Arc 4 - Prologue: A new plan.

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"The creation of the Saviour. The fifth in his rank, other siblings were disabled..." "I don't know them so that make it a little bit better. Still can't believe the saviour created me." "Well you really carry his trait in you." "Now thinking about it, maybe a trigger activated, i don't have a passionate desire for perfection any longer." "Maybe there is more, let find more books." The saviour isn't eternal and he created countless of vessal to remain as a youth, he considers youth is the perfect time to exist and his vessal all in the age of 20. All of them is prepared to become him or at least that is his intention until the day the light cut through the sky and it takes the saviour along with it. And then his vessal still remain and from those vessal WORLD used them to re-create the saviour with their desire to bring glory back to Altoris. "So everything is clear, you are not even a leader." "I am a puppet with the role of a leader." "You are young, you live in a realm of dream and that is the reason why you can't make a decision..." "That is the reason why i follow their suggestion." A conductor, controlled like a puppet so in the end, every pieces is filled in their spot, time is a cruel force that corrupt man. And that also applied to those who chase perfection, with poverty and desire for a life with fulfillment, they used the idea of perfection to manipulate people of the city. And when the conductor get a small grip upon his power he banished them with the support of the people. This also let that organization know they can't control Orcress and finally after that war finished, they imprison him in his own house. And today is the day for him to escape with two guards in charge of guarding him are loyal to him, he makes an escape attempt. I do really want to work with him after the truth is revealed but convince everyone especially the Savant will be very difficult. "Your arm, do you still feel pain ?" "Sometime, maybe losing a part of your body really leave a message in your mind." "I just supress those pain by painkiller but i stopped since the medicine will be less effective so it doesn't matter." "Maybe you should learn more about your thaumaturgical talent." Learning is a process, the conductor learn about compassion while i learn about how to use my talent, no one finding me but it isn't strange since it only a few hours, maybe they want to give me time. Tomoe doesn't speak or giving me advice, maybe he still feel guilty about using that arm to appear but i don't care about that any longer. Still, losing an arm mean i can't perform any complicated operation, but i am old so let just sit back and guide the new generation is a better choice. Orcress's teaching is at least useful, the pain can be relieved with thaumaturgy i don't have to think about that pain and for three hours in this place, i can't feel that pain. Orcress's power is psychological so it should make sense. "So you are here." "That voice..." "Father, why are you here ?" "I guess i should apologize first because of the memories i just got back the moment i see you Conductor... or should i say Orcress." "You are..." "The moment i got my memories back i know my mission. I will explain everything to the Savant." "But explain to me, who are you ?" "Yes, i should explain that. Allow me to use my true clothing first, these won't work since explaining with it will be hard to believe." The butler gives Korvos his clothing and after a few minutes, Korvos appear in front of us with new clothing. He wears a long black coat, a khaki pants and a button up T-shirt. Everything looks brand new and even the temperature is quite cold but he seem fine with his current clothing. Current Korvos look like someone come from the city but even with a change of clothing and a pair of glasses, he is still remain as the gang leader and a father to me. "As you expect, my real name isn't Korvos but Ardelad, an agent from an organization acting as observer - Greenwich." "Greenwich ?" "Our job is keeping the stable state of every dimensions, and our council decided Altoris fall on the other category." "So what will you do ?" "For now, our organization can't do anything, there is something that blocked the connection of this dimension to every other dimension. I can't communicate with other members and master Gold still find a way to enter this dimension." "I remember now, WORLD operate behind my back, maybe they built some devices that can block the intrusion from other dimension." "We should return to discuss with other in the Haven." "I think i will stay here, you two go ahead." "You have to come with us, if you live here, WORLD will come and find you again. Then this escape plan will be for nothing." "It is fine, you sacrificed and you trust me, the best i could do is buying sometime, the moment they arrive this mansion, i will bury them along with everything in this mansion alive." But look at him i saw something else, i saw fear, that is the fear of facing the consequence, that war brought far too many pain, i can forgive the Orcress because i am no longer feel anything but pain. But how about other, the Savant won't forgive him and the people of the Haven will act the same, but leaving him in the mansion won't be a good plan either. As for Korvos, is he even the same Korvos as i remember ? After getting back all of his memory will he remain by my side or focus on his mission. Brought him back to the city could bring more harm than good since people might be divided because of this incident but leaving him here isn't a better choice since the city can use the dead as puppets so it doesn't matter if Orcress is dead or alive to them. But then again something that i don't expect happen, Korvos or right now i should call Ardelad lift me up and carrying me on his shoulder. So i can relieve a little bit, Korvos or Ardelad, they are still the same person, my father, the one who i really care about. To my surprise, he also carry Orcress even that against his will and we leave the mansion, treading through snow and we reached the Haven. "Higeki, you are back... And these two are ?" "You don't know, but please i want everyone to remain calm and do not try to attack or letting your emotion control." "Alright, we promise." "I will trust everyone for now... this is the conductor or his real name, Orcress and the other person is Korvos." I know, even when i tell them to stay calm and do not let their emotion control them, all that was for nothing, the person in front of them is the leader of the organization that killer their teacher, also their father. They are filled with rage and then i see Xi step up from his seat and walk up to us, he walks pass me and then he fixs Orcress's clothing. After that, he raises his hands and slap Orcress, he is filled with rage but i sense something else, and that is the moment he asks Orcress a question that show everyone knows what they are doing. And most of all, they know who is the true enemies. "All those years of torment and acting like a puppet, how do you feel ?" They know everything, they know his torment, his pain, his humiliation, live like a puppet. I saw connection between two people and more than that, a connection between an organization and a person, almost like they are welcoming him. And for the first time, i see Orcress burst into tears, he cried and he can only cry, the pain in his heart, the humiliation carved into his form, he have to endure all those humiliation and he doesn't even speak a words. He just cry and let all that pain formed into tears and then he just faint maybe because he cries too much that he was exhausted, even in his slumber, he still sobbing. "We won't talk about him, from Theta's report we already know what is happening, we don't talk about this so the war can be an eye opener to Orcress." "So all that sacrifice..." "We waited, all those people who fall you see are illusion, you are the only one who sacrificed that day. That sacrifice isn't included in my calculation." "But what about now, what should we do now ? Should we continue with our plan or should we continue with that plan to live in peace ?" "No, i am sorry to disappoint you Higeki, we still want vengeance. And i know, you also want to reach that blue star and save your creator. Judging by the way Orcress act, my prediction is he doesn't know about that." So we discussed a new plan, but there have to be a reason for people to stand up and fight, a reason for people to fight, a way to rekindle their fighting spirit. And there must be a way to let everyone know about Orcress, but no one know about the true face of the Conductor so that can be something need to be worried about later. The city leaders should start their search for him right now, and they will be here, maybe insult and laugh at us for a while for our failure but simply that is an illusion. Right now, we can laugh and mock them back but what should we prepare for future, but for now we will do what we can do best, we wait in the shadow for a chance to strike back.
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