Chapter Four:

2114 Words
Mitch’s POV: “Cheer up Mitch, ya could have had a worse job than this. I tell ya, some may even be a bit green in the face at how many babes you see walking about here.” Frank chimes, his eyes darting around at the many females walking about the dance club. I use this opportunity to top up his beer. I sigh as I think about how my work life has turned out here. After that crazy interview at the hospital, I decided to go for other interviews available on the newspaper. The only job I managed to get was this bartending job at a high-end club in the city. I mean, I guess it could have been worse, as Frank said, but I just wish I could do something more worthwhile than pour drinks, flirt with females and watch everyone dance. Sure, there are evenings that are fun and watching the romances and drama take place in front of me can be amusing, but these late nights don’t pay the best. “At least we have money for food and rent.” Blade mentions, bobbing his head to the tune coming from the speakers. Thank Goddess for Blade, who has been a really solid support for me this whole time. Him and Frank keep me company, otherwise I would be pretty lonely here. “You’re right, Frank. Thanks for having my back this past week.” I reply, swinging his beer closer to him on the bar surface. I can see his smile warming up as he looks between me and the beer. “Hi, can I please have one of whatever he’s having.” A petite, black-haired and chocolate-skinned woman says, her lovely eyes smiling at me and peeping over to Frank. I smile, as I watch my friend blush in between her flirtatious blinks. “Sure. Just a beer?” I ask her and she nods sweetly. I can see from the corner of my eye that she is slowly building up courage to speak to Frank, as she gently sways her body in beat with the music. Frank has a lot of bark, but absolutely no bite when it comes to women. He is always telling me about the “babes” and “beauties” around him, but Goddess knows he has no idea how to actually speak to them. I turn around and see that the two still aren’t speaking. “This is my friend Frank. He makes the best chocolate donuts in the city I reckon.” I remark, handing the beer over to the woman, who is looking at me curiously. When I finish to turns to face Frank with a large smile. “Hmm, I do prefer jam donuts if I am being honest with ya.” She says, almost teasingly to Frank, who is sporting the biggest smile I have ever seen. I can see the delight swimming in his eyes as the lady speaks to him. I want to laugh at my friend. He looks like a teenager who finally has the attention of their crush. “I think I can organize something like that for ya.” Frank chuckles, extending his hand to greet his interest. She giggles, which only makes Frank’s eyes brighten. “It’s a date then, Frank. My name’s Simone.” She taunts, reaching out her hand to meet his. I can smell the electricity burning between the two of them as their hands meet and the air becomes thick with vibrating energy. Humans may not have mates, but I would say they definitely have some sort of chemistry based on their reaction to each other’s touch. I carry on tending to the bar, taking orders and mixing drinks. Every time I look over to Frank, he is still deep in conversation with Simone. I notice them both looking at me at one stage and I edge closer, wiping some of the beer mugs. “Hey, bud, um, Simone has invited me to her place for a movie.” Frank says, his cheeks flushed and his aura buzzing. I am not sure if he is telling me, or asking me, but I cant help but chuckle out. “Go, friend. Have fun and I will see you tomorrow?” I ask, laughing at Frank’s love-sick eyes. Definitely a pup at heart I reckon. Frank only nods and Simone has joined in on the laughing. “Nice to meet you, Simone.” I nod and look at the dark beauty. She only nods and pats Franks shoulder. I am happy for them. The rest of the evening goes by pretty quickly and I manage to occupy myself with other people at the bar. It’s amazing how drunk these humans become on alcohol. I mean, Werewolves can also get drunk but it will take a couple bottles to achieve what the humans do after only a glass or two. Also, one part of this job that I have come to enjoy is how open humans are when they are drunk. You should hear some of the stories I have heard at this bar. Everything from how previous their cats are, to professing undying love to their beers and even divulging their life stories, I have really become witness to some incredible dialogues due to alcohol. “Hi, bartender? Hello?” I hear a feminine, but deep voice calling from behind me. I turn and see a male dressed in glittery pink and make-up waving his hand to get my attention. “Wow, aren’t ya just a looker! Not many men around here are as tall and built as ya!” The male says, fluttering his long, blue eyelashes up and down at me. I remember frank asking me what steriods I am on. Apparently it isn't so natural for men to be as built and big as I am, even though I am considered quiet lean in the Werewolf Realm compared to the likes of Sam and Xavier. “What can I get you?” I reply, smiling at the friendly person in front of me. Frank told me that it’s very normal here to run into manly women, feminine men and all sorts. I find this to be very enduring with humans, as the Werewolf Realm is very stuck on mates and pups and bonds, etc. It just seems humans