Chapter 3 From friends to family and My Mate??

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Chapter 3 From friends to family and My Mate?? Samantha’s POV   As we get back to the house Whit and I run up the stairs to get ready for school that day. By now it is only 7 am and luckily school starts at 9:45 for us because of the late start. One of the few perks of being a senior. In my room, I have a walk-in closet as well as a queen-size bed and dresser with a huge mirror on top of it. Unlike the boys who each have their own bathrooms and a shared commons area, I must use the bathroom down the hall. Dad tried to get me to let him put a bathroom in, but I already feel like I take too much from this pack as it is. I mean come on, I am only an omega, even if the alpha sees me as His child, I am not, I am just a bastard child. “Hey, I’m going to go use the shower down the hall but I’m sure Cody would let you use his! “I say to Whit giving her a wink as she turns bright red. I walk off knowing she already has clothes in my room since we spend so much time together. As I pass the large window facing out to the drive, I notice 3 black SUVs pulling into the drive. Turning the corner, I think nothing of it. Passing Alissa on my way to the shower she informs me that royal Alpha Asher had just arrived and that as soon as I was done, and dress dad wanted all of us to meet in his study.” “Okay thank you, Ali”. I say with a smile She is the head of housekeeping here as well as my boss and one of the many staff who treats me like I am worthwhile and not just as an omega. She makes sure all the staff if it is an omega, human, or even a normal pack member gets treated with the same respect. She is also one of the few that I know had will stand up to dad and yell at him if he messes up her floors she has just cleaned. I take a nice long 30min shower knowing that I will soon have to meet the Asher fellow and for some reason it makes my heart skip a beat. I shake it off as nerves and still being pumped up on the high of beating Macy in front of the pack this morning. As I walk into my closet, I pick out a pair of boots cut jeans, a short sleeve black flannel button-down shirt, and my black cowboy boots. I have Whit help me put my hair into a high ponytail and I slide my Kansas princess hoody on over the top of it. I put on no make-up because I really don’t care what people think of me, I never have and really don’t think I ever will. I grab my S9 cell phone, popping in the headphones as I walk out the door just to run smack into dad who is yelling and barking orders. “There you are, thank the Goddess I need you and Whitney to leave for school now” he shouts as he is running. “What’s wrong, what’s going on?” I ask “Just do as I say get in the ford and go as fast as you can you will be safe there. We caught a rogue this morning and he is saying they are planning an attack I need you guys gone. I, Beta Blaine, Alpha Asher, and his beta Reece will take care of this.” “But dad we can fight”. All 4 of us kids say at the same time earning us a growl from him followed by his alpha tone. “NO NONE OF YOU ARE, DO I MAKE MY-SELF CLEAR” he yells making us all stop “I already lost your mother I’m not going to lose any of you.” “Yes, Alpha I will make sure I get all four of us to school okay” Cody replies. I can tell by how tense he is wanted to be fighting alongside the Alphas and betas as well, but he had only been training for 7 months and knew he was not ready. “Thank you, son, and please make sure your sister stays out of trouble at school today after what happened this morning, I know it will be the talk of the pack.” With that, he runs out the door shifting mid-air and off he went to meet everyone at the border. I grab my bag and binder off the counter along with a green apple and head to the truck. Cody throws me the keys so I can drive, and we all climb in and take off, “So, did you get a chance to see Alpha Asher before s**t hit the fan?” I ask Cody who is in the backseat with Whit snuggled up next to him. I could tell she was worried about her dad and Cody would be the only one who could calm her down. Eli was sitting in the front with me and when he looked back and saw the two of them started making gagging sounds. I just laughed he was too young to understand how the mating bond works and the effect it has on the two wolfs. For me, I will probably never have a mate. I’m human and most wolves like to keep clean bloodlines NOT with humans. In our pack, it is excepted, thus the reason dad took mom as his mate, but in most of them, it is frowned upon. “Only for about 5 minutes before Jake ran out to us to let us know what the prisoner had told them. Apparently, everyone knows Alpha Asher will be staying with us and are saying they are after him.” I nod knowing that is more than likely the case ‘but dad had said that he had just found out last-night on him coming. Unless we or they have a leak. I’ll need to bring it up with dad tonight’ I thought. As we pull