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The group had chosen Governor Usmos to act as moderator, a role that she relished. The politician smiled, wondered if the facial expression meant anything to the Midvalians, and scanned the rest of the table. "Thank you for coming. The opportunity before us is rife with danger for us and those we represent. But there are times when personal concerns must be put aside and the greater good brought to the fore". It was one of the most hypocritical speeches Quinn had ever heard, but well delivered, and consistent with the communications plan that the company's spin doctors had advised. Usmos scanned the faces around her. "I suggest that we establish a culture of openness and trust, by giving brief statements as to what each of us hopes to achieve as a result of this meeting. I will go first... The Confederacy has grown weaker over the last twenty-five years and requires new leadership. I planned to run for President, and might have won, if it weren't for the enemies who framed my son ". Neither Vaano, Ishimoto-Seven, nor Quinn wanted to see Usmos in control of two planets, much less the entire Confederacy, but were confident of their ability to neutralize the politician should that become necessary. The humans smiled, and the Midvalian waved a pincer. "So", Usmos said, pleased that everyone liked her speech, "it's time to hear from the distinguished Senator Vaano... Senator?" When the Midvalian spoke, it was in the form of clicks, twitters, and pops that were translated to rather formal standard by the specially programmed computer woven into the fabric of his cape. The speaker was concealed near his thorax and created the illusion of speech. "Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here. My people have a saying: 'Choose your friends with care and your enemies will disappear.' The proverb must be true, since there's not a hostile antenna in sight". Everyone laughed, including Ishimoto-Seven, who was impressed by the Senator's skill, and wondered what his clone brother Ishimoto-Six thought of the Midvalian. Not that the straight-laced Six knew what his identical sibling was up to, or what have approved of he had. No, situations such as this required imagination, a quality that Six lacked. Vaano waited for the laughter to die away, thought how alien the cackling was, and laid his strategy: Most of the humans he had met were naturally gullible, even more so when told one secret as the means of concealing still another. The politician knew the importance that humans placed on eye contact and looked at the female. Then, having captured her attention, the Midvalian swept his forelegs back along his skull. The sight made her shudder, as he had known that it would, thereby ceding the advantage to him. Having signaled revulsion, she would be forced to signal approval, or risk appearing rude. "So it's my turn, or more properly our turn, since I represent the Midvalian race. Humans are predators, are they not?" "Hunter-gatherers, then predators", Usmos answered cautiously, hoping to redeem herself. "Why do you ask?" "Because every race remains true to what it once was", Vaano said pragmatically. "Take my species, for example... My ancestors were scavengers, carnivores that lived off scraps". "So?" "Scavengers are opportunists... And we still are. Even now, many years after the conclusion of the most recent war, there are worlds bereft of leadership". "Bereft of leadership?", Ishimoto-Seven said cynically. "Or available for the taking?" "They are one and the same", The Midvalian answered easily. "Those who lack the strength to lead will be led. The question is, by whom?" "By those strong enough to take what they want", Luton put in. "And, having done so, to keep it". "Exactly", Vaano replied. "And we have the necessary strength". "And would be free to use it should something weaken the Confederacy", Usmos said thoughtfully. "The governor is very astute", Vaano replied smoothly. "The people of Earth are fortunate". The humans nodded, and the Midvalian felt an overriding sense of satisfaction. He had revealed one piece of information, something that should have been obvious to even the most casual observer, yet concealed the very thing that made it significant. The Midvalian population was about to explode, and needed new worlds to colonize. Information that would have frightened his coconspirators had they been aware of it. Usmos said, "Thank you, Senator", and turned to the clone. "Ambassador Ishimoto-Seven... Would you be so kind?" Ishimoto-Seven forced a smile and wondered how those present would react had they known that with the exception of his immediate supervisor, his entire government was unaware of both his presence and the plot that they were so assiduously hatching. Still, what the clone proposed to do was consistent with his overall diplomatic purpose, which was to participate in negotiations and ensure that Hegemony's interest were accommodated. The Hegemony's real interest... Which didn't always match what some of his superiors thought they were. Seven chose his words with care. "Thank you, Governor. The Hegemony believes in the fundamental rights of Sentients to choose those who lead them, and therefore supports grass roots movement that trend in that direction". Quinn smiled bleakly. "I'm sure the Hegemony supports other ideals as well, including truth, justice, and prosperity for all. Everything except motherhood". Ishimoto-Seven came to his feet. His fingers opened and closed. "I didn't come here to take insults from corporate w****s! Perhaps Citizen Quinn would like to take it outside, where I would be pleased to kick his pompous a*s!" Usmos started to intervene, but Luton beat her to it. His voice was low but carried to every corner of the room. "Stow the bullshit". The room fell silent as the officer stood and clasped his hands behind his back. His eyes were like lasers and probed the faces around him. "Let's get something straight.... Every damned one of you has an axe to grind. Fine. I accept that. But nothing, I repeat nothing, is going to happen unless my people put their lives on the line and manage to win one hellacious battle. "If we survive, if we win, the lot of you can squabble over who gets what, so long as you remember one important fact: We have the weapons, we have the know-how, and we have the final say. Questions? No? Good. Let's put a wrap on this introductory crap and lay some plans".
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