Chapter 3

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Gunnar “Baby, come on it’s been a year. When are you finally going to forgive me? I made a mistake.” The nerve of this broad. To think f.cking and trying to pin my closest friend against me could be considered a mistake. The mistake was mine and mine alone. I should have never entertained the idea of her. Trying to get over one, I got under another, and that other was nothing but a snake. I didn’t expect much from her, I only needed her to fill the space until the one I truly wanted come back. I never expected this broad to last a year and I sure as hell didn’t expect her to try to come back right when my doll returned. Looking at Evita, I couldn’t imagine ever being attracted to her. All that surgery, I don’t even think she knows what she looked like. However, she just might come in handy for the backup plan I have in mind. Since she’s that desperate to get me back, I might as well use her for the time being. “Vita, my love. I’m not upset with you. Over the years I got to truly think about how I treated you and the kind of man I was when we were together. I’m sorry, I wasn’t the man you needed and I’m not sure I will ever be but if you give me some time, I can try.” “Oh Gun, thank you. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much hearing that means to you. Take some time and I’ll be here when you need me.” This stupid broad. I’ve probably touched her plastic ass five times over the year I kept her around and all were in some drunken state thinking and trying to fill the void of another. Yet she diluted herself to think this was more than what it was. Her f*****g Ethan wasn’t just planned but a means to an end. The only thing that wasn’t expected was her coming back around. “Just give me some time and I promise I’ll get back to you.” I pulled her into my arms hugging her. It was hard not to flinch and hind the disgust from having her on me. But I had to play my cards right. There might be a time when I’m going to need her if things don’t go my way. After falsely soothing her feeble mind, I sent her on her way. There was somewhere I need to be and someone I desperately needed to see. I’ve missed her like crazy. Two years away from her has driven me mad. That little brat of mine has been playing with me and it was officially time to return the favor. I don’t know why she wants to make things so difficult. She has been in love with me since she was fifteen, if not earlier, but when she makes a move and I reciprocate. What does she do? She runs from me like I was the monster in her nightmares. I probably would have left her be for another year or two if Ethan didn’t call a few days ago talking about he just hired my doll. She was planning on moving back home, as we spoke, and didn’t even bother telling me. Then a few hours later her school called to inform me of a fight that took place between her, her best friend, and her boyfriend. An f.cking boyfriend I knew nothing about. What pissed me off the most was the fact that she rather called her trustee and a.shole of a brother than me. Me, who loved her the most, me who cherished, protect, and watched over her for six years. Six years, if you don't count the two years she disappeared from me, might not be much to some but to me, it was a lifetime. Watching her grow up and flourish to her the strong resilient woman I loved before she or anyone else ever knew existed was the highlight of my life. She is the only light of my heart and whole existence. Unfortunately, she can’t grasp that, she would rather run away from me, from us, and from everything that she truly wants. I’m too old to be playing these games, yet for her, I’m willing to play till I win, and I will win. Checking my phone for the scheduled time Ethan sent me, I noticed I was slightly behind schedule. I wasn’t worried much; he knew to hold her back until I informed him of my arrival. I hurriedly went to get dressed to meet my princess. I’ve missed her beyond words. *** Something took over me as I watched her laughing, carrying around with Ethan and some of her male colleagues. The way they were drooling and gawking at her in that fitted cream pencil dress had my blood boiling. I lost it once I noticed Ethan putting his filthy hand on her lower back. The nerve of that bastard. He knew better than to touch what’s mine. She was mine and mine alone. I walked up to where they were in a haste. She saw me before the others. I found pleasure in the way her body tensed yet every emotion visibly played on her face. All these years and she still couldn’t hide her emotions from me. “Gunnar, my friend what brings you here?” Ethan asked as I stopped behind her, forcibly removing his hand. “Just here to pick up my little lady.” The emphasis on “my” was a strong one. They all knew who I was and needed to know who she belonged. “Well, we were just saying our goodbyes. See you tomorrow Sol and we all look forward to working with you.” Ethan chimed in. I didn’t like how he looked at her. I should have put a stop to her working here soon as I found out. Hopefully, my plan works, and she agrees to find somewhere else to work. I’d be happier if she chose to quit and stay home, never leaving the house. They all dispersed, leaving just her and me. How it should be. She was trying hard, way too hard to pretend that I wasn’t there. Yet when my arms snake around her waist, her body easily snugs into mine. She still smells like vanilla and coconut oil. The scent of home and peace. “Hi” “Hey. I missed you Ma petite poupée noire.” I could feel her attempting to control her breathing. She always does that when I get too close and try to tug at this boundary, she put between us. If only she knew that from this day forward, I plan to no longer tug but demolish that boundary. My poor baby, she has no idea the monster she created two years ago when teased me only to leave me. “Let’s go home,” I said, lowering my head in the crook of her neck. I knew she was going to fight me, I planned on it. “Can’t. I need to head to the condo and get some work done.” “Understand. Let me walk you to your car.” I took her hand leading her to the parking garage. The best thing about being a silent partner for the majority of the companies in the state, no one knows the strings you pull. There aren't enough eyes on you, so no one expects the problems or solutions to be part of your doing. There was no car for her to get to, I had it towed. The company condo she leased was now restricted do some failed pipes. That best friend of hers she could have relied on just got a job from one of my partner companies’ hours away from hers. She had no choice but to come home, she just didn’t know it yet.
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