up to school we park towards the back of the lot near the construction and home economics room. Cody jumps out after Whitney and gives her a kiss on the cheek before running with Eli to get to class on time. Whit and I stroll in the front office to get a pass to the library so we can hang out for the next hour and 45 minutes till our classes start. Walking down the first hall to my locker at the end after stopping at hers first, I can hear the chatter of the wolves talking about this morning just as dad had said was going to happen. I also could pick up bits and pieces of people complimenting Whitney on her hair and how she looked today but not a single look my way. ‘Good’ is what I thought as I opened my lock after a few hits on it. Grabbed my books and we started to the library. I sat down at the far back table popped in my headphone turned on my 2000’s country hits playlist and started on finishing up my trigonometry homework for the 2nd period. Yes, I’m the school’s genius but no one has ever really cared. As I am finishing it, I realize that we still have an hour of nothing to do so I shoot the gang a text to see how things were going. Cody and Eli had PE this morning so they wouldn’t answer but both dad and beta Blaine replied saying everything was taken care of on the pack grounds and we were safe. I open the 5-person group chat with the only friends I have. There is Whitney who is 5’10 with looks to kill. She is, of course, my best friend as well as a werewolf. Then there is Drake he is 17 and is 6’3 and a werewolf as well. He has Cherokee blood in him, and his family had once had their own pack, but it was small as his dad agreed to have his pack join ours for safety in numbers. There were the twins Dawn and liea they are both 16, they were only born 3 minutes apart, but they looked so much alike, both were human and only 5’5 with red hair and blue eyes. They knew about what we were because their mother and father Cheyenne and Mike were the pack doctors. Dawn was always closer to me than her sister because she didn’t like the attention that they got. Finally, we have Kat who was only 15, she is what we like to call a wild card. Not most packs have a witch coven in their packs but ours did and her mom was head of that coven. She tended to be dark and moody but once you got to know her, she was the best. I had texted everyone to see if they wanted to come to the library to hang out if they were at the school yet even. Slowly they all started to file in and sit down with us. “So, the rumor going around the school is little miss dark and mysterious here found her mate this morning!” The twins say at the same time pointing to Kat in the middle. “OMG did you really Kat that’s fantastic. Who is he or she or what?” Whit began asking a million questions before she could even open her mouth to say yes or no. I clamp my hand over her mouth hoping it would shut her up and it did. KATS POV            I get off the bus after my 20-minute ride from the coven house on the other side of town. As I walk in, I run into the twins who are waiting for me at our table. Today just happens to be my 15th birthday. “KAT, KAT, KITY KAT KIT KAT” One of them yells. Why do they have to be so loud in the morning? “Hey look who it is Fire and Flame the loud and explosive redhead twins,” I say while rolling my eyes. This gets me a grunt from both at the same time and I laugh. “That was one time okay we wanted to make the bond fire bigger we didn’t know it would explode like that with all the gas on it.” “Okay if you say so, it is getting late so I’m heading to class bye guys.” “Oh, hey look the pack groups here early today all of them, not just Cody and Eli.” As I look over there my witch sue starts to panic and I know why, its Eli, he’s our mate. “Mate,” I say a little louder than I should have and both twins look at me with shock Samantha POV  “So, Kat why do you look so down?” I ask her. “You’re not going to like it Sam.” She says in a small voice “And why is that?” “It’s your brother, Eli” I just smile at her. “This is amazing news girl I would love to have you as a sister,” I say with a smile as I let go of Whit to go and hug her. “why would you think I wouldn’t like it?” I ask her “Well he is only 14 and I’m only 15 and for that matter, I don’t even think he notices me.” She let out a small sob as I hold her. “honey he shifted early and in the other wolves who had shifted early they didn’t find their mates till 15 or later, but what I can do is talk to him and dad so we can all hang out more plus your mom already loves him as her own son and dad treats you like a daughter as well so it will be fine my love.” She gives me a nod as I hug her tight. “SO, any luck with you finding your mate Drake?” “No but I do know who I want to be my mate, but she is human, so I need to talk to Alpha Mark about it.” “Okay, I’ll tell dad tonight so he can set up a meeting. Do we know her at least?” “yea you do but I’m not going to say who it is.” He says while staring at me