Chapter 20 Drivers Test

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Tobias' POV So come to find out, after everyone got back from the dance, they all had an extra pep in their step. Katie and Eddie both told me I was the best for all the help I extended their way and that they were so happy with everything right now, because of me.. even Brittney and Justin agreed with that sweet sentiment making my head so big with confidence right now. It's a big weight lifted off my shoulders to have their approval and it just really means so much to me, probably more than they'll ever know. I finally, for once in my life feel like I'm doing something right, not making every wrong decision I can... Even my father approves and is happy for me, well as much as he can be.. I couldn't be happier about all of this. Because of these wonderful feelings and wanting to feel just as good by the decision I make with the kids.. I have been planning something special for Eddie for his birthday. I have been planning something all week and the day is finally here. He has just requested to go to the carnival with Brittney and us tagging along. So of course we willingly agreed to it and gave Katie a chance to bring a friend too so she doesn't feel alone. Justin and her hit it off at the dance I guess, because she asked him to be her plus one to the carnival, after they exchanged numbers and he Oh so willingly agreed to come with us suprisingly enough. I'm not saying it's suprising that he likes her because she is sweet and I know exactly why he likes her. I just thought he was doing me a favor for the dance, but they both said they had a wonderful time together at the dance and now they are hanging out more, which is fun for the both of them. Justin needs sometime to be a kid and do kid things because the entertainment business really knows how to make a kid grow up. So I'm just happy they can make some fun memories together even if it's just a couple of them. So after a lot of planning and figuring out what all I want to do for Eddie's birthday I finally have everything set up and ready to go for tonight since today is the day. My eyes slowly open, adjusting to the lighting in the room from the open windows.. I wake up to the smell of good cooking, stretching in bed and yawning.. just slowly waking myself up. I look in the bed and Beck is no where to be found so I'm just going to assume she is the reason for the delicious aroma taking over the whole house. I'm still butt naked from another fun filled night of love making with my lady and to say I couldn't be happier with her is a complete understatement. I get out of bed and heading over to the closet to grab some boxer briefs, shorts, and a shirt. After covering myself for the sake of the children because I'm sure they don't want to see me like that.. I head out of the room, across the hall and down the stairs. I see my amazing lady at the oven cooking up a storm of breakfast food. I quietly make my way up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist tight. She squeaks and jumps abruptly not knowing I was there as I hold her in place being the support for this moment I caused. I lean in kissing her neck as I say into it, "Good morning beautiful. What are you up to in here? It smells amazing, almost as amazing as you.. almost." She giggles as she turns around in my hold. "I always make the kids their favorite birthday breakfast so I'm making Eddie his favorites; hashbrowns, eggs, bacon and fruit." She says softly to me as my eyebrows raise in curiosity before I ask. "So if you make everyone their favorites for breakfast than what am I going to get for my birthday?" I ask playfully flirting with her. She smirks bigger than before as she states, "Your birthday breakfast is something you like, that my kids won't, but involves a whole lot of me.. naked." I purr and smile at her replying, "God you know me so well! Just what I would want." She smiles and winks as I pull her into me more pressing my lips to hers. I feel her wrap her arms around my neck and moaning into my lips. That action alone makes me want to take her right back upstairs because I don't want to scar the kids for life by walking in on us doing something that's so much fun for just the two of us. "Gross mom and Toby! Get a room!" Eddie yells in the room as I retort humorously, "Well if you insist Eddie, we can get a room for sure.. come on baby." I grab her hand pulling her away as Eddie groans louder making Beck and I laugh so hard. She makes her way back to the food plating him up everything he would want before handing it to him saying, "Happy birthday Eddie! Now I planned something a little unexpected. I told the school you won't be showing up for your first class and maybe your second one so you could hopefully go get your driver's license!" "What? Really? That's cool thanks mom!" Eddie replies with so much excitement in his voice. "I have