Within The Walls

1762 Words
MALCOLM'S POV: A woman with stout hips waddles through a chipped paint archway. She wipes her runny nose across the black, grungy long sleeve. Her wrinkles on her forehead frown while counting the children drinking their chicken broth from their chipped stain soup bowls." Are all the children accounted for?" She glares around the room, counting the heads of each child. A woman only seventeen, her chestnut brown hair tucked loosely hung in a bun scampers behind her with her head hanging low to the ground, "No, Mrs. Biddleworth, they are not." "What do you mean they are not? "Each word she says causes the young woman to hang her in shame. "I... um... well," the young woman tucks her hair nervously behind her ear. "Don't you dare start that nonsense with me again, Destiny! Where is he?" Mrs. Biddleworth lifts her white stained apron with her fist, knowing all too well that Destiny always prefers silence, even if it means scrubbing the boy's filthy restroom floor with her toothbrush tonight. "Damn you to hell, Destiny!" Mrs. Biddleworth's voice booms through the room, "When will you ever learn? Malcolm is not worth this!"  Some children stop eating and watch in horror. They know the wrath of Mrs. Biddleworth. A few teenagers, dressed from head to toe in black attire, lick the corner of their lips and snicker.  "Quiet over there," she warns to the teen and raises her hand towards Destiny's thin cheek. Destiny whips her head up, seeing the grungy fat hand staring her in the face. Her palms are sweaty, and her mouth is running dry. The contact of Mrs. Biddleworth's hand is sticking mid-drift in the air. All Mrs. Biddleworth can do is stare into the lavender eyes of Destiny with pure disgust as yet another window shatters from a far-left corner. Mrs. Biddleworth whips her head towards the windows and demands, "Show yourself, boy!" A boy screams from the top of his lungs. His voice screeches so loud that each child holds their ears. Some little ones run for cover under the table, whispering, "Not again."  The troubled teens make way, spreading in different directions to allow room for the child to face the wretched woman. They laugh and whisper freak while Mrs. Biddleworth thinks to herself how she wants more than anything to get rid of them all. The only thing the twelve-year-old boy thinks to himself is, "I don't freaking care what she does to me; she isn't going to touch my sister." PEARL'S POV: "Mmm, you sure don't disappoint." Charles beams as he struts naked across the room to clean himself up. "So, are you saying  that you liked the ice?" I tease while pulling the sheets away. "f**k, no!" He laughs. "I meant when I took over and gave you what you deserve! Mmm... mmm... mmm. Now, that was good!" "You are lying your ass off. Even I know that." Hekara teases. "Stay out of this one, Hekara!" Charles chides and smacked me on the ass before walking towards the closet door. "She's right, though!" Randolph laughs across the room. "You are getting dressed this time of night? Where are you going?" I asked curiously. "You got me thinking," Charles says and grabs his phone off the dresser and text someone. "About what?" I ask while trying not to shift my eyes toward the balcony. "Richard, the bastard is being too quiet. Maybe you are right. Maybe he is out there causing more drama. I better get Erik to check things out." He grabs his grey pinstripe slacks from the closet and a long-sleeve button-up shirt from his dresser. Charles puts them on while talking. "Where are you checking first?" "I'm heading to town." "This could be good, Hekara. Now we can get going!" "True!" "Okay, well, when you get back, we can finally go and check out Second Chance together." "Wait! Why are you bring that up now?" Hekara fusses. Charles turns away and grabs his keys and matching suit jacket. "Sorry I can't. The pack has a meeting." "No, you don't," I say and throw the sheets on the floor. "Pearl, stop arguing with him! You are wasting time!"  "Well, he doesn't! He is lying!" "Yes, I do," Charles says firmly and walks right up, kissing me roughly on the lips. "It's been a month, Charles. You promised you would take me to check the place out." "Yes, I did. If I said I would I go, I meant it." "Then, what's the deal!" "Dammit, Pearl, did you see the way Pita was acting?" Hekara's voice sounds half panic, and half worried.  "Yes!" "Look. I know you and Charles got a lot to work out, hell we do too, but it is obvious the way Pita is acting that this matter is far more important! " Flashes of Pita's frantic behavior on the balcony, then Randolph and Pearl whispering back-and-forth run across my mind.. I think of how much time has slipped during s*x; Worrying about my past instead of what matters of the most, and my duties as Alpha. I slip up and shift my eyes towards the balcony, and Charles notices it too. "Pearl Waters, don't go without me. Is that clear?" Charles's loud voice knocks me out of my thoughts and nods towards the same spot I was looking for. "Excuse me?"  