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I swallowed, and pressed the face time button. One ring. Two rings. Thr- "Hello?" Darren asked in a deep groggy voice. Kalina.EXE has stopped working, "Kal what's wrong? Are you ok?" Darren asked as my silence continued. "Yea I'm ok. I'm sorry. I had a dream and I just got out of the shower." I looked away as I talked, I looked back when I heard shuffling. "That's funny because I was dreaming too. It was nice, but did you have a night terror?" "No, quite the opposite. You see I have these dreams and sometimes they act like visions and more and more, they're becoming visions between you and me." I stopped at that and watched his face. It was stoic, but his eyes were shining. Must be from his light or my imagination. "What do you see?" "That was something I hoped that we could talk about in person," I said playing with the ends of my hair. "When?" I almost half expected him to say no. Is that bad? "When you're free." "Tomorrow. In my dorm." That's why I hoped he said no. "I've got nothing to do anyway," I say shrugging. "I know you don't that's why I said tomorrow." Darren laughed and I rolled my eyes. I grab some clothes and put them on as I climbed under my bed's sheets as the two of us talked softly as the night progressed. ~~~~~~~~ I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep and I was surprised to hear snoring coming from my phone and I realized that Darren was also asleep on the phone. That is too cute. I took a screenshot then pretended to be asleep just in case he woke up. Why am I like this? I hang up and look around my room, stretching I get up and head to the shower. After my shower, I felt my head to style my hair when I realized I still had the cloth that I used as a headband in my hair last night, and this morning. How spaced out am I? s**t. I take it off and sigh. I put on a teal cropped long-sleeved hoodie and black high-waisted jeans. I pull my hair in a messy bun and pace. I don't know what time I'm supposed to go to Darren's dorm. Should I text him? No, he's probably sleeping still. He was asleep when I hung up, right?! Was he faking? What if he was, he might think I'm weird. What- A million thoughts were running through my mind. I was nervous and scared. I was starting to overthink and it was worse because I knew that I was overthinking that's the problem with overthinkers, they know when they're overthinking, they just can't stop it when they start. I wish there was a sign of some sort. And just like that the universe finally threw me a f*****g bone and once more my phone vibrated. It was from Darren. He was saying to come over whenever, and that to let him know when I was close to text him so we could walk to his dorm. Darren must be a telepath or something because whew! I'll leave around 12:30 gives me plenty of time to go and come back home safely. I check the time and it reads 11, I didn't wake up as early as I thought I did. I could walk to Ashmont that's what I'll do, walk to Ashmont then catch, wait how the f**k do I get to Lowell? I did a quick search, Time to head to Harvard Square and get an Uber, why am I like this? I silently cry to myself. I walk downstairs and there's breakfast on the stove with a little note. Hey, Kalina, I had to go to work, don't know when your Father will return. Text or call if you're leaving the house. Love you. No parents once again, I'll text them when I actually leave the house and send them a picture when I get to Harvard Square to show I actually left the house to do things. Well not do, cause I'm not doing Darren, I'm going to visit him. Yep! Jesus, I need to stop overthinking. I shook my head and began eating my breakfast. ~~~~~~~~ I love it when I tell my parents that I left the house they laugh at me. I know I don't leave the house often, but s**t give me credit when credit's due. I huffed as I walked around Harvard Square to Mike's Pastry. If I'm down here might as well get some s**t, should I ask Darren if he wants anything? I am going to visit him, it wouldn't hurt to ask. So that's what I did, I asked him if he wanted anything from Mike's Pastries he said no, I grabbed something extra just in case. I called my Uber silently crying at the cost of it. ~~~~~~~~ "Darren!" I yelled as I exited and thanked my Uber driver as they left. "I see you got money like that to be whipping around in Ubers day after day." Darren teased. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but come on show me around!" "Gladly." He said as he led me around campus showing me where he goes to class and what classes they offer. The campus was huge. A place where you couldn't really get bored or tired of. He even showed me the field and there were people practicing. "That's was amazing!" I excitedly said as he led me to his door room. As we walked I noticed a couple kissing couple and my face burned at the sight and walked faster behind Darren. It felt like an eternity to reach his dorm room, but alas he opened his door to his dorm room, "Welcome to my home." Darren said as he let me into the room. It was a pretty big room, his bed was tucked away in a corner, and it was a queen-sized bed with a lot of pillows, there was furniture around the room and decorations hanging up (A/N: I'm being really lazy on my descriptions. I'm sorry.) Darren climbs onto his bed while I stand awkwardly. "What are doing? Come on sit down get comfortable." Darren ushered me and I put my pastry box down on his table and took off my sneakers and joined Darren on the bed sitting in a curled-up ball.
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