your gift set up for later after you get home from school." I tell him as he smiles big nodding at me. Katie comes down the stairs with a pep in her step, more than normal."Morning Kit." I say to her as she smiles shyly saying, "Good morning! Happy birthday Eddie." "May I ask, what has put this bigger than normal smile on your face?" Beck asks Katie as her face instantly blushes at the question."Um.. Justin.. asked me to be his girlfriend." She says quietly but we all heard her loud and clear. "Awe that's so great! I'm happy for you Kitty." Beck says to her as she smiles bigger getting a pat on her back from Eddie. "If he hurts you I'll hurt him. I don't care how famous he is or how much money he has.. you tell him that for me or I'm just going to tell him tonight when we see him again." He says so protectively as Katie scoffs and says, "You're not going to scare my first boyfriend away Ed! I'll tell him for you." I laugh at that comment gaining all of their attention before I retort, "If anyone is going to scare him away it would be me.. I'm the one that invited him into here I can be the one to kick him out if he is not respectful of you.. I swear to god.. and I'll be sure to tell him that myself." Katie gets a look of fear on her face at the thought of me saying that to her boyfriend but I don't care.. I like Justin but I won't let him hurt her like that if I can help it. Hopefully it won't come to that. "Alright guys hurry it up and finish your breakfast we have to get Katie to school and you, birthday boy to the DMV to take your test." Rebecca demands to the both of them as they quickly take her instructions and finish eating quicker than expected. They both run back upstairs to grab their things to make sure they are ready to leave for school. Once the kids are out of our line of sight Rebecca is at my side in no time at all asking, "What did you get him?" I smile so big at her responding vaguely, "Something I knew he would love." She scoffs at that answer as the kids come back down the stairs saving me from ruining the suprise. I watch Beck's eyes squint at me as she puts the rest of the dishes to be washed later in the sink. We get everything we need for today as we leave the house.. First making our way to the school, dropping Katie off then headed to the DMV to hopefully be apart of Eddie getting his driver's license. He told me he has been studying for this moment for months now and is ready for this test so hopefully he passes. Rebecca's POV I pull up to the DMV and parking. I look up into the rearview mirror and see a very nervous looking Eddie. Toby can tell this as well, he stares at me for a second then putting his hand on my leg stopping me before I can start talking. "Ed man, don't think too much into this.. you have everything down and know everything you need to biggest issue is I overthink situations making me mess up. So just take a deep breathe. Clearing your mind with thoughts that make you feel happy like Brittney and just do the test.. it's ok if you don't pass you can always take it again. We will get you your license either way, whether it's today or next week." Eddie vigorously nods his head, taking his advice by taking a deep breath in then letting it out. I love the relationship these two have developed, there is just some sort of unexplained trust, it's so sweet. "Thanks Toby.. I think I'm ready to try." Eddie says to us as I smile big knowing how much Toby just helped Eddie out whether he knows it or not. "Ok you're on the list for scheduled tests so just walk on in and show them your instructional permit. We will be right here waiting for you." I explain to Eddie as he hops out of the car and heading into the DMV building. "That was so sweet of you Toby, I'm pretty sure you already have won him over even without getting him a present.. which I still want to know what it is." I state to him as he starts looking nervously around until his phone starts to ring as he lets out a sigh of relief from being saved by the bell, "Sorry baby I have to take this." He jumps out of the car answering the call. I can't hear a word he is saying but I can see him walking around moving his arms like he is explaining something to whoever is on the phone. He does these motions for a little bit until I watch him end the call putting the phone back into his pocket and walking back over to my car. Toby sits down next to me as I ask nonchalantly, "what was that about?" He looks nervous once again before responding, "work?" he says with question in his voice making me laugh. "You're not a good liar and also I'm the one that deals with all your work so I know for a fact it wasn't work.. is it Eddie's present?" I ask as he nods looking sad that I figured that part out. "Fine I will let you have your dad moment with Eddie and not interrupt or pry, letting you perfectly execute this plan." I say to him as he smiles again at me. I shake my