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Their victory celebration started. Various mouth-watering delicacies and expensive wines were served, and staff come and go, serving plates with different foods and spices. Reina saw that despite the attention-grabber foods, Ryther’s mind was flying somewhere else. “Dr. Rein, where are you going?” Vander asked when Reina excused herself. Only then did Ryther came to his senses. “Where are you going?” Ryther asked with a serious face. “Have you forgotten your promise already?” He is pertaining to the promise she made awhile ago. “Why? What promise?” Natalie bump in, smiling from ear to ear. Carter, her boyfriend, pinched her soft cheeks. Natalie pouted. “That’s none of your business, honey.” Natalie grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. “What do you mean ‘none of my business? We are like sisters, and we are open to each other.” She lifts her chin proudly. Ryther on the other hand did not remove his gaze to Reina. Capturing his gaze, Reina released a deep sigh. “I’m going to the loo, okay. Don’t tell me you’ll join me?” She laughed jokingly. “I’ll come back in a minute.” “Wait, wait.” Vander smiled mischievously. “Why do I feel like you two are hiding something from us?” He looked at Natalie and Carter and wink. Natalie understood what Vander meant. “Come to think of it. Just a while ago, Ryther –“ She was about to blurt out Ryther kissing Reina’s nose when Reina gasp so loud in embarrassment. Everyone looked at her. “N-nat. What happened to your bangs?” She reasoned out. Natalie, who can be fooled by Reina easily, took out her mirror and observed her bangs. “Let me do it.” Reina walked closer towards her, aiming not at her bangs, but her forehead. Fortunately, she saw no numbers. It’s not Natalie who is going to die. She is safe. She signed in relief and smiled at Ryther. He got what she meant. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” She took her phone from her bag and left the room. Ryther and Vander observed her as she slowly walked out of the glass door held by two staff. “Blonde, blonde, blonde,” Reina whispered to herself. She went to the corner to observe every woman with blond hair. After seeing every forehead, she saw no time of death. She did not hear the loud ticking of a clock as well. No one here will die tonight. Maybe, it was just another nightmare. Good. Everyone’s safe. “What took you so long, Dr. Rein?” Vander asked. “Sorry, I stroll around out of habit.” “I didn’t know you have that kind of habit.” He laughed. “By the way, how come you were so sure that the man with handlebar won’t die? I mean, I’ve been operating for ten consecutive years, so I am sure that the man was in a very critical condition.” He asked dumbfoundedly. Reina never failed to amaze him. “Doctor’s guts, I guess? Ha-ha.” Vander tilted his head in response. Well, Vander was also a doctor. Reina scratched her nose. “I don’t… know? It’s just, I had a feeling that he can survive. Well, woman’s guts are strong.” She laughed nervously. Vander analyzed her words first before shaping his lips to ‘O’ and nod his head. Sorry, Doctor. I really can’t tell you. Everyone dropped the topic and started the night. They drank, eat, and laughed so happily as if tomorrow will not exist. Ryther, who can’t drink too much, and Carter who is a police officer, decided not to drink too much to satisfy themselves in case something happens. Reina came closer to Ryther and aimed to speak on his ears. “I checked everyone’s forehead. No one will die tonight. I did not hear the loud ticking of the clock as well. Only my wrist watch. Be at ease.” She whispered. Her warm breath tickled Ryther’s ear. Ryther nod. His face burned with heat. Unsure if it is the wine or not. “Honey, stop drinking now. You’ll throw up if you drink too much.” Carter attempted to take the wine glass from her hand, but she swings her hand sideways to avoid him, making her wine spill out of her glass and stain Vander’s long white sleeve. The stain looks like a wounded heart. “Oh no! Oh, my I’m really sorry, Doctor!” Natalie panicky took some tissue and wiped it, only to worsen the stain. “Oh, crap. I’m really sorry!” “It’s okay. I have extra long sleeves with me.” He held her wrist for her to stop wiping. Natalie stopped and looked at him. He smiled in response. Natalie grinned. “Well, the stain looks cute, Doctor. It’s like your heart is bleeding.” She touched his chest and traced the stain. Vander stopped. He gawked at her, stunned. His eyes fell on her red, pouty lips. But then he came back to his senses. He can’t be like this. Natalie’s boyfriend is standing beside the countertop, looking at them. He cleared his throat. “Ha-ha. Why would my heart bleed, Natalie?” His eyes focused on her beautiful brown orbs. Natalie’s beauty was common but not tiring. It was as if, she was covered