Chapter 18

327 Words
Chapter 18Talya’s weakened condition showed when she and Aziz arrived on the island. Although her racing wheels were doing most of the work, she felt her strength leaving her as every minute passed. Aziz had seen this before. Following months of inactivity, she had made demands on her body to which it was not prepared to respond. In less than 72 hours, Talya had resumed a great deal of activities and her muscles were screaming for help—and food. “Can we stop?” Talya asked, as they were half way up the hill leading to their B&B. “Sure. Why don’t we have a bite to eat? The restaurant is open. Maybe a large brunch...? What do you say?” Talya looked up at him and smiled. He always knew what she felt and what she wanted. “Good idea! Let’s go.” She put her chair in motion again and they turned into the terrace fronting a little house. She skirted the patio and rolled down to the entrance at the side of the establishment. Aziz opened the door for her, walked in and dropped his shoulder bag near a table. Talya manoeuvred the chair in front of it and took off her jacket. The waitress was already at her side, helping her out of it. “Would you like some coffee?” She smiled at the two people in turn. Talya looked up at her, thanked her and handed her jacket to Aziz. “Yes,” she added, “and some eggs Benedict for me...” She looked at Aziz. “Oh and some fruit, and maybe...” He took her hand. “Let’s see how you’re doing with that for now..., okay?” Talya nodded. “And for you, sir?” the young woman asked, pen poised on her order pad. He let go of Talya’s hand, grabbed the menu quickly and ran his eyes down it. “I’ll have bacon and eggs, pancakes and strawberries.” “Toasts with that?” “No, thanks.” As the waitress retreated, Aziz noticed that Talya’s hands were trembling. She had them folded in her lap and was looking down at them. “Do you want to go home?” She shook her head. “No, no. I’m just cold..., maybe...” “Okay, let’s wait until you get some food in you.”
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