Chapter 22

2002 Words

Soleil I woke up sore and satiated. Yeah, I know something is definitely wrong with me. Who the hell in their right mind would think getting spanked was satiating? Guess you can guess by now I’m not in my right mind. Don’t think I’ll ever be again after today. Gunnar was nowhere in sight when I woke up. Looking at the clock I figured he was either talking to the uncles or getting ready to impose on my so-called date with Ethan. It was the first time I’m seeing since my party and after I emailed my resignation yesterday. I know tonight was going to be a hell of awkward and a part of me was happy that Gunnar was going to be around. Rejecting guys never went well for me. They always tend to get in a pissy mood and show their a.s out. Nelson hasn’t been the only guy I had to physically han

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