Revolving in circles

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“A job?” Saul looks at the others. “Who in the world would want a job when he had thirty baskets full of food and liberty to move and do as he will?” “Me,” Kyle interrupts him. “A job is worth more than thirty basket full of meals which could last half a month,” “What about your friends, I thought you said you wanted to find them, so now you've gotten a job you will no longer look for their whereabouts, no can you see how quickly it is for people to betray one another?” Kelvin chuckles slightly. “That is obviously where you got it wrong. My job wouldn’t interfere with me finding my friends, rather my kind gesture will be of more advantage,” Kyle replied. Kelvin looked at him with uncertainty as they were all unaware of what he meant by that. ‘Could it be that he had also told some marketers about his missing friends?’ Kelvin thought but still in disbelief he would do such a thing knowing how big a question it will arouse. “Did you tell anyone about your mission, friends?” Felix furrows his eyebrows. “No, I didn’t, I know you guys are curious how I will do it, don’t worry when it is done I will tell you how,” he smiles as he takes up an apple. “First, right now I’m starving so I'd like to have this,” he had a bite of the apple as he walked towards the mat at another corner gently lying down. “You can also have some,” Without further hesitation they all grabbed an apple each as Kelvin took a bite. “Wow, this tastes good,” he comments with a bright smile as Kyle looks at him. “Of course it would, because they were not stolen,” “It's getting dark again and we are still no way close to any vegetation,” Karen wobbled as her feet kept going in and out of the large sands. Sam bent, placing his both hands on his knees as he exhaled sharply then lifted his eye forward again. “I can’t do this anymore,” Albert moved to his side and with another step forward he fell to the floor. “Guys…” Stephen called as Bonny, who was closest to him, turned to his direction. “I think we have a serious problem,” he continued as Sam and the others also looked at him. “Not now Stephen,” Karen mutters “Come on, you all should come have a look, I think we have been walking in circles,” “What? No way that is impossible,” Sam stands erect as him and Karen moves towards the place Stephen and Bonny were. “This was mine, I left it here to serve as a trail in case Kyle was to come after us, we have been walking in circles,” he told them. Karen's eyes springs wide, that was the most horrible thing she had ever heard as her mind couldn’t contain the fact of what he was saying because she was also aware of the time Stephen dropped it. “No way this can't be happening to us,” she whispers as she looks at Sam. “if we continue like this then we will end up turning into skeletons right in this desert, you must do something Sam,” “Every step we take are those Kyle will too,” Bonny mutters to herself then lifts her gaze to Sam. “You are at fault, why did you make us enter here in the first place,” she said angrily to his face as that was also about to stare up anger within Sam but he held it in as they all looked at him. “Fine, you think you can do a better job? If so then you can have it,” Sam takes a step forward to her. “Go on, lead us to safety and I promise to follow you In silence,” The sound of their argument again makes Albert upset as he missed Kyle the most, because if he were with then he would know how to keep the place calm. He gets on his feet as he moves quickly towards them. “Guys!” he screams as they stop, then turns to him. “We should be thinking of what next to do rather than quarreling and bringing up railing accusations, every chic made were not just that of one man but of everyone of us, he didn’t force us to follow him we all made that decision so whether we live or die it was all our making, I choose to live, and I am sure so do you, why then do we keep making ridicules actions?” ‘He sounds just like Kyle,’ Stephen thought with a bright smile on his face as they all kept their gaze on Albert. Sam exhales sharply as he turns again to the other. “Look, I'm sorry this had to happen, and I know how you all feel, so that's why I insist someone else take the lead,” he looks at Stephen. “You are the next person who can be entrusted to do this,” They all looked at Stephen, waiting for his reply as after a while he walked towards Sam as he touched him on the shoulder. “You did good,” he said as they turn again to the others. “First we will have to spend the night here, and tomorrow we will continue. We need our strength in order to make it, but I promise we will make it out of here In two days' time. Deep in the kingdom of Morag, in the great house built by the late king Gandalf as his royal home, within the walls of the building was the queen's chamber decorated with silver and few gold's and hanging by the walls of the room were golden lampstands as the floor was furnished with worm costly rug and on the high foamy bed lay the queen a beauty in a royal apparel as her hair was placed on a soft pillow while her only son Author Gal sit beside her, holding her both weak hands in his as his eyes were on her.
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