Chapter 50

910 Words

Chapter 50It was nearly 4:00 a.m. when Fred picked up the phone beside his bed. He abhorred being awakened in the middle of the night, but he knew Mark would be the only agent who would allow himself to call him. “Okay, I know it’s you; so let’s have it,” he growled, wiping his tired face with his hand. “We’ve got a problem, Chief,” Mark said hurriedly. “We’ve got another agent on the ground.” “What on earth?” Fred hollered, pushing back the covers and sitting on the edge of the bed. “We’re wondering if that new deputy director has sent some reinforcement down here.” “Not to my knowledge, he hasn’t. I haven’t talked to the man in days. According to Billycan, and as I told you, he was trying to send both Foster and Lypsick to never-never land.” “That must be it then,” Mark interrupted

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