with enchantment. Natalie grinned amiably. “Because… of me?” Natalie traced the wine stain once again. Her index finger then slides smoothly downward. “Honey, you’re drunk.” Carter was pissed. Natalie is a naturally sweet person, and he was completely aware of the group’s closeness with each other but sometimes, he cannot stop himself to be jealous. Natalie’s grin grew wider. She stood up from her seat and seat on Vander’s lap. Vander straightened his back in shock. “Honey-“ “Oh, com’on, honey. You know I love you. But my love for Dr. Vander is different.” She smiled and leaned closer to Vander. He and Natalie were so close that the hospital staff often rumored them as secret lovers. But Natalie, being Natalie, never mind the rumors as she was in a relationship with Carter. Reina saw Carter's eyes, so she bumped in. “Nat, stop that.” Natalie, still touching Vander’s firm chest, turned her head to Reina. “You don’t want Carter to cry, don’t you?” she chuckled nervously. Natalie transferred her gaze to Carter, whose eyes were burning. She laughed. “Oh, dear. My baby’s jealous.” She stepped down from Vander’s lap and only then, did Vander released a deep breath. Natalie sat on the countertop, wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. “I’m just joking, honey. What are you being jealous about?” She grinned, but Carter did not respond. She then pulled him closer and pressed their lips together. Carter froze for a second before responding to her kiss, making her feel his lips clearly against her. Carter’s firm arms pulled her closer, touching each other’s chest. The kiss between them deepened as their lips dances synchronously. Natalie’s fingers gently pulled his brown hair when suddenly, Carter pulled away. “Hey, hey! Get a room you two!” Reina shouted. “And don’t forget, legal paper first before a baby!” She laughed. But Natalie did not heard her. Her eyes focus on Carter’s burning eyes. She’s uncertain if his eyes were burning in anger or desire. “What’s wrong?” Natalie asked worriedly. Carter never breaks their kiss first. It was always Natalie who do that. “If you really love me… Distance yourself from Dr. Vander.” He whispered so that only Natalie can hear. Her eyes widened. “Carter, he is my friend, and we are colleagues. I am under his team so what you are asking is impossible.” She whispered. Carter’s blood boils as he removed her legs that are wrapped around his waist. “That’s the problem, Natalie!” His voice was filled with anger. Natalie was taken aback. He never shouted at her. Especially when someone’s watching. “If you can’t do that, then let’s take a break.” “What?! What do you mean to take a break?!” Natalie shouted in disbelief. Reina and Ryther looked at each other nervously. “You know what I mean!” Carter shouted even louder. “Call me if you’re finished.” Carter took his coat and aimed to leave when Natalie grabbed his arms forcefully. “Carter-“ She flinched when she heard a loud sound of shattered glass. Her eyes transferred from Carter to Vander and her arms that are wrapped around Caster’s arm loosened. Vander’s hands were trembling. His chest felt tight every time he breathed, his hearts palpitate, and he was sweating cold sweats. He remembered his past. Fear struck him again. The four knew his condition. Vander experienced abuse as a child, making him traumatized with angry shouting and fighting. So, whenever someone fights in front of him, his anxiety attacks. “D-doctor, we’re sorry. Please calm down.” Natalie said. Ryther stood up and gave him a glass of water, motioning Natalie to stay where she is. Seeing Vander’s condition, Carter’s anger subsided. Vander was not at fault. Natalie started this in the first place. “I-I’m sorry. I’m really sorry…” tears started to form in his eyes. “No, Doctor. You are not at fault. I’m sorry for shouting. I did not mean to- “Vander did not let Carter finish his words. He suddenly stood up despite his trembling knees. “I-It’s okay.” He stammered. “I never meant to be… to be the reason for your fight.” His voice was suddenly bleak, so he cleared his throat. “P-please continue celebrating. Everything was charged on my account. If you felt sleepy, rooms were prepared for you upstairs.” He grabbed his coat and his phone. “My pills are in my room so please excuse me.” He quickly walked away without looking back at them. He felt his stomach twisting like he was about to puke so he ran quickly through the lift. Reaching his room, he dashed through the bathroom and vomit at the sink. Slimy water with white foam filled the sink. He inhaled and exhaled multiple times until his breathing normalized. His head throbs. This trauma sucks! After taking his pills, he slammed himself at his bed. The soft and warm duvet felt good. After battling with his anxiety, his eyes closed deeply.
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