Looking back...

418 Words
He smiled as I walked toward him. As I went nearer, his face grew brighter, as he was seeing someone special. Well, of course! Obviously, me! I rushed toward him and hugged him tightly like we have not seen each other for years, though it was only for a couples days. He patted my head gently. "Miss me?" He asked. I pushed his chest playfully. "Well, you're the one who looks like an i***t when I rushed to you." "Hey!" Though he knew that I threw shade to him, but he smiled, like a little child. Ugh, so freaking cute! We held hands together as he brought me to somewhere. For me, I did not care where we will go, as long as I am with him, no place matters anymore. "So, where do you want to go?" "Eh, I thought you already planned it. You're the one who pulled me around." He chuckled. "I just wanted to hold your hand." Ugh, how can I not love him! . . . I know, I know. I should stop writing now because I finally get what I wanted the most, to be with him. Maybe forever, but for now, to be with him every day, every moment is already enough for me. We are still awkward around each other, but it is okay. Every relationship starts with awkwardness too, right? Still, I cannot believe it, like, I mean, come on? He is the guy that you will assume, the most heterosexual guy I ever have seen, but still, we are together now. Crazy, right? I suppose those days are meaningful to me. The tension, the drama, the accidental-dates, everything that happened, like wow, is it even real? Yeah, yeah, it is real. Those memories are the best things that ever happened to me. Oh, I promise to him that I was supposed to stop writing.  What? No~ He is not mad about me keeping a diary. He just wanted to hear my story from my mouth, not my writing. I think... You know, I might be doing both, talking to him and writing to myself. Just to recap, if he will be away for his studies. I will read every moment that we already did together, simply to feel him by my side. No cringy alert, because this is my story. Ah, I should stop writing for now, cause he is waiting for me at the cafe. Maybe he brings some tulips, my favourite. We are currently going for our...wait, one, two, oh, 42nd dates. I should be ready by now. Oh, you want to know my story? Then, I should open this diary, just for you. 
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