Chapter 1

1253 Words
Kiara Drawing my head back, I plunged my fangs deep into the live blood bag between Vlad and I. The warm syrup gushed freely into my mouth as the thump of their veins pumped more to the exposed area. Closing my eyes in ecstasy, I relished the feel of his lips on my neck, his hands travelling down between my breasts, drawing my ass into the front of his hips. His erection pressing firmly between the cheeks of my ass; his hands squeezing me in desperation of release. Feeling high on the fresh blood, I released the human, allowing his body to flop to the ground and spun around to face Vlad. Our lips crashed together as our bodies melded into one where it was hard to determine where he started, and I finished. His hands desperate as his lips burnt a trail of hot open mouth kisses along my neck. It was the closest to s*x you could have with your clothes on as we ground our bodies in time with the music. “Tonight?” Vlad whispered in question, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. It was something we’d been discussing for months now, and I knew I couldn’t keep this up forever. Untangling my body from his, I cupped my hand around the side of his face, “And that’s my clock striking midnight. I better go.” “I can show you midnight right here,” his hand guide mine to grip around his member and he hissed with pleasure as I teasingly stroke him. “So, yes?” As though I was doused with holy water, I released him and took a step back, “I can’t, I have to go.” As I turned to leave, he grabbed my wrist preventing me from leaving, “Why? Why do you always run from me every time we get close?” he questioned, pulling me back in closer and cupping my face, “It feels like you’re only interested in me for my body. When can I meet your coven and let the world know you’re all mine?” My heart sank and I didn’t know what to say. How do you tell the man you’ve been slowly letting yourself fall in love with and dream about a happily ever after knowing he’ll reject you the moment you come clean about your situation? Am I supposed to just say, ‘Well, the reason you can’t come back to my coven is because my father, the Vampire King is dead, my mother disappeared without a trace and what happened to me? I became fresh meat for the feral vampires that took over the coven.’ He’d know exactly what that entailed, and I’d become this dirty little muck under his shoe he needed to hide. I couldn’t bare to see that look on his face, so instead I responded, “Soon, I promise. Now, I better go before they realise I’m missing.” Kissing him one last time, I said a silent goodbye, knowing I wouldn’t return here again. * Dragging my feet as I walk back to my coven, my high well and truly dissipated as I thought about my parents, my heart longing for what could have been. I remember the day clearly; I was playing in my dad’s office waiting to leave with his guards to visit my mother’s old pack. I remember my excitement when the door finally opened but the vampires that came in looked and smelt different. They weren’t part of our coven. Screaming to raise the attention of one of the guards in the coven, I opened the bottom draw where I knew my dad kept a hidden stake incase it was needed and held it in front of me. I felt the fear tingle along my skin, my stomach rolling like the aggressive churn of the sea. I screamed again as they moved closer. Their eyes were hungry yet delighted at finding their greatest prize. It was then I realised no one was coming to save me. Ducking under the first ferals’ arms, I weaved to avoid the second, but he was too fast. Using the stake, I struck him in the side, loosening his grip, but it wasn’t enough to gain my freedom. I remember shaking as more scary looking men covered in blood came into the office, sitting in my dad's chair and talking about their success. They’d taken over the Vampire King’s coven and planned to rule our realm. The man I’d stabbed with the stake presented me to their leader and I remember his eyes appraising me as I struggled to contain my shaking while looking at him defiantly. “Keep her,” he muttered, still appraising me, “She’ll be useful.” I’m not sure when Ryka arrived, but I remember him being brought into the office by a group of men. His face bloodied and clothes torn; I wasn’t sure if it was from his battle with the wolves or the men holding him now. But I didn’t have time to wonder as another man, brought in a prone form, dumping him on the table. When he finally stepped back, allowing me to view, a piercing scream surrounded the room. It wasn’t until later when one of the men punched me in the stomach, that I realised it was my own. Crawling along the ground to get closer, I reached up, touching his hand, sobbing, “Daddy?” Ryka and I were both then removed to the dungeon, where he informed me of the outcome of both my parents. My beloved father was killed trying to save a wolf, and my mother is comatose in the packs hospital, waiting for me to arrive to wake her up. My mother never returned or tried to save us like she did her pack or her daughter and the pain of that thought alone was enough to burn a whole right through my heart. Having been their prize possession, they kept me close once they knew the screaming had stopped, which allowed me to listen in to any new developments. It was about six months before we’d heard anything, the ferals having placed a lookout on the outskirts to listen for news. She’d finally woken up, and I’d rejoiced knowing she was alive and would come save me, like she did her other daughter. Panic quickly ensued as news had arrived she’d disappeared from the pack without a trace with claims she’d forgotten everyone in the pack and the uncertainty of whether she was on her way to the coven. I almost cried with joy at the thought she was coming to find me, but the only tears I’d felt were from the beatings I received from the ferals in their anger. I had no tears left to cry when she never arrived, just this constant lingering disappointment knowing I was the forgotten child of the late Vampire King. My disappointment soon became anger, but not just at my mother. Because of that wolf, her true daughter, our lives were torn apart, and I no longer had a mother or a father. She took them both from me and it’s time for her to feel that same kind of pain. Smiling to myself, I pictured all kinds of horror I could bring down upon them, but one stood out in particular as it always did. Licking my lips, it was time to put my plan into action.
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