with a grin on his face “And nice job by the way on putting that want-to-be Alpha she-wolf in her place this morning that was sweet.” He says giving me a wink. About the time I get back to my seat so I can tell the twins and Kat what happened beta Blaine walks into the door. We all stop and look at thinking something is wrong. “Don’t worry everything is fine but Alpha Mark is asking for Drake, Whitney, Kat, and Samantha to all come to the office.” Our principle knows about us and has to that way he can handle punishments the right way. We all get up and say bye to the twins and meet Blaine, Cody, and Eli outside the doors. Cody comes over and hugs Whitney making her turn red while I notice Eli staring at Kat for the first time. “Mate” I barely hear him whisper as does the rest of the group. Blaine puts his hand on Eli's shoulder and gives him a push towards her and he snaps out of it running at her and hugging her. I let out a little cough and say congrats as does everyone else. As we make our way to the office, I tell Kat, “See I told you everything would work out” and step back to the back with Drake. “Well looks like we are the only two without mates now” he states dryly. “you will find her somewhere I know you will, however, I really don’t think I have one, so I just have to start looking when I head off to college in the fall.” As we walk into the front office I go in as he holds the door for me. “You know I would love it if you would give me the chance to be your mate?!”He says more as a question than as a statement but I can’t seem to respond as I am hit with a wave of heat that comes out of nowhere. Blaine knocks on the door. “Alpha I have brought the future alpha and beta as well as worrier Drake, Kat and your Daughter as you have asked me to” “You may enter,” he says in his Alpha tone. As he opens the door I am filled with a smell of pomegranates and dark chocolate. “Do you smell that?” I ask Drake. “No,” he says. As I walk in, I trip over my own two feet, but Drake grabs me and pulls me to his chest just in time for me to catch the eyes of a tall 6’10, black hair and a green-eyed male standing next to my father. “Mate” we all hear, and everyone turns his way even dad. “What did you say, Alpha Asher,” Cody, dad, and Blaine all ask at the same time. The man who I have just found out to be Alpha Asher is still staring at me. But as he sees Drakes arms around me tighten at his statement of mate all hell breaks loose. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE BEFORE I RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU ARROGANT PUP” That was all I heard before I took off from the office and the school, jumped into my truck and took off. ‘No this can be happening he can’t be my mate; I’m not supposed to have one let alone it be an Alpha and a Royal at that. He’s just going to reject me and it’s going to hurt human or not I know what a mate is and how the bond works. This is going to be hell.’ I thought as I drive down to the river. ASHER POV As I joined my men leaving to head for the SUVs and prepare for my journey to the Rider pack, I think of what my father said the night before.  “This is one of the only packs we have not checked for your mate, I know you've just turned 17 a few months ago but still we need to find your Luna before you turn 18 in order for you to take the Crown for me. I cannot have you assume the throne without a proper mate even if this means taking one and not having your one true mate.” Maybe I did have a chance to find my mate, maybe I'd finally find my Luna, my one and only, my other half, maybe I'd finally understand what's driving my wolf so crazy about meeting this pack. ‘What has you so riled up Xander, why is it every time I turn around you are clawing and trying to figure out how to come to the surface.’ ‘If you haven't figured it out yet then you are more stupid then I would have believed you to be and nowhere near ready to become a King, you human.’ ‘just because I don't understand your mindset does not mean I am not ready to become King, I'm through talking with you until this is over.’ I shut the mind-link between Xander and I as I leaned my head back on the rest and wait for this long 13-hour drive to be over with. You see The Royal Palace, and the capital of all werewolves is in the heart of Colorado deep within the Rocky Mountains. The Midwest is the one place we have not yet had the pack challenges and this year will be the first year that we have them there. The Rider pack has always been in the Top 3 And I don't expect this year to be any different. They are expected to reveal their future Alpha and beta along with a few new Warriors. By the time we arrive at the borders, it is almost 7 am, we're passed through easily due to my status. I look out to my right from the back of the vehicle as I see a group of pack members running towards the main estate. I notice a girl in the front, shorter in height and little on the bigger side as far as weight but still deadly gorgeous