Charles raises his eyebrow and walks over to the balcony and slides the doors closed. "I assume you will still be home when I get back?" "Where else would I go at this time of night?" I glare and cross my arms. Charles looks me over from head to toe and scans my eyes for a sense of truth or betrayal. "Hmmm, just because you are an Alpha, remember, Pearl, you are still mine now." He cups me softer this time within the palms of his hands and kisses me gently, causing guilt to flow through my veins. RICHARD'S POV:  All I need to do is get in and talk to the right residency, and the rest is golden. Oh look, there goes someone now. "I could walk up and say hi to the little s**t. He's an orphan. I bet he's what like... nine? Look at him, Lucian. Tell me what you see." "You're asking me? You never care what I think." Lucian, my pain in the ass sidekick snorts. "I'm feeling generous. Enlighten me." I offer, and I step closer to check the kid out. Lucian sighs. "Fine. He's a Reject." "Why do you say that?" "You are seriously are going to play the game with me today, aren't you?" Lucian moans, "Dear Lord, you are truly bored or are very desperate to get your paws on that Pearl chic." "That Pearl Chic is our mate, and I want more than my paws on her, Lucian." The boy runs his hand through his unkempt fiery red hair and slides his hands deep inside in a dark blue pullover jacket. I wait for him to step forward, but he stops at the top of the steps and doesn't go in. He shakes his head in disgust and walks toward the side of the building.  "Let me guess. You are going to follow him." Lucian fusses. "Of course, I am."  "You mean, we are. "Lucian regretfully reminds me. "What the f**k ever, and besides, you never told me why you think he is a Reject." I challenge and follow the child through the fresh-cut bushes and mowed lawn. "Isn't it obvious?"  "Maybe... Damn! The old Hag is really keeping a show for this place. My money on Second Chance is well spent." "I won't argue there. Did you see the freshly painted parking lot, and the bushes trimmed like pyramids?" "The asphalt smelt horrific, and the f*****g bushes look like shit." "Wow, sour puss. Are you seriously this sad over losing to Charles? Is this what this is all about?" Lucian snickers. "You are my wolf. You are supposed to know all that touchy-feely stuff about me." "Wrong!" Lucian snaps. "You lost that connection years ago when you decided even I wasn't good enough for you." "f**k you," I spat and slide behind a tree without a sound. "No, f**k you. That is another wonderful bliss. I don't have to listen to you anymore, either. Other than your body, I am stuck in." Lucian sighed once more before we hear a twig snap in front of us. I look down, but it is a second too late. The boy is standing up at me with black eyes and three slashes above his right eye. He shakes his head in disgust. "You two talk waaaay too freaking much." "He was listening to us talk from within? That is interesting..."  "Let him go, "Lucian warns. "Hey, kid. How are you on the perfectly crisp evening?" I plaster the best charm I can on my oh too perfect face, but the kid stands there staring at me like I am wasting his time. "Richard, is it?" He lifts one red bushy eyebrow letting my name roll off his tongue. "His voice sounds awful deep for a nine-year-old. Hmmm..." "You are in over your head!" Lucian growls, "I can smell it! Get out of here, Richard!"   "I got this! Shut up already!" "Richard, hah! That's a lame name if you ask me." The kid teases. "I never asked you, kid. Never told you either."  "Richard, for once in your f*****g life, listen!" "True, "He smirks, and every so slowly licks his upper lip, "You know... maybe you should listen to your wolf, Lucian,  every once in a while." "Well, at least he has a set of balls on him." "Oh, is that so?"  "Yes," he growls through his tiny fangs. "And if I don't?" I cross my arms towards the half-pint growing werewolf and dare, "What are you going to do about it?"  The little boy opened his mouth, showing me a pitch-black tunnel. I wait for him to answer, but he stops. The boy tilts his head and listens to something coming from the walls of Second Chance W&W, something that even I can't hear. "What is he hearing, Lucian?" "I have no clue. We are Alphas. We should be able to hear it too!" I snap. "You're right." I scratch my head, trying to fathom what this tiny little man might be, but when I look down to ask him, all that is left is a funnel of leaves swirling before me. "Wait! Where the hell did he go!"
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