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Who is he ? Manik H/O Nandini. Husband and wife they fight for eachother, they fight among themselves, they irritate eachother finally end up with eachother, what ever things between them they stand for each other , they will take each other's responsibilities. .....Manik H/O Nandini I hope you like this small fun lovingly journey, . Evening 6 pm Before the 6 pm, the beach is just like typical traditional housewife, but soon after the 6 pm, it behaving like a teenage girl and making noise. The waves are mesmerizing the evening, The sea, like playing, hid and seek game For the people who are married, who are unmarried, the people who are in love, and the people who are going to say break up, in love and love failure, old aged people, children ..for everyone's common platforms Manik is just laid down in the sand and looking the sea waves which are trying to hunt the sky, running behind it. "Manik, what do you think, when you see the beach," Rishab asked. Manik looked at the beach again, without turning his head said: " I want to take water in the tank, weep the tears of the people who are in need of water ". Don't you have the habit to give the straight answer " Rishab said. I am serious, I am not joking "nowadays no business can beat the water businesses, Manik said like saying matter of facts. Yaa you are always right, unnecessary i thought to talk very commonly, that was my mistake, you are right, I have to scold my self for talking to you. Leave it " do you have money ." I don't have money, anything, not even a single dust particle in my pocket Manik said. Without money how did you come out Rishab asked? By wearing footwear, with my own foot, I came here Serious, comedy and current. Rishab looked at Manik once, Manik face is always fresh, and calm, no one can estimate what is in his heart, from past six months Rishab known Manik, he is not able to estimate Manik, Manik has typical thinking, Rishab likes manik's way of thinking. Rishab, I feel like to have anything spicy, like Mirchi baji, panipuri ..those suits for this cool climate. Suddenly beach became clumsy, as television telecasts anchor and cameraman comes there. People are showing too much of interest to show their face to camera, and so that they can see themselves on television. TV channel anchor is here ..let's go, Rishab said with excitement, So what? Manik asked him. Arey if we stand in front of the camera we can see ourselves on television, Rishab said with excitement. Okay, think that we came to television, after that? What? Manik said casually. RIshab looked at him, confusingly. Arey! People will recognize us ..Rishab said Ha! tho! Rishab felt like banging his head somewhere. Meanwhile, tv anchor comes their, as soon Rishab seen them, he adjusted the crop ..and combed his hair, showing his teeth. Excuse me! We are from sunshine tv, we are doing the program on " what to do " whether its youth, younger children old age people, everyone can share their thoughts on what to do in future. The anchor said looking at Rishab. Rishab sweeping his face with a handkerchief, giving bright smile and adjusted his collar and said finally " hello everyone I am Rishab, I just my postgraduate, I want to become a director. Director !?? Wow, interesting, all the very best, anchor said. The camera turned towards the Manik who is beside Rishab So what you do? The anchor asked Manik. What I get if I say ..?? Manik asked. The anchor comes out from the shock...said stop to looking at the cameras What are you say, I didn't get anchor asked Manik. I'm asking "If I participate in the program what i will get ?" Manik said. Why we will give? The program is just for fun ..just to give a chance to say share about your dreams to audiences. She said. If I share my views to audiences what kind of benefit I will get ., I am not a film star nor celebrity or businessman to talk in the channel, to give my opinion to you, for doing this program you will get money right ?. Yaa obliviously I will get! Hmm, cameraman ?? He questioned Yaa he will also get anchor said. For shooting, for customs, for telecasting for everything you spent money. Ha! So what? She said. For everything you are spending money and gaining money, why can't we get money if we participate in your program.., why can't you give money. Anchor shockingly looking at him. Sorry, sir, those are not in my hands .but you have logic., anyhow what do you do? I said already ..without having benefit, I won't do anything. What did you get here on the beach? Good question, I will get, peace. She got little Anxiety, immediately she given 500 rupees to Manik while giving she said" I am giving this money, my personal interest on you, I want to take your interview. Manik has given money to Rishab and said " get Mirchi baji and panipuri " Rishab gave disbelieve look and left. Anchor asking to him" tell me what you do" what do you want to do while saying she signalled cameraman to on the camera He sits casually very normally, he didn't have any nervous. He said " I want to become house husband " What ?? She said shockingly. Yes... I want to become a house husband " I am asking about your job???? She asked giving clarity to him. Husband job...I want to do the job as a husband even i wish to have a salary for it. What are you taking, how can say " to being a husband, is a job," she asked him shockingly. Like housewife...even it is house husband, but i want to do the job based on a salary basis. soon I thinking to give add in the newspaper. Rishab comes with panipuri and Mirchi baji ..every one having including the cameraman. It's so amazing to take your interview, but I think i can do much Better, next time At the time did i get remuneration? She smiled " I will pay for you personally, at the time of the interview, by the way, my name is Dharani while saying she shakes hand with him He responded friendly way. At that moment they never have known that small meet, going to give turning point to his life, Let me know your opinion about this new beginning of a new story .
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