Certain of Uncertainty

1165 Words
After hearing the knocks on their door, Haiden freaked out and fell to the floor. He heard the knocking continues. Knock, knock, knock... Knock, knock, knock... Knock, knock, knock... Knock, knock, knock... Knock, knock, knock... As the knocks sound starts to fade away after 3 knocks sounded. Haiden taught that whosoever behind the door was gone already. Haiden stood up and still heard the scratching of the claws onto the wall from his grandma's room which made him want to get outside the home before the horrifying creature got outside his grandma's room. Haiden peaked at their front door's hole and found that there was a group of people standing in front of their house. He can't perceive the strangers clearly since he only got a small hole to look outside and behind their door. Later then, he heard the knocking of the door again but with increasing volume and knocking force. Knock, knock, knock... As the knocking noise began to echo throughout the house, it shifted from knock to something similar to the banging of the door, until it shifted to a complete loud thud which baffled the young boy. Later then, he heard the monster scream and shrieked loudly and suddenly the door of his grandma's room got blown away and the monster showed up itself to Haiden and at the same time, their front door got blown away which Haiden evaded on time before the door came crashing onto the floor. The strangers who showed up themselves then entered the house which the lights were starting to turn on and off. The demon creature saw these strangers and immediately acted violently and aggressively sent its monstrous scream before entering back to the room of Haiden's grandma and escaping through the windows. The strangers who were in the spot didn't change their modes and still acted calm as they slowly walked in sync towards the room of Haiden's grandmother. Haiden was observing them in silence as he crawled backward to get away from these strangers. While these strangers didn't mind the young man who was covered with fear as the unexpected happenings fall unto his faith. The lights then settled and were turned on. These strangers then shortly got inside the room of Haiden's grandma and did something out there which he wasn't able to observe since his knees were weak for him to stand up due to the fear that enveloped his body. After a few minutes, the strangers left outside the room they were in but before earlier, their count increased by one, their face was now covered with their hoods. The strangers then got outside the house with their new accompany, as they got outside, they went to something similar to a funeral setting, which then Haiden earned a bit of his strength back and he followed the strangers outside the house. He saw that there was a coffin prepared just right outside their house which got an odd vibe as the designed funeral flowers were thorny while the petals were vibrant and lively yet the roots were dried up. After then, the strangers took away their hoods which later revealed that the other person who joined the strangers was his grandmother but her face was full of wounds and scratches. Haiden burst into tears as he saw that his grandma was lifted by 2 of the strangers as she fell and got unconscious a few seconds after taking off the hood which later laid unto the coffin, and immediately closed, there was a picture frame there that was placed by one of the strangers, got a photo paper but imageless, moments later, the empty piece of photo paper was then filled with blood and later draw something which ended with his grandma's portrait. After then, the strangers then left the area and headed to the wilderness carrying their torches which weren't lit, but as they got far the torches just lit up themselves. Haiden saw them getting far away. He was left with his grandmother's funeral alone, with just the bulb light outside their home lighting up the dark and lonely odd place. He was covered with fear, as he roam his sight checking if the demon was nearby and in good faith, the demon wasn't nearby. He sat on the vacant chair nearby his grandmother's coffin and waited for the day to come by as he looked after his dead beloved grandma. He was sure that no one was nearby the site, he felt cold, the sadness, the immense fear of being alone, and the odd vibes the entire village gives off. He sat on the chair mourning the death of his grandmother. He was heartbroken and felt as if he can't continue living and doesn't know what to do next. After moments of crying, he then got up on the chair cause he was feeling hungry, he left the place for the moment to get back to their kitchen. He ate the remaining food and came back nearby her grandma's funeral. Haiden spent the night awake, feeling alone, and lost in the darkness where his remaining torch of hope and love faded suddenly ran out in a breeze of an unexpected event, or did he? With the tension, Haiden was able to stay fully aware until sunrise where his consciousness began to faze, unclear, and suddenly, he sees nothing but darkness. Unaware of how much time have passed, Haiden woke up. As he opened his eyes, sunlight irritates his sight for a few moments. He rubbed his eyes and stood up from the ground. "Where am I?" He said to himself. Haiden woke up in the middle of a forest, sure it is summer, and flowers and trees should bloom but observing the area, everything was crumbled and fallen, not a single tree or flower looks blooming. The new environment was a stranger but Haiden felt the other way. When he's with the place he thought he knew, he felt alone and distant but for him to reach a place he just woke up with, he felt he belongs to confuse him. "Hello?" Haiden loudly voiced out and hoped someone will respond. After a minute, still, the place looks deserted from people. The gushing of the winds and falling of the leaves were the only things that Haiden could clearly hear of, and as he slowly roams around heading nowhere, his steps break the eerie silence. Haiden's thought was away from him, he's awake yet feeling unconscious, the weird taste of the air slowly makes his disgust. He gazed above the skies, dark clouds were scattered yet the sun shone brightly. The breezy environment yet feeling hot. There's no rain yet water drops keep falling. Hatred, anxiety, fear, and regret - feelings that start to manifest Haiden. Hatred for being powerless to protect those dear to him, Anxiety that he seems to remember by instinct, fear of being alone, and the regret which burdens his lost soul.

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