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Darren and I just sat on his bed watching CinemaSins. My stomach growled and I turned to grab the box of pastries and I got out my lobster tail. I was about to take a bite when Darren asked. “Can I have a bite? What is that?” Scooting slightly closer to me. “I asked you if you wanted-” I rolled my eyes. “I’m all set now, nevermind.” Darren cut me off. “I was joking babes, take a bite.” Offering him the treat. “Babes?” He asked teasingly coming closer once more. “You’re not special I call everyone babes. This is my favorite pastry. It’s called a lobster tail and it has cream inside the flaky deliciousness.” I held it up for him to bite it, “And don’t force it cuz I’ll really beat your ass.” I gave Darren a pointed glare, he either didn’t care about my threat or he didn’t hear me because he just shrugged again trying the lobster tail. I pull back and watch his face. “Do you like it?” I ask beginning to eat my pastry. “Yea, it’s good, can I have some more?” “You can have the creampuffs, cause I knew you were gonna ask.” Darren gave a sheepish smile and grabbed the large creampuff. “Thanks, Kal,” we turn our attention back to the screen and I smile softly at Darren’s smile, but I noticed a little patch of white on his face. “Darren you have a little something on your face.” I say watching as he moved his finger all around his face, “No, no, no, know what I’ll get it for you.” I sit up, cup his face with my thumb on his face I slightly slide my thumb to wipe his upper lip, “There. Better isn’t it? I don’t know how you didn’t feel that.” I mumble licking my thumb. “I’m going to take a nap. If you feel like I’ve been asleep for too long can you wake me up?” I felt him nod as I curled up and closed my eyes. I was in a goal post surrounded by people with either plain black shirts and dark blue shorts or white and blue shirts with black shorts. Nexis was in the corner and she was someone who was wearing a black tee with dark blue shorts with knee-high black socks and cleats. She was preparing to kick a corner kick everyone was tense and ready to pounce. Finally, Nexis kicked the ball up into the air and everyone was pushing each other. Everyone was calling out that they had the ball in their sights, but I could clearly see the ball being passed and kicked around. Someone tried to kick it into the goal, but I dived onto the ground and caught it by wrapping my arms and body around the ball as I get stomped and kicked until whistles were being blown and people were being pushed away. The referees and my coach ran over to me. “I’m fine. Just a little trampled, but nothing serious.” Coach gave me a quick look over and nodded at my words and nodded her head at the refs. They’re going down. I thought getting up with the help of Coach, she runs off and the refs went back to their positions. I heard claps on the sidelines, but my only focus was on D and Cat, I nodded at Cat to the far left, the other team ran to the far left as I kicked the ball directly to D and she ran all the way to the goal passing it to others and then Yas shot at the goal and goal missed as they dived. My teammates ran back to our side of the field as the other team began passing the ball, my teammates defended and the other team kept trying to shoot but my team kept blocking, before one final time when I got it then, I saw D on the other end, I put everything into this kick, and sent it down to her. She head-butted the ball as it bounced a second time and that was it the refs blew their whistles to signal that the game was over. We could barely contain ourselves when clapped hands with the opposing team, hearing everyone else on the sideline cheering and screaming for us made me too giddy after the high five exchange we all ran to the sidelines where the boys team and the others were standing and cheering for us. We're pulled into a group hug. People are lifting me up, but then I was put down and it got quiet. I'm confused as the crowd slowly backs away, some people had their phones out to record something. "Kal." A voice called me and I turned around, tears gathered in my eyes. Darren was holding a blue poster with the words covered in gold it said, 'It would be my goal to go to prom with you.' He tossed a white clean soccer ball. I turned it around and it said my name in the center with PROM? Surrounding it. "Yes!" Darren comes closer and we hug tightly. "Did you know we were gonna win?" "I was gonna ask you whether you guys won or not. By the way your parents are here." "Parents? You just mean my dad right?" "Nope, look." Darren pulled away and pointed toward my Mom, Dad, and Godmother, around the crowd I could spot my siblings. "How did you? I could kiss you right." I smiled and he returned it as he began to lean down until our lips met. I woke up and felt my back being rubbed. I get up trying to remember where I at then I see Darren and I calm down remembering I was in his dorm. I check the time and it said five-thirty. I should get going. I've been here since twelve. I should get going. "Kalinaaa. You're making me cold." "Darrennn, I'm getting an Uber to go home." "Leaving me alone already? Schedule a Lyft for six instead. I wanna show you something first." I raise an eyebrow at him, but did what he said. I forgot I had Lyft on my phone. I shrugged and ordered it, grabbing my stuff as I followed him out the door.
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