Chapter 4

2048 Words
As soon as the bell ring, I was snapped out of the trance. I didn’t expect to meet my mate so soon. Especially without a wolf to point him out for me. I couldn’t deny the strong pull towards him. It was addicting. Everything about him was addicting. The way his pants hung to his body...  ‘f**k’  I needed to get these thoughts out of my head... I picked a seat furthest away from him, but he seemed to be getting angrier by the second. Luckily there wasn’t any students in the class to witness what had just happened. A tall dark haired lady walked into the class. “Everyone please sit down...". Then her eyes landed on my mate who was still standing... "Mr. Black that goes to you too.” Black? As in Adrian Black? Alpha to the most feared pack in all the world was my mate?  ‘Oh no" His eyes never left mine. I tried to distract myself from his piercing gaze, but nothing could save me in this moment. A few members from my pack were enrolled in this class. The tension in the air was starting to become too much to handle. From where I was sitting, I could see my fellow pack members became stiff knowing their future Luna was in close proximity to a rival packs alpha. While I was too deep in thought, one of my favorite people walked into the class, James Lopez. James is our pack betas son. The second our mother introduced us to him we all became fast friends. In our little group, it’s Scott, Steven, James, Carly, Lewis and last but not least your very own, skyler A.K.A. me. Carly is a daughter of a warrior wolf that was ordered to guard my mother and I everyday, but it soon began to be daily play dates. Carly’s mother would bring her along to keep me company. I was constantly around boys which I didn’t mind, but I was glad to have another girl to help me  balance the testosterone and have another girl to talk to. She then became a permanent member to our little squad. Lewis is the son of our packs third in command. The third in command is supposed to be the Luna’s number one protector, but my mother and Lewis’s father were best friends. After we were introduced, we became joined at the hip. All of us were constantly together. We were so inseparable that our pack decided to give our little group a name. We’re called the silver six.  As soon as James and I made eye contact, I knew he was going to do anything in his power to sit next to me.  'Crap' Although James and I grew up together, James began to see me a little more than just a best friend. Of course, his affections towards me were always in secret because of my overprotective brothers. Whenever James would make a flirty comment towards me, my brothers would go into a rage. I also never returned his affections. I never had the same feelings as he did. I saw him walk in my direction, and my thoughts went to my mate who was sitting across the room. Since he first saw me, he never took his eyes off me. When James started to get closer to me, I made the mistake to look at my mate. His eyes showed pure hatred towards James. Low growls could be heard coming from his side of the room. I lowered my gaze to his hands, and he was gripping the desk with so much force it looked like it would break.  “Get out of my seat”, said James to the wolf who was seated next to me. I turned my gaze towards the situation before me. The student lowered his neck in submission and grabbed his stuff to sit somewhere else. I didn’t like when people would use their authority to get what they wanted from others, so I shot James an ugly look.  “What?”, said James with a questioning look on his face.  “You know exactly what”, I said in response.  “I wasn’t going to sit on the other side of class when you’re here.”  I rolled my eyes and sunk into my seat. I could feel Adrian’s eyes still on me. I know that James noticed too because he was shooting daggers at him. I tried to remain calm and focus on the teachers words.  As soon as the bell rang, I ran for the door as fast as my legs could take me. I could hear James calling me in the distance, but I didn’t care. I needed to get far away from my so called ‘mate’ who was pushing people out of his way to get to me. I was faster though. I didn’t realize where I was going till I finally calmed down and looked at the dark hallway before me. This part of the school looked as though it was in the process of being remodeled. There were doors leaning against the wall and paint everywhere. I was too engrossed in my own thoughts to have noticed the rail that closed this whole section off to the rest of the student body. I was about to turn on my heel to leave when I heard them.  A group of wolves from the WarBlack pack coming my way. I didn’t know the school well enough to know all the exits. There’s no way out. I promised to be on my best behavior, and they were about to make me break it.  Fuck.  The group of wolves were mixed with boys and girls. The looks on their faces brightened when they saw me all alone.  “Well if it isn’t Skyler McCall. You’re a long way from home”, said one of the boys who were standing in the middle.  “This is my home now, so you can like it or just shut up”, I fired back in response.  “Oh, sweetheart... we don’t like it one bit, and we’re here to show you just how much you’re not welcomed here...”, they all silently agreed in unison.  One of the female wolves lunged at me, and I turned my body to avoid her hands. My turn was so effortless that the group seemed displeased. Another male decided to join in. It seemed their fighting was in sync. If they weren’t trying to hurt me, it would’ve been something amazing to watch. As both wolves would swing, I would avoid all shots without throwing any of my own. I wanted to try not to break my promise to my father. I would duck or move out the way of their claws and punches. Since it was starting to get pretty boring, more started to join in. I was being attacked by all sides, and there wasn’t anyone I could call. I would avoid any hit the group would try to inflict, but then I felt it.  Pain  Excruciating pain I clutched my head as if my life depended on it. It was excruciating. I was distracted for only a moment... That was all they needed... I was being hit by every angle. Between punches and scratches, I would try to block them, but it was too late. Another wolf grabbed my hair and banged my head on the cement wall. This only made the pain in my head so much worse. It was becoming too much to handle... I was bloody from head to toe, but the pain that they inflicted was nothing compared to the searing pain in my head. Finally having enough of the pain, I screamed. Not because I was afraid. I just couldn’t swallow my cries that were being cause by my head.  My scream made the wall tremble. The nearby windows broke into pieces. I knew my brothers would hear me and come guns blazing. I didn’t care. I was in too much pain to care. As soon as I stopped screaming, I opened my eyes to see the group of wolves cowering in fear. Some of the male wolves peed their pants while others ran away. The pain in my head was gone as if it never existed. Although I was hurt, I felt better almost like the missing piece has finally came home. I was too deep in thought to notice my brothers running at the speed of light with James, Lewis and Carly by their sides. As soon as I saw them, my body began to fail me, and I fell. I couldn’t hold myself up any longer. Steven caught me before I could hit the ground. Scott looked over my body and his eyes went red. I could see the anger coming out. I raised my hand to soothe him, but I was too weak. While the others surrounded the other wolves, Steven picked me up and started to run. I turned back to see all my friends and brother beat the crap out of the remaining wolves. Before I knew it, I was being dragged to the nurses office, who luckily was also a werewolf.  Steven was too lost in thought, so I decided to clear the air. “Steven, I’m fine I promise. Please go make sure we don’t go to war because of it. I’ll be fine I’m with the nurse now.”  “I won’t leave you”, he responded. I looked him in the eye, and I could tell how worried he is. My brothers may be many things, but their love for me always comes first.  “I promise you on the moon goddess that I am fine. Go and stop them before they kill them.”  “They deserve to die for what they did to you! I would rip out their f*****g throats!”  “Brother....” I said in almost a whisper. “Please... for me.”  I knew that’s all I needed to say for him to give in. Before he stood up, he looked me in my eye trying to find any objections to his leaving, but I showed him none. He walked out the door after giving me one last look. The second that door closed I heard him run. Probably to get back to me faster, but it didn’t take long before I got another visitor...  The door swung open and there stood my mate. He looked as if he had been in a fight of his own. His hair was ruffled. The shirt that clung so tight to his body was now in shreds. I lowered my gaze down to his hands, and the knuckles were red with blood and bruised. The way he was looking me had me feeling uneasy. When he first entered the room, his eyes were filled with nothing but worry and concern, but the second his eyes landed on me they turned dark. I knew he was looking at the blood I was covered in. Although I heal quickly, the scratches and cuts were still visible. The tinier injuries healed almost immediately, and the dried blood was the only proof of it existing.  “Did my pack do this to you?” His voice sounded so beautiful and manly. I couldn’t bear it. I looked away almost immediately which only made him step closer. I looked up to match his gaze and replied, “Yes. Th- they wanted to show me just how welcomed I am here.” His face showed no emotion. I couldn’t read him which only infuriated me more. He took one hard look at me and walked out the door.  What have I gotten myself into?
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