are a bit more accepting and I think that is pretty fresh. “I need a couple drinks. Three Pina Colada, two Cherry Cosmo’s, five white wines and maybe about twelve shots of Apple Sours?” The male mentions, reading off the list of drinks from his phone. I smile at him and nod. “Sure. All this under your account?” I ask, raising my eyebrow at him and chuckling. “Yes, but can you bring it to that table over there?” he laughs back and points his bright pink finger nail to a table on the dining side of the club. I see the table is covered with balloons, glitter boxes and unused condoms. Interesting choice of décor. “Yes, no problem. Just give me a minute to round them up.” I reply, offering him a friendly smile before he walks off and joins his party again. I laugh at how he skips to the table in his killer heels. I quickly get to work on the large order, adding some extra care into each drink. It seems like they are all celebrating something, so why not add in a little extra? I ring the order up and throw in five free shots of Tequila. I was told to do this on big orders or parties. I place all the drinks on a tray and slowly start making my way to the table. The closer I get, the more I can hear the amused chatter of the many ladies and one gentleman seated. With each step forward I can’t help but relish in the buzz of energy flowing through my veins, which even Blade is sitting up for. This seems to be the most alive I have ever felt here in amongst the humans. Even the lingering smell of lavender has my skin crawling with anticipation. “Oh, our drinks! Thank ya honey!” The male says, jumping up to help me distribute them. I watch as he passes them to each person and giggles. I look around at each person seated, wondering who could possibly be wearing such a mouth-watering perfume, but the smell doesn’t belong to anyone and rather just hovers in the air. Blade is panting. “I threw in some extra shots for you.” I mention, which earns me a round of squeals and cheers from everyone at the table. “Aren’t ya just a darling! Such a looker too!” One of the females says and giggles. I smile back at her compliment, but something feels really out of place in this moment. What is that smell? I turn around to face the bar again and just as the music hits a high, my whole world and existence dips. As if in slow motion, the most breath-taking and gorgeous female moves towards the table. She is slightly taller than the average lady in the club, with long legs boasting against a short, black, leather skirt. Her hair is a straight and dark brunette, that flows in smooth waves down to below her waste. Her every step causes a jiggle against her perfect-sized buds, which are standing naturally under her black, crop top. I can see from here that her eyes are a unique blend of green and brown and they seem strong, determined, genuine, but also tired. She doesn’t have much make up one, but the little she does have only accentuates her elegant features and kiss-me lips. I groan as I watch her amble closer, my world completely still and quiet, as I focus on her. With each inch closer, I can smell more and more lavender, until eventually she is right next to me, with her head tilted to the side and her hands resting on her hips. “MATE!” Blade shouts, making my eyes go wide. What? Am I getting a second-chance right now? Is this what is happening? “Excuse me, please.” Her voice comes out, slowly setting my brain back into real time and out of it’s haze. As if falling back to reality with a hard thump, the music penetrates through me, catching me off guard. “Sorry?” I whisper, trying to understand what is happening to me right now. Mate? “You are in my way to get to my friends.” The woman says again, this time looking past me and at the table behind her. I follow her gaze and notice that she is looking at the group of people I am busy serving. Right, she must be part of the party. I slowly step to the side and watch as she joins the table of people, who are all laughing and chatting. “Oh, sweetie, I almost thought ya had run away from your own bachelorette party!” The feminine male says, chuckling and looking at my mate with a fake sad-lip. “Even if I wanted to, the Lord knows I am never going to get out of this marriage, even if I tried.” My mate replies, her voice hollow and empty. The whole table has gone quiet at this point and it seems my heart has too. My second-chance mate is here to celebrate getting married? “Oh sweetie.” One of the other females replies, this time holding pity in her eyes. What the hell is going on right now? Why are they showing pity when she is getting married? “Whatever. This is to future Mrs. Williams!” My mate booms, her voice coming out sarcastic, as she downs not one, but two of the tequila shots on the table. I feel my soul being ripped as I watch her. If she is getting married then does it mean she is in love with someone else? I feel Blade howling in anguish at the thought and my whole-body bubbles with annoyance. Blade is on edge and I have to really try control him in front of all these humans. I doubt she even feels the mate pull, considering she is a human, so how am I even going to make this work? My second-chance at happiness is sitting right in front of me, but what does this mean when she is to belong to someone else? Damn this human world!
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