head and rolling my eyes with humor apparent on my face. So he leans in and kissing my cheek saying, "You're the best baby." I nod just sitting, relaxing in the car as I see the front doors of the DMV building flying open as an excited, jumping and skipping Eddie makes his way to us. "I passed!" He yells as the door opens. "Yes I knew you could do it Eddie!!" I respond as he shows us the temporary card with his picture, then putting it in his wallet I bought him when he got his learner's permit. Since he got it so quickly he has only missed one class so we make our way back to his school to drop him off for the rest of today. As we are pulling up to the school Toby states, "Oh it looks like your present got here early Eddie. " Eddie and I look around the parking lot trying to figure out what he is talking about. I lock my gaze on a familure face, Ranae's. I pull over as a Toby jumps out of the car and heads over to her quickly. Ranae first hands him something small that he shoves right into his pocket then something else small that he just keeps holding onto in his hand. I watch him give Ranae a hug as she quickly leaves us alone before I can even talk to her. Eddie and I slowly get out of the car and heading towards Toby who now has an ear to ear grin upon his face. We get closer to him as he hands Eddie whatever he has in his hands. I can't see what it is but Eddie has the biggest smile on his face jumping around. "What is it? What did he get you Eddie?" I ask curiously as he hops over to me and shows me that it's car keys. My mouth drops open in shock and disappointment. I look up to see Toby pointing over at this red sports car that Eddie is hopping around now with so much excitement. I can't help the hurt that pains my face as I stare at Toby. "What wrong mom? This is the best present I have ever been given!" Eddie says as I nod and don't say anything back. Toby walks up to me, confusion is evident on his face as he asks, "What's wrong? I thought you wanted to get him a car?" "I did want to get him a car and you knew I was planning for weeks at least about getting him a car and you totally stole my great idea from me. How am I suppose to feel about that?! Also you can't just buy my kid a car without talking to me about it first.. This is a big expense that you didn't clear at all with me. You can't just get my kids whatever you want, you have to run it by me first." I yell sounding offended now because I'm mad. He knew because I told him I was going to get him that and now I have nothing to give him. Also He can't just spend that kind of money on my kids I was planning to do a payment system letting him get a job and learn how to maintain his money gaining multiple responsibilities like he has been wanting.. but now he is just given anything he wants. That's not going to happen.. I'm not going to raise a spoiled rotten kid. "I'm sorry baby I wasn't trying to overstep with you, your present and your children I just thought I was helping and I know you said you were having a hard time affording it so I thought it would help for me to just buy it for you." He says trying to explain to me, making me more mad. "I don't need your help with paying for anything. I can take care of myself and my kids just fine without your money to help me. I'm not incapable of taking care of this stuff on my own." I spat back at him as Eddie states, "Come on mom stop being a Sour Sally.. so what? He got me what you were planning on getting me.. Don't throw a fit about it! He helped out so we don't have to pay for it now." I raise my eyebrows in disbelief about my son sounding like a spoiled brat right now. "Excuse me?! What did you just tell me? To stop throwing a fit? You're sounding like a spoiled brat and that's not the son I raised.. I didn't care about having to pay a car off with payments because that means nothing to me.. but what I'm mad about is your morality. I wanted you to get the satisfaction of being able to have a job and to work hard to pay for something that will turn into yours, it's called responsibility. That's one of the biggest accomplishments you can make as a man is to do something for yourself without help.. and I wanted to be able to help instill that into your brain, by helping you learn how to make, save and just have your own money to spend.. now go to school before you get in trouble for your attitude towards me and you don't go out at all tonight." I spat back at my son as he hangs his head low and slowly makes his way past Toby saying, "Thanks for the present." He just walks past me not saying anything as he makes his way back into the school. I glare at Toby as I storm back to my car and getting into it, slamming the door in anger. I watch Toby look so sad.. I know he meant well but he can't make that type of purchase decision for my kids, at least not without talking to me first.
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