Chapter 5: Wanting Her

1636 Words
-Angela- My brother was right there as soon as I entered the castle behind Lucian, and he hugged me tightly, making it impossible for me to breathe, but honestly … I didn’t care. I felt so safe once I was in his arms, and I started to cry since I had missed him so much. He pulled back a little and put me down on my feet before wiping my tears away. I could see the big smile on his lips, but they did nothing to hide his concerned eyes. Then Kate appeared, hugging me with one arm while holding her son at the same time. She presented me to him after she pulled back, but I didn’t even get a chance to hold him … No, something was distracting me from all the questions and the hugs and greetings … What was that smell? Something … musky or like spices. It had my head spinning and for a moment it was like I couldn’t focus on anything else. I just had to find the source of it. I had never tried scenting anything like this before, and then a small gap formed in the big crowd. My heart started to beat faster, while I felt strangely hot all over. My skin suddenly itched from my clothes, and I wanted to whimper from the hungry look this magnificent male was shooting me with his yellow eyes. “So, this is the famous Angela,” he said. His deep and warm voice went straight to my core, making it tighten with need, and it was like he knew what was going on with me. Mate! Oh f*ck me … Yes please! I gulped, my wolf already planning on ways we could get him alone, so he could mate with us good and hard, until there was no doubt that we were his. A smile spread on his lips, and he seemed to have a look in his eyes that held dark promises … promises of fulfilling my every need. And I would let him. He was something out of a movie. The sharp lines that formed his face, his intense yellow eyes, the short blond hair standing a little in the front, and the dark blue suit he was wearing fit him perfectly and he emanated power. Power and, to me, safety. In a way, I found myself wanting to run right over there and have him hug me close to his body while telling me everything was going to be alright. Maybe he would even growl a low, deep tone, that would make me feel all centered and good again. Chris had done that when I had been a kid and fallen down and got hurt, but I didn’t want it from my brother. I wanted it from this intense and intimidating alpha, who apparently was my mate. F*ck, this was not the time! “She isn’t for you,” my brother growled at him, shielding me from his eyes. “No?” he asked. “No!” I was actually a little happy my brother got in the way. I could breathe a little easier, now that his intense eyes weren’t on me. Luckily, the king soon interfered. “Maybe now we can continue the meeting while Angela gets settled,” he said. Meeting? Who was this alpha even? He had yellow eyes … eyes like the king. “Hunter?” he said after the male hadn’t answered. Wait a minute … Hunter … Oh no … No, no, no, no, he couldn’t be my mate! No, Hunter Dayton had done nothing but cause trouble, not just for my brother, but for everyone here, and he … he was my mate! This was so wrong. Did the Goddess have some kind of sick sense of humor? I wondered, as I reached out and grabbed onto my brother’s shirt. He placed his arm around me from behind, holding me close. I both hated and liked that I was here. I didn’t want Chris to get hurt. I couldn’t be the reason for his son not having a father, but at the same time I was so happy to feel his protective arms around me. “Hunter?” the king called for a second time. I looked around my brother, seeing his yellow eyes once again land on me before he finally turned to the king. “Yes. Let us continue,” he said. I swallowed hard, as I watched the king and most of the males disappear except my brother, who turned around smiling reassuringly at me, and then pulled me with him to get me settled. Lucian stayed back as well, following right behind me. -Hunter- We were back in the king’s office again, but this time I had something else in mind. Stunning Angela. One look from her and I had stopped breathing, the world didn’t move any longer, and all I saw was her. So, this was what it meant to find your mate, I thought. I had never believed it could truly be so powerful, but in an instant everything in me shouted to claim her as mine, making sure no one else would ever get the chance to do it, but I didn’t just want my mark on her or fill her with my c*m until she was pregnant, like I had originally planned for my future mate. No, I wanted to own her. Possess her even. I wanted her to be just as hungry for me as I was for her. I wanted myself to be her only thought, and when I would have time to mate her again. Sh*t … I was f*cking hard. My c*ck was painfully throbbing, just wanting to be buried deep inside her. I had to do everything I could to focus, as I sat in front of the king, even if I wanted to storm out of this meeting, find Angela again, and then have her however I could. Whether that was standing, sitting, or lying down, I didn’t care. We didn’t even have to take the time to get naked … or she did, because I wanted to see all that was mine and all that would be marked by me. Focus! “I am sorry for all the things that have happened, but I am ready to listen to your demands now,” Valerio said. I just slowly nodded, no longer in the mood to play games. “Good, because they have changed.” “Changed?” he asked. “I want the little female. Angela.” Everyone went dead quiet, and I knew even my own men were confused, but I also knew even if I stated I was her mate, they wouldn’t let me get close. Chris had already shown me that he was not letting go of her, and no one here trusted me. The only way to truly have her would be to cash in that favor, even if it meant I had to deal with Cross myself. “I am not sure I heard you right,” the king said, almost giving me a chance to take back my demand, but I didn’t. “You heard me,” I said. “Hunter,” he growled deeply. “Why suddenly the change?” “I don’t have to explain myself to you,” I said. “Remember? Whatever I want, whenever I want.” “This is more complicated,” he said. “Because she is Chris’s sister?” I asked. “No, because her f*cking father kidnapped her after Chris refused to bow to him and let him take my mate away. Connor will come for her. Without a doubt.” “Even more the reason to give her to me,” I said. “How so?” “Connor already cornered you once, and it is not hard to figure out that Angela would run to her brother. Who else? So, give her to me. I will take her back with me. He won’t expect that, and I certainly have the means to protect her from him,” I told him. “He has no real power on that side of the water.” The king glanced at the rest, and I knew he could see reason in my words, yet he was still conflicted and confused as to why I wanted this. “Someone get Chris …” It was Evan who left, shooting me a hard glare, as he walked through the door to get Angela's brother. The king turned back to me. “He will kill me for this,” he said. “I don’t believe he will. Not when he hears just how good a plan this is.” The king tapped a finger against the armrest on his chair, as his yellow eyes watched mine. “You certainly know how to f*ck with people, don’t you?” he asked. I smiled a cruel smile. “One of my specialties,” I told him. The door opened behind me, and Evan and Chris arrived together with Lucian, and they all placed themselves further inside the room, so they could see me better. I just glanced at them, smiling a little. “What is going on?” Chris asked. The king sighed but did not look at him, as he explained my demand. “Hunter has asked me to hand over Angela, as the favor I owe him.” “What?!” Chris yelled, reacting exactly how I had expected him to. “You can’t be serious?!” I just turned my head and nodded calmly. “I am.” “And what gives you the f*cking right to demand my sister for yourself?!” he growled. “I am her mate.”
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