with long black Raven hair and a smile that lights up her face as she turns to look at her Alpha. At this point, Xander tries to surface again And I still do not understand why. My beta Reece realizes something is wrong with me. “Is everything OK Alpha?” “Truth be told I’m not 100% sure Reece, I can't seem to shake this feeling that I'll find my mate here.” “Tell me what all you have found out about this pack. I know I consider Mark to be like a second father for me for everything he's done for my father and the training he has helped me within my years. But for some reason after he met his Luna, he seemed to drop off the radar, he'd only come around occasionally for training days and that was it, he never brought her or his kids with him.” I state “Well Sir from what I can tell, he has 3 children altogether, there is Cody, Eli, and a young girl named Samantha who is the same age as you and I.” “How is that possible? Last we knew he only had 2 sons his soon-to-be Alpha Cody and his other son Eli who was to be the beta for Cody?” “I’m not 100% sure on that myself Sir but when we asked about the pack and who all lived in the household, they mentioned a girl who is to turn 17 at the end of this month named Sam which is short for Samantha.” “I wonder if that is the girl, I saw at the head of the pack just now?” That question was more meant for in my head but out loud by accident.  “What do you mean pack are running just now?” my beta asked me. “There was a small group containing two females and four males running out to the right of us heading towards the pack's main estate.” “It is almost 7:00 o'clock Sir maybe they had just gotten done with training at the packhouse and heading back?!” he says “That very well could be I guess we'll find out here in about 5 minutes when we make it there won't we.” Sometime after we've dispatched all the rogues that had crossed their southern border and after Mark had made sure his children had made it to the school OK, we sat down to discuss do questions that I felt needed to be answered.  “I am rather curious as to why you were hesitant to me earlier Mark, on answering who the young girl with the black hair and green eyes was.” “I promise you, Asher, it was not meant to seem as if I was hiding the truth of anything from you. As you know 16 years ago, I met my mate Maria, she, however, had already had a child and she is also human just like Maria.” This part didn't so much surprise me, I knew he had a mate however I did not know that she had already had a child.  “Is the young girl I saw earlier running with the pack the child?” I asked him more out of curiosity than anything. “yes, that is her, name is Samantha choose 5-foot-tall will be 17 on the 27th of this month. She has long black hair and piercing green eyes like you and me. If it wasn't for the fact that her mother was human, and I had never met her mother before, you would almost think the child was mine, as much as she looks like me. However, her mother disappeared 2 years ago. She was home alone with Samantha, they were gardening and having a mother-daughter day when I got a frantic call from Sam saying that she couldn't find mom anywhere. It was unusual because nobody had been around the main house that day, I had given almost everybody the day off to go enjoy time with their family and friends for the Easter holiday. When I came home, we searched and searched and searched but, we never found her not a single trace, not even her scent it was gone, almost like she was never there. It was hard on me to lose my mate, but it was even harder on Samantha because the pack blamed her for the loss of their Luna. You see Samantha never shifted on her 15th birthday, she doesn't even smell like a Wolf. However somehow, she has the strength of one in human form. Just today she was challenged by a she Wolf who seemed to think that she was better than her and she would be the future Luna, even though as you have already stated my son has found his mate, so she took on the challenge, the match didn't even last 5 minutes before Samantha had her on her back with a broken leg and her forearm across her neck demanding submission from her.” For some reason the thought of this girl who was supposedly no more than a human being able to pin as a she-wolf in wolf form and break a limb made me beam with pride as if she were my own. What is it about this Samantha that has both Xander and me going insane to meet her? it's as if her presence and sent in this house alone is driving me crazy.  “OK mark what do you say you get Reece and I heading towards the school so we can get enrolled in classes and why don't you call this, so-called future of the pack, group so you can introduce them to us, I would love to get to know them better.”  