Chapter Seven-3

371 Words

‘YOU KNOW, I THINK YOU and the girls were right,’ said Rafferty as he plonked Abra’s morning cup of tea on the bedside table. Drowsily, she opened one eye. ‘We’re women. Of course we were right.’ She sat up. ‘Right about what, anyway?’ ‘About getting Ma fixed up with a dating agency.’ ‘You’ve changed your tune. I thought you were dead set against it.’ Rafferty sat on the bed and gave her a morning kiss. ‘I was. But that was before Patrick Sean suggested buying the jewellery from a man in the pub. Never let it be said that Detective Inspector Joseph Rafferty has any truck with hookey gear.’ Abra laughed. ‘You’re the only one in your family who doesn’t, then.’ ‘More than my career’s worth, my sweet.’ ‘So that’s why I never saw that plasma telly your Ma bought us for our wedding. You n

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