He wants us dead

1084 Words

After a while, when Haran had asked and they had pointed him to Jeremy's house he arrived there as he walked up to the door post. He knocked twice then waited for sometime. "Who is there?" He heard the voice of an elderly man as he opened the door. "Good day Sir," "Good day, who are you and how may I help you?" The old man asked curiously. "I don't know if i am in the right place but i am looking for a young man who bears the name Jeremy, do you know him?" The elderly stared a little longer as he noticed Haran's impatience. "Why are you searching for him?" Haran was not sure what to reply but he thought that if Gath had sent him to Jeremy, that would mean that they must be trustworthy to each other. "I brought a message to be delivered to him, by someone," "What message, is th

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