As we sit in the principal’s office after getting our Classes squared away to where I am in every class with Samantha, we begin to talk more about this infamous group that comprises of the future Alpha and beta, the future Luna along with this Samantha as well as a pack warrior named Drake and a witch name Kat. As I’m looking over my schedule waiting for the group to arrive, I notice my classes seemed to be rather advanced even for a senior. The first period is empty due to late start, then there is trigonometry followed by advanced college English composition one, then there is human Physiology and anatomy, lunch with B group, intro to advanced economics and World Trade, home economics which seemed odd even for a girl. And finally, she had a free period at the end of the day, which I was told she spent most of her time in the weight room during the winter and out on the track and field during the spring in summer. From what I've been told she doesn't play any sports though she could be very good at them. She seems to want to block everybody else out of her life. She is always seen wearing a hoodie, always had headphones in and never wants to draw much attention. Walking the halls coming to the office I overheard quite a few whispers talking about how the lowly Omega alpha's daughter had managed to injure another pack member in human form even when she had no wolf. That alone intrigued me and got me thinking of what had happened that morning, what mark had said about defending her best friend in the future Luna of the pack. But still how come she wants nobody to notice her, how come she wants to hide who she really is. From what I had seen alone from photos in her house or even the short drive as she was running, she was magnificent and a gorgeous creature. The way everybody in the school who was in the pack was talking about her being a lowly Omega and worthless made my blood boil. Human or Omega you are not worthless, every life is worth living it doesn't matter your status, it doesn't matter your bloodline, all that matters are the deeds you do and not what could be done.  ‘Them talking about Samantha the way they are, makes me want to rip them to shreds human or not.’ Xander states in a rather snide tone. ‘I feel the same way, but I still don't see why we are so worked up about her, is there any way she could be our mate?’ I ask  ‘She very well could be. The moon goddess showed me that our mate tobe has black hair and green eyes however she never showed me if she had a was a wolf or not. Maybe she is human.’ ‘Lord only knows how the council will take their next Royal Luna being human, if she is indeed my mate then there will be major changes that need to be done so that I can make sure she is protected and that she would not have to worry about criticism for being who she is.’ At that time, I have been too busy talking with Xander to hear the knock an announcement from beta Blaine on their arrival. I look up and automatically recognize future Alpha Cody, future Luna Whitney and future beta Eli standing in the front. Behind them, beta Blaine introduces the girl who I learn name is Kat and from the looks of it also seems to be the future beta female and is mated to Eli. However, when the final two enter the room I am hit with a sudden flash of heat that causes a pain in my groin to grow. I look up to meet the green eyes of a short girl with a high ponytail full of jet-black Raven hair and a large hoodie on Top of her. I notice her jeans fit her tight but only in the right places, round hips, plump thighs it would drive any man crazy to hold on to, and a pair of old worn but still in good condition black cowboy boots on her feet. I'm hit with the smell of Evergreen Pines and the Tang of Kiwi fruit. As Xander howls in my head, I automatically know she is our mate, she is our destined mate. The look on her face, however, shows a mix of confusion, panic, and sadness.  “Mate,” I say out loud. “What did you say, Alpha Asher.” Cody, Mark, and Blaine all ask at the same time. As I'm staring transfixed at her body, I realize that the warrior name Drake seems to have tightened his grip on her the minute I state that she is my mate. Who is he to have his hands on her? According to her father she has seen nobody and has never been on a date so who does he think he is to have his hands on what is rightfully mine. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE BEFORE I RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU ARROGANT PUP” I yelled with the fury Xander and I mix in our alpha tone. Mark and Cody hold on to me, so I do not rip this idiotic pup apart. I see Samantha gather her thoughts and dart for the door with tears filling her eyes. That alone snapped me out of my mad enraged state. Was it what I just did that made her cry and was there really something going on between her and this pup?  ‘if she is human, she's not going to feel the mate bond just by looking at us, we need to touch her for her to realize that we are her mate.’ ‘I don't know Xander, by the look on her face she already knew who we were, could it be that she actually is some sort of wolf and not just human?’ ‘I have heard in the past of there being such a thing as a late shifter and those are usually special cases who harbor rare powers or special abilities that the moon goddess bestows upon them.’ He tells me. ‘Either way, we need to find her and protect her she's in pain and I can feel it’ I say as I cut off the mind-link with Xander. Looking over at my beta Reece I ordered him to be quick and follow her but not to be seen and make sure she stays safe. He obliges and leaves swiftly to follow her.  “Mark do you know where she could have gone?” I ask in concern knowing that my mate had just fled my side and knowing that she could very well be in danger was enough to drive me insane.  “Unfortunately as far as I know, usually if we're home she has a reading area in her closet she would hide in but as far as here at school or in public, in general, I do not know, I don't know if she has anywhere to go.” “I think I may know where she is gone Alpha,” Whitney says. “Where could that be?” asked Mark looking confused and an utter shock. “She may have gone towards the river down by the dam, she likes to sit out there and listen to the water and the animals. She didn't really start going there until about 6 months after Maria disappeared, she got really depressed because everybody here at school was blaming her for the disappearance of their Luna and the human kids are just as harsh stating that her mother ran away because she was too much to handle. She disappeared after PT class one day and I followed her scent towards the River and found her on the banks crying. She begged me not to tell anybody especially Cody that way she would have someplace to escape is she was ever too stressed.” “Luckily the River and damn are well within pack boundaries not far from our house actually now that I think about it, she should be safe but having beta Reece follow her is a good idea.” Mark had said.  “Mark, if I may be so bold, will you let me go out there by myself maybe she just needs some girl time to talk with me, to talk with another female. She made the comment just as we were leaving the library, once we had found out that Kat is Eli’s mate that she did not believe that the moon goddess Selene had blessed her with a mate. And now she found out that she does have one and on top of that he's a Royal Alpha, she could just be overwhelmed and feeling that she does not deserve him since she is only human.” “Why in Goddess name would she believe that she wouldn't have a mate or be deserving of one?” I ask in a bit louder voice than needed to be. “ You see Asher most packs don't accept humans, I had a few packs myself who were not pleased that my destined mate was a human, luckily they looked over it and stayed in alliance with me, however, most of them believe pureblood werewolf bloodlines are needed to keep our packs strong. I do not think this way, I have not taught her this way, so I do not know why she believes this. As for you Drake, you now know she has a mate and that it is Royal Alpha Asher who is her destined mate, I know you've had feelings for her for about a year now but you need to let this go, she is not yours, nor will she ever be. You need to move on son, you will find your own someday, I promise, but today is not that day.” I look at the young boy and realize the heartache he feels. He is the same age as me, yet he cannot find his mate either. I sympathize with him to a point, however, he does need to stay away from Samantha, I cannot let somebody who has lingering feelings for her near while she is still trying to figure out if she can accept me or not.  After sitting there discussing the finer details of the upcoming events, my mind wanders to my mate when I get a sudden mind-link from Reece. ‘Alpha, I need you now, the rogues are back roughly 50 of them heading for the River as we speak. They all seem to be going after her, going after Samantha.’ ‘Are you certain it is her they are going after’ I asked starting to panic. ‘Yes Asher, I'm positive I caught a straggler, apparently, she is something special according to them and their so-called Alpha once her and whatever power she has.’ He ends the mind-link there. “Mark, I need your best Warriors heading to the river dam now, 50 rogues are heading towards Samantha from the northeast. Reece had caught one and apparently, they want Samantha for some sort of power that she has.” I say as we both start ordering our men through mind-link on where to go. We head straight for the woods behind the school and shift the minute we are out of sight. ‘I don't know why or what special power she supposedly has Asher, I promise you as far as I have known she's been human. Her mother said that she conceived her and the male who had forced himself on her fled the country before she was born, she was never able to get in contact with him. We don't even know who he is.’ ‘Let's worry about the finer details later 1st we need to get to her the faster the better.’ Don’t worry baby, I’m coming for you I am not letting you go when I have only just found you.  
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