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Captain Tyson Salom broke the corner, saw two energy bolts whip through her peripheral vision, and felt Chief Grinnell jerk her back. "Bad idea, ma'am. They have this corridor sewn up. Where are we headed, anyway?" Salom was grateful for the "we". "The Admiral's cabin. Before they capture is kill him". Grinnell nodded. "Aye, aye, ma'am. Let's try 'B' Corridor". The naval officer followed the NCO back to a passageway labeled "Connector 10" and from there to Corridor "B". A rating raced by. The chief stuck his head around the corner, motioned for Salom to follow, and ran toward the stern. The Admiral's cabin was large enough to have entrances onto both "A" and "B" Corridors. They would enter from the "B" side if the hatch was open. Salom's mind started to race. There was so much to consider... And so much to do. Reach the admiral, secure the bridge, restore discipline. If only... A power tech stepped out of an access hatch, saw Grinnell coming her way, and raised the weapon. It belonged to the second engineer, now lying in a pool of his own blood. The chief saw the movement, shot her twice, and passed without looking. Dead eyes stared up at Salom as the officer leapt over the body. It belonged to a petty officer named Taio. The naval officer nearly ran into Grinnell's back as he skidded to a halt and pointed at a hatch. "That's it, Captain. I'll go high, you go low". The possibility that she should be giving the orders never occurred to Salom. Grinnell had taken part in countless boarding parties during his long service, and she had participated in three. His expertise was superior to hers, and both of them knew it. She dropped into a crouch, and the chief slapped the access plate. Nothing. The CPO looked at her and shrugged. "What now?" "Use my override. Delta-Adam-Frank seven-three-two". Grinnell entered the code into the keypad, raised his weapon, and pushed through the half-open hatch. "Drop your weapons! Place your hands on your heads!" Salom scuttled forward, her weapon held in both hands. Grinnell made a gagging sound and turned his head. The admiral, his flag lieutenant, and the Chameleon's XO had been executed. Not just killed, but dismembered, so that pieces of them were jumbled together. Salom fought to keep her dinner down, turned, and attacked the com panel. "Bridge? Salom here". "Captain?" The voice was filled with relief. "Thank God". "Not quite yet", Salom replied. "Who is speaking?" "Roman, ma'am. Lieutenant j.g." Salom summoned up an elfin face, serious brown eyes, and a gawky walk. The most junior watch officer on board. Two years out of the Naval Academy and on her second ship. "All right, Roman... I need a sit rep... And make it fast". Roman eyes the bridge. Screens had been shattered by the unexpected fusillade of low-velocity bullets. A handful of wires dangled, a short sparked, and fire retardant dripped from an equipment rack. The cause of the damage, one Quartermaster Abino Megan, lay where he had fallen. The machine pistol, obtained by means unknown, had been taped to the bottom of his control panel. Suddenly and without warning the rating had stood, aimed at the OOD, and sprayed the bulkhead with soft-nosed by bullets. The Marine who killed him, a PFC named Lauren, plus two of his buddies, were stationed at the hatch. They had repelled three attacks so far, but were low on ammo. Lauren fired two rounds down the corridor, released the empty mag, and slapped the last one into place. It held thirty rounds. Roman swallowed the lump in her throat. "The bridge is secure, ma'am. For the moment anyway". Salom forced herself to concentrate. There were so many things to think about. "Cut power to all the ship's weapons systems". Roman felt a momentary sense of pride. "All weapons systems secured, ma'am". Roman had kept her head, something Salom would remember. "Excellent. Good work, Lieutenant. How about Engineering?" "They claim to be secure", Roman offered hesitantly, "but I'm not sure that I believe them". "Why not?" Salom asked, glancing toward the open hatch. Grinnell was there, peeking around the corner. "Because the second engineer can't remember which position he played on the academy's powerball squad". Salom was double impressed. "Okay, Lieutenant. The command override is Delta-Adam-Frank seven-three-two. Take control of the engineering systems and lock everyone else out. How about communications? Anything from Fleet? Or NAVOPS?" "No, ma'am. Someone's running a full jam". So I'm not alone, Salom thought to herself. Other ships had been taken. It was a selfish thought, and one of which she was ashamed. Grinnell fired three shots in quick succession. "Time to leave, Captain. They are getting ready to rush us". Roman heard the shots and felt a stab of fear. What if she were left in command? "Ma'am? Are you still there?" "That's a Roger", Salom answered grimly. "Hold the fort, Lieutenant. I'm on the way". * * * General Samson T. Page and his staff wore combat fatigues as they watched the clearly impromptu broadcast cobbled together by a world-spanning association of netheads, ham operators and assorted techno-geeks. They called themselves "Radio Free Earth" but used a wide variety of technologies to broadcast the news. Their latest newscast, anchored by a seventeen-year-old with a bad case of acne, had shown Legion troops marching through South Los Angeles. Snipers had accounted for two legionnaires, and the rest responded with wholesale violence. Five city blocks had been leveled, hundreds had died, and the destruction continued. The officers watched in stunned silence as a Trooper III sent its analog into a shopping mall, and tanks fired on civilians as they tried to escape. That was when the tiny hover cam was destroyed and the teenage newscaster reappeared. He seemed scared but determined. "That's what they did, folks... Here's what they said". A shot of Colonel Luton appeared. Those present recognized it as having been part of a p********a holo aired half an hour earlier. It was fuzzy, but there was no mistaking the words. "You have no reason to fear us. The new government will respect your rights. It's our job to protect you". Page brought his fist down with such force that the 30mm shell casing that served as his pencil cup leapt clear of the desk. "Damn the man! I will see him hang!"
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