is that sword important to you?” Henry looks in the voice's direction, and there he saw a beautiful girl in a white gown near his age. The girl's had long hair that reaches her waist, beautiful eyes that were kind, a curvy body befitting of a woman, beautiful enchanting eyes, and most importantly, for Henry's type large, firm breast and bootylicious butt. “Wow, nice sexy body.” These were the words that came out of Henry's mouth. Otis slapped himself upon hearing the creepy tone and cringe-worthy line of Henry. Otis had never thought that Henry was so bad at communicating with girls. Even though it was not his reputation, Otis was so embarrassed by the words that Henry spoke. The girl had a weird smile after hearing Henry's words. “Umm, may I know your name, adventurer?” Henry, kneeling at the pieces of his shattered blade and was bathing in monster blood, stands up and replies to the girl. “Hello, I'm Henry. I'm single and ready to mingle!” Otis had never seen such a cringe reply before that he felt he was the one dying inside. Even a person who can see Otis's eyes can think that he was screaming internally. To Otis, it was like he was the one being embarrassed by each word that came out of Henry's mouth. However, even with his corny pick-up lines, the girl just smiled and giggled. But the girl saw Otis wrapped around Henry's neck. So she asked, “And who is this cute, scaly companion of yours.” “I'm Otis.” The girl's eyes widened in disbelief as she heard Otis reply to her question. “A talking snake! I never thought I would see one outside of a circus!” “OUTSIDE OF A CIRCUS!” Yelled Otis as he felt a direct hit of a sharp sword in his heart. “Otis, I never thought that you were a snake that a circus would have,” Henry spoke, which added another hit to his heart. ‘How could such words be painful to hear! Falling from greatness to a circus snake. This fate is ruthless, as the tongue of these weaklings.’ “But may I know your name, miss sexy beautiful girl?” Henry spoke with a wink as he tries to act like a cute boy next door. The girl giggled before doing a curtsy. After that, she then revealed her name. “I am Anne Armada, a pleasure to be your acquaintance.” ‘Just as I thought this girl was truly the princess in my castle. The princess with Henry before he defeated me, the only girl that survived along with Henry.’ Henry held the hand of the girl with his hands drenched in blood and spoke, “that's a beautiful name befitting of a woman like you. A true angel that God has gifted unto me. It looks like it was fate that has brought us together, miss Anne.” However, one of the maids rushed in their direction. With her sword raised towards Henry, which caused him to let go of Anne's hands. The maid drops her sword and grabbed a handkerchief in her pocket, which she used to clean the hands of Anne, which Henry held with his bloody hand. The maid had a disgusted look and raised her sword once again towards Henry. She then spoke, “How dare you not show your respect in front of the princess! You peasant! You even touched the princess with your dirty hands; now her purity has been ruined by a peasant!” ‘Such sharp words are coming out of a maid. But why do I feel like I have known this maid before?’ Henry raised his hand as the maid raised her sword towards him.”Woah! Calm down. We do not want any trouble.” Henry then gazed from up to the down with a perverted look. The maid had short black hair that reaches her shoulders, a mole near her left eye, and nice-sized breasts. The maid gives off a sadist vibe that would turn any man willingly into a slave. With her cold-blooded men, with specific fetishes would be bowing down and licking the shoes of this maid. After looking at the maid out of nowhere, Henry came close to the maid and held her by the hand, where Henry spoke. “A classic beauty like you is like a wild animal that needs taming. Why don't you let me ease your worries and tame you? I'm pretty sure I can satisfy your every desire.” ‘Never thought that Henry was this stupid. The maid just said that girl was the princess. If he wants to use this opportunity to his advantage, he should apologize.’ “Perverts like you deserve to die!” After yelling that, the maid instantly charges towards Henry with her sword. Henry was terrified upon seeing the angry maid charging. Especially that he has no weapon that he can use to defend himself. Henry only dodges the slashes of the maid using his footwork. However, Henry was starting to get tired and sloppy, leading to his cheek being slightly cut. Now, Henry has become terrified that he started running backward, however, thanks to a rock. Henry tripped down to the ground causing the maid to catch up with him. Then with only one swing, the maid's sword was about to separate Henry's head from his body. “THAT'S ENOUGH!” The maid stopped and put her sword back to its sheath. But she still gave Henry a disgusted look before turning around and walking away. Then she kneeled with one leg bent. “I'm sorry, your highness.” “Claire! You should not treat someone who saved us like that.” Anne then walked toward the terrified Henry down on the ground and reached out her hand out. “Are you ok?” The princess asked Henry with a worried expression. “Man! Your maid truly gave me a scare.” Henry spoke as he reached out his hand to accept the help of Anne. Then as he stands up, Henry immediately kneels to show respect and apologize. “I'm sorry for not knowing that your highness Princess Anne Armada was the one I am talking to; I hope the princess will forgive this peasant for his insolence.” Princess Anne smiled towards Henry as she replied, “Please raise your head, adventurer. You did nothing wrong. I should be the one apologizing for my servant's behavior towards our savior.” “No, you don't have to apologize, princess.” Anne was surprised after hearing Henry. But Anne did not want to feel indebted to her savior, so she asked. “Then as a then you, an adventurer, is there something you want.” Henry, during this time, became shy after being asked by the princess for a prize for saving her. Henry, with an embarrassed tone, spoke. “Well, I am quite in trouble, your highness. Since my sword shattered, I cannot fight and continue moving towards the capital to register as an adventurer. So I only wish for a sword that I can use while I walk towards the capital.” “Is that all you want? Adventurer?” “Yes, your highness, that's all I want; however, I am open to any physical reward.” *Wink* *Wink* “I see, then adventurer, as a reward, I will let you join us on our journey back to the capital. Then we will replace your precious sword upon arrival.” Henry lowered his head, “Thank you, your highness.” Then after that, the bodies of the princess's bodyguards that died were put on another wagon. Henry and Otis, who cleaned themselves from monsters' blood, took a seat with the princess's luxury carriage. But unlike before, Henry was not flirtatious with the princess. The maid that almost killed him was sitting beside the princess, and that is the reason for Henry's we'll behave attitude. ‘What's with this attitude, earlier his annoying with his cringe-worthy pick-up lines. Well, he's scared of that maid.’ But suddenly, Otis had something in mind after observing the well-behaved Otis. ‘Wait! Maybe I can use this opportunity to ruin his reputation, hehe. It looks like I'm going to have a little bit of plan.’ Otis slowly crawled down to the carriage's floor. He then slithered towards the legs of the princess and entered her skirt. It was the beginning of Otis's master plan to ruin Henry's reputation. Princess Anne was looking outside through the window of the carriage. She did feel something crawled in her legs but did not pay any attention to it. However, few seconds pass by. The princess felt something weird slithered through her private part. Leading her to moan as her face turned red, and his body became hot. “Aah~.” The maid sitting beside her became worried. So she immediately asked her master with a worried voice, “are you ok, princess!?” “My body feels hot and weird. Something slippery is running around my body.” But after speaking those words, Otis came out from the gap between the princess's breasts. Upon seeing Otis stick out like from her chest, the princess became red and screamed. “Eeeeeeek!” The maid looks at Otis with killing intent, and with one swoop using her hand, the maid tries to catch Otis. However, Otis was able to jump high above using weak gravitational magic; then, he lands towards Henry. Otis moved his mouth near Henry, who was confused about the current events. “It's pink, Henry, and she's silky smooth and hairless. Also, her nips are pink.” Henry's face suddenly turned red, and they shouted unintentionally, “SHE'S HAIRLESS DOWN!” The princess became completely red and started to become teary-eyed. The maid draws her sword; however, due to the carriage's small size, the maid only drew her dagger, which she hid in her thicc sexy left thigh. The maid pointed the dagger towards Henry and yelled, “You two dare sexually harass her highness. Then I will be sending the two of you to hell!” But as the maid was about to s***h both him and Henry, Otis immediately spoke. “Maid Claire, if you are going to send someone to hell. Only send master Henry, as I am an innocent creature who is powerless to his order. I am