Rescue mission

1333 Words
"Kyle," Stephen called to have his attention as Kyle looked at him. "We can do this," "Right," Kyle exhaled softly. "For our friends," he said to Stephen in order to stir up some courage. "Let's hurry so that we don't lose them," Stephen said to him as they walked into the tunnel. "Slowly, I don't think we will want to attract any attention," he looked back at Kyle as they kept moving forward. "Goodness, this tunnel is unending," Kyle whispered to Stephen as he chuckled lightly. "I'm also getting tired Kyle," he replied. The more they moved forward the deeper they went underground as they finally arrived at the  end of the tunnel which opened up to an extremely large underground cave filled with thousands of orc's. They made their way out of the tunnel as they hid behind a medium rock. "This place is like a whole new world," Kyle said to Stephen as he glanced out through the side of the rock then sighted them carry the prisoners through a different direction.  The place was noisy as it was filled  with orc's moving about and most of them were causing riot and fighting just as any normal orc would behave. "Stephen," Kyle touched him slightly on the shoulder's Stephen  turned his  towards him. "I know where they went."  "We can't go after them," Stephen shook his head like he was about to give up. "We won't make it, the orc's are much." He continued as Kyle shifted his gaze behind him and his eye's made contact with a large empty box not quite far from where they were. "I think I have an idea," Kyle said as he paused. "What is it?" Stephen asked then turned backwards when he figured out Kyle was staring at the box. "No way," he shook his head in disagreement. "There is no way we are using that box." "Yes we are," Kyle looked at him.  "We will move slowly, in a way that no one will even recognise us," he replied to convince Stephen as Stephen turned back at him. "What are you thinking," he asked immediately he noticed the weird smile on Kyle's face. "I don't know," Kyle  said, then shifted his gaze back at the box. "Follow me," he continued as they crawled quickly towards the box. They were able to get past the orc's since the orc's  paid no attention to them as they made their way towards the direction the orc's  took the prisoners.  "Here, this was the place they passed through," Kyle whispered to Stephen as they hurriedly took off the box they paced over themselves, quickly making their way towards that direction. "Please not another tunnel," Kyle groaned. "Quick," Stephen whispered as Kyle  followed him. The second tunnel was not as distant as they expected. They made their way through then entered another  large underground cave where they kept the prisoners. "Goodness," Kyle exclaimed as his eyes came in contact with a large number of prisoners locked up in the cages. "Unbelievable Stephen." "Kyle," Stephen whispered as Kyle looked sideways then realised Stephen was no longer there.  "Kyle," Stephen called again in a whisper as Kyle shifted his gaze towards his right then figured out he was hiding behind another rock. Kyle looked forward as his eye's made contact with one of the orc's then turned quickly towards Stephen who was giving him a sigh with the movement of his hand when he noticed the orc was about turning towards him "Come over here," Stephen whispered again as Kyle hurried towards him then hid behind the rock. "What were you thinking," he said angrily. We remained quiet for sometime as Stephen finally spoke up again. "I think we figured out where they keep the prisoner's after all, so what do we do now?" He whispered to himself. Kyle heaved a sigh then called Stephen to have his attention as he looked at him. "There are about twenty cages here with not more than fifteen orc's," Kyle hesitated for a while. "Karen, Bonny and Albert are being locked up inside the eleventh cage towards our right with all the other prisoner's they brought today," he said as Stephen widened his eyes in surprise.  "How did you get all that information if I may ask?" Stephen said to Kyle with an intense look of curiosity. "Let's just say I figured it out," Kyle replied with a deep breath following. "Right," Stephen shifted his eyes back to the prison. "How do we get them out of that cage, in the presence of those monster's?" He whispered. "I have an idea," Kyle replied as Stephen turned back at him again. "I think I'm beginning to like you," he smiled. "So what Is the plan?" Stephen asked curiously. "You see that guy over there," Kyle said as Stephen looked towards the orc's. "The one with the fat belly," Kyle continued as Stephen nodded slightly. "He has the key to all the cages, hanging on his belt or whatever that is, behind him. Can you see it?" He asked as Stephen nodded again. "We have to get the key from him, then wait till they are gone before opening the cages," he continued as he shifted his gaze at Stephen. "What I have no clue about is how we can get the key from him without attracting their attention," Kyle said as Stephen turned towards him again.  "That is a bright idea," Stephen complemented. "Don't worry I'll take it up from here, just leave that to me," he said as he left the rock.  Stephen moved slowly as he made his way in between the first two cages opposite where Kyle was hiding but Kyle was not certain what his plan was. The prisoner's who saw Stephen were about pleading for help as it would have ruined his plan but luckily Stephen gave them a sign not to say a word as they obeyed and held their peace. Kyle looked at Stephen for sometime then shifted his gaze at the orc's as they locked up the prisoners then turned around making their way out through the tunnel. Luckily the fat orc which was holding the key was the last to leave since he was behind.  Kyle looked back at Stephen who was patiently waiting as the orc was slowly approaching where he was. The fat orc was about to pass by as Stephen stretched his hand out, quickly but carefully taking off the keys then moved back in between the two cages.  The orc left through the tunnel but was unaware that the keys to the prison's were no longer with him nor did he show a single sign that someone touched him.  Stephnen was scared that he might be figured out but a few seconds later when the orc's footsteps were no longer heard, the tension reduced as he looked at Kyle.  "We have to be quick Stephen before they realise the key is gone," Stephen said to Kyle as he came out of the place he hid.  The prisoners in the first, second and third cage which saw Stephen earlier began pleading that they let them go, but they made their way first to the seventh cage where their friends were being held captive. "Look, it's Kyle and Stephen," Bonny said a little loudly  to the hearing of Karen and Albert as they turned towards them. Stpehen instructed them to keep their voices down to avoid being heard by the orc's as he quickly opened the cage. The five male captives that were locked up inside the same cage with Karen, Bonny and Albert quickly ran out as they made their way out through the tunnel. They tried to stop them but it was already late as they were all gone. "Those boys are going to create a scene, so we have to leave this place quickly before getting caught," Stephen said as he was about to leave with Karen, Albert and Bonny. 
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