The crooked plan

1157 Words

"Was truly the bearer of the sword," "Is that even to be…? What is there to be tested, if he was a sorcerer he would have been able to know just by looking at him," "Karen is right. If was truly a sorcerer he would have figured out that Stephen is the bearer of the sword," "No guys… it's more complex than you know," no matter how powerful a witch, Wizard or sorcerer is, none of them would be able to know matters pertaining the sword of Devas, that was why the sword was inserted into a stone so that it is only the one capable of taking the sword out of the stone that will be able to weird the sword," he replied as they heard a sound from the protector which led towards the cage where they were kept. "Come on everyone, you all have to stay calm," Daniel said in a low tone and they all he

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