nothing but a lowly corn snake forced to obey the treacherous and perverted orders of my master Henry. However, if you cannot forgive the powerless creature.” “Then I am willing to accept my fate of being killed. But if you can find deep in your heart the forgiveness of this weak creature. Then please let me live at least; I will be willing to be your loyal servant if you will spare a weakling like me.” Otis spoke these words as he tried to charm the maid with his cuteness by imitating puppy eyes. ‘This is horrible. An emperor like me is begging for his life and putting up an act of cuteness. How unbefitting for the once-proud ruler. However, if this plan works, I can make Henry labeled as a p*****t that will lower their trust towards Henry.’ “What the hell are you talking, Otis! I never said that you should go and scout the princess's private parts. But! That was kinda hot.” “See! I told you, miss Claire, that this man is only using me to get some knowledge about the physical erotic levels of Princess Anne.” After hearing Otis, Claire closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she replied to Otis, “I see now, so this man is using a poor, powerless creature like you as a tool for his perverse endeavors.” “Yes, miss Claire. However, I am willing to be executed if you will not believe.” “Do not worry, powerless snake! I will not kill you.” “Eh!? That was…” However, Claire immediately grabbed Otis away from Henry. She then hugged the snake as she spoke, “Oh, you poor, poor creature! Do not fear, as I will take you away from this evil man.” Otis was happy, but he was being hugged tightly between Claire's arms and breast. Otis was struggling for air as he choked by Claire's breast. “I'm so jealous of you, Otis!” Henry yelled as he witnesses the snake near death. However, seconds pass, Otis passed out, and his spirit started to come out of his body. “Goodbye, cruel world, I never thought I would die by being suffocated by a pair of tits.” Henry, in some weird way Henry was able to see Otis's spirit. So without any hesitation, he grabbed the snake's soul. “Don't worry, Otis! I got your soul!” He then forcefully brings the would back to his body which was still being hug by the maid Claire. Then thanks to Henry's action on bringing back Otis's spirit to his snake body. Henry slaps Claire's breast as he brought Otis's soul to its body, being suffocated by Claire's breast. “Smaaaaaaaaack!” The sound of his slap echoed in the entire carriage's cabin. Then cold sweat started to trickle down Henry's spine as a killing aura filled the carriage. Even the coachman served something ominous inside the carriage. “How dare you slap my breast like that, you little b***h. Now I'm angry, and I want to kill someone right now.” The maid immediately stabs her dagger towards Henry angrily. However, halfway through, the princess yelled, “That's enough!” Claire stopped and pulled her dagger back and put it back in its sheath in her thigh. “You're lucky that the princess is here, pervert.” “Claire, let's all calm down.” The princess spoke as she puts her right hand on Claire's shoulder. Henry, on the other hand, was completely pale after having a near-death experience. Meanwhile, Otis has returned to life, but his head was still too numb to think appropriately after experiencing death once again. Thanks to Claire's breasts. Then suddenly, the coachman from outside yelled. “Princess Anne! We're already entering the gates of the royal capital.” The princess looks outside through the window of the carriage. And saw the lines formed by people waiting to gain entry. However, the princess's carriage was allowed access without being checked. Even the crowd that lined gave way to the carriage. The carriage entered the city; however, both Otis and Henry did not know this as both were unconscious. Upon arriving at the palace, the princess saw another carriage at the entrance. “Whose carriage is that, Claire?” Anne asked her maid as she points at the carriage with her index finger. Claire leaned towards Anne's side, and then she saw the carriage that Anne was pointing. “Oh! That's the Bishop's carriage. I heard that he wanted to meet the king. I think there were some problems at a certain town.” After hearing Claire, Anne suddenly looked at Henry and had a grin form on her face. “I see; it looks like I can proceed with my plans. Never thought that finding Henry was a nice timing.” “What are you planning, princess Anne?” “It's a secret, Claire, but tell the servants to arrange a room for Henry. ” Claire suddenly gave Anne a suspicious look. Before replying, “as you